The murderer who directly slaughtered the scorpion tribe was killed. Before returning to Yi Qing, the face full of hatred had been calmed down. At least the average person could not see any unforgettable hatred from Yi Qing’s face.

    “Thank you for the admiral, your grace, Yi Qing will not live this life…”Half of Yi Qing’s words, the white eyes in the pupils turned over, and the whole person seemed to have lost support and had to fall to the ground. Fortunately, the cold eye was fast, and Yi Qing was held in his arms, so that Yi Qing would not fall to the sand dunes.

    “You are too tired, the battle has just overdrafted all your strength!”Yi Qing’s body touched his hand, and that even the bones were soft. This shows that Yi Qing’s physical strength has almost exceeded the limit, especially the last Sword Qi. After the first release of Sword Qi, the cold was also sore for a few days to slow down, and the human body was really fragile.

    “It’s okay, Admiral!”Yi Qing was held in his arms by the cold, and his face was red. “Admiral, we will continue to attack the last barracks. Only by completely annihilating this gang, Yi Qing can comfort the spirits of the people.”

    “No, your physical strength has not recovered. Now you can’t go to fight. I don’t allow you to go up and die.”

    “Well, that Yi Qing will take a small break!”Yi Qing nodded shyly.

    “Come on, drink this, feel the body is hollowed out, drink this thing finally.”The cold handed out a bottle of Lushan white flower snake grass water to Yi Qing, I don’t know if you still remember this thing, this is a good thing that can restore the energy of the sword holder. It is an essential artifact in every sword holder’s pocket.

    请指定两种不同的语言Yi Qing shy answered the drink, and then facing the bottle mouth, a small mouth, a small mouth squatting.

    “What, don’t you drink?”I saw Yi Qing’s small mouthful of sip, and asked about the cold.

    “No, it’s good to drink! It’s delicious to die! ”Yi Qing said with tears.

    “If you drink, drink more…”Well, this sentence does not say cold, but the author’s brain is filled up. At this time, the cold and Yi Qing are like a lover who looks like a guest. On the other hand, the acid water in someone’s heart will overflow.

    “adulterer****……”Someone whispered a whisper.

    “What?” Yue Wang, what did you say? ”The hearing of cold is not blowing.

    “Oh, this king is really good, and the Admiral has harvested a beautiful heart.”Yue Wang said that the acidity of the mouth should be less than 3 o’clock, and the dilute sulfuric acid is just that.

    However, since the king of the king said that the beauty, carefully look at it, Yi Qing is more than a handsome fake boy, even worse than Chun Ge’s looks, saying that her beauty is really lifting her up…Especially her chest, reasoning, if Yi Qing’s European faction is slightly ups and downs, the cold will not treat her as a teenager.


    Although the taste of Lushan white flower snake grass water is still to be discussed, but the effect of the sword-recovering body and energy is that it is a lever, Yi Qing has a bottle of belly, the whole person’s state has been much better, taking advantage of this opportunity, solid Han asked Yi Qing a few questions he was very concerned about.

    “Where did you learn the sword of the heart?”The cold-cold is quite curious about Yi Qing’s first-hand skills for the heart. If this is the case, even if it is cold, it will take more than three years to get this.

    “Is this not the Admiral’s adult to teach Yi Qing?”Yi Qing looked up and puzzled and looked at the cold.

    “When am I…”The cold and subconscious want to deny, but he immediately reacted. By the way, before the more than one hundred yuan, Yi Qing was using his own command to pierce the heart. Is this what Yi Qingkou’s own teaching for her? She has reached this point with just a little bit of practice.

    “If there is no Admiral’s adult Yi Qing practicing knife repair skills, Yi Qing is not so skilled, this is the merits of the Admiral adults, Yi Qing must thank the Admiral adults!”Yi Qing’s words affirmed the guesswork of the cold, NND, I can’t think of it. It’s really such a practice that makes Yi Qing’s skills become a sword and a sword.

    “The original cover of the sky is in this practice of “wearing the sword”!”In the purple house, relying on the cold weather, such a sentence emerged through the sword mark.

    “What do you say about “Heart Swordsman”?”The cold immediately asked.

    “You do not know? In the same year, the Emperor of Heaven concealed the Yuanxiao, whether it was the heart of the Yuan or the beast of the beast, or other strange Yuanxiao. As long as they have a heart, then the sky will inevitably kill them with a pierced heart…However, it is not entirely true. There are also some Lanterns who don’t have a heart or a Lantern that has no heart and can’t die. Later, everyone said that “the sword of the heart” was formed by the cover of the sky, but Yi Qing never admitted this. ”

    Listen to the narrative, solid cold said no words, originally in the history book clearly visible, the heroic invincible of the image of the sword Emperor, the whole is overturned, solid cold suddenly for the history of the true cover of the Sword Emperor has a strong interest, he is eager to know, in the shade of the sword emperor behind, exactly what happened. Because there is a feeling of cold, I am afraid that I can’t get away with my family.


    About 30 minutes later, with the help of Lushan White Snake Grass Water, Yi Qing’s physical strength and energy have recovered. The cold decision decided to officially start the Raiders mission for the last Yuanxiao camp.

    After the two wave of willing women high school students commando were eliminated, there were about 50 women high school students left in the camp. In addition, there are five tanks, two infantry fighting vehicles, dozens of machine guns, and a helicopter. Fighting power combined, far more than a hundred people of the German women high school students commando.

    What makes the cold feel strange is that these Lanterns still have such a good combat power, but they don’t care about the death of their comrades. Not only did Yi Qing and the other party fight, but they did not kill. Even if it has been 30 minutes now, they still don’t seem to know that the troops sent out have a complete wipeout, but they are firmly guarding the camp.

    In this regard, there are two kinds of speculations about the cold, or it is that all of these Lanterns have lost their senses and no one is commanding them, and they don’t care about the death of their companions. Either something is hidden in the camp, and the rest of the Lantern must be firmly guarded by these things, so they never leave the camp.

    No matter which guess, the cold must enter the camp to understand the truth.

    At the time of the official start of the attack, Yi Qing was still the first to rush into the camp, but was forced to hold it. Keeping the cold and telling Yi Qing, absolutely do not feel that the world is invincible because a person has solved a unit. The firepower of this camp is much more terrifying than that of the unit.

    It is good to protect the flank of Yi Qing, and the main battle is still done by the cold.

    Although Yi Qing did not agree with this point, but soon, she understood that the decision to fix the cold is correct.

    When the cold began to rush into the camp defense, dozens of machine guns were aimed at the cold and fire at the same time. The crazy shooting rate was even more terrifying than the shooting of a thousand soldiers at the same time. Yi Qing estimates that the cold will be hit by at least 50 bullets per second…Such a terrible injury is where Yi Qing’s personal shield can withstand. In the face of such an attack, in less than seven seconds, Yi Qing will be broken by the shield and then shot and killed.

    Even if it is cold, the energy value of the personal shield is also reduced by the speed visible to the naked eye. If it has been shot by these machine guns, the cold shield will support the one-minute time.

    Fortunately, the cold only needs to support less than ten seconds, ten seconds, the cold has jumped to a position less than two hundred meters from the machine gun position. This distance is already within the range of Sword Qi that can hold the cold.

    Yue Wangjian took out Six Paths Sword Qi, and it quickly smashed the machine gun position in the camp with lightning speed. The women who watched the machine guns also became a bloody paste.

    Without the blockage of the machine gun position, the remaining tanks and armored vehicles are a plate of dishes.

    The cold first sent a Sword Qi to cut the armor of the tank…Compared with Fuso’s Bean Ding Tank, these tank armor, known as the Tiger, is obviously more sturdy. A Sword Qi, which is cold, does not directly penetrate the armor, just leaving a sword mark on the armor with a thickness of 20MM. .

    “It seems that these tanks are at least the soul level Lantern!”It’s too late to look at the information on the personal terminal, but I’ve quietly estimated the level of some of these tanks.

    In the face of the cold, it is a group of colored pens!

    In the eyes that Yi Qing must admire, the cold has completed the killing process like a beautiful dance. Lightly on the hatch of the tank, the hatch is swept out, and then three Sword Qi are sent into the tank. The women’s high school students connected to the entire tank became a bologna.

    The armored car is better to deal with some, directly tearing open the weakest part of the armored armor, rushing in and going back and forth, and the Lantern in it will die.

    Finally, a helicopter that flew in the sky to release air-to-ground missiles and machine guns, and used an Accuracy Sword Qi to cut off its tail propeller…Then it fell on its own, and there was no need to hold the cold. The Lantern and the helicopter inside fell into a meat sauce.

    The whole battle process took no more than two minutes. The cold was completed and the suppression of the entire camp was completed. It was intoxicated by Yi Qing, and such a strong strongman was the man with her Yi Qing.


    In the center of the camp, there is a huge tent, the last force in the camp of the guards around this tent: three rat tanks, and a group of soldiers armed with machine guns.

    However, no matter how good the defense is, there is no use for it. It is easy to fix them.

    “From the perspective of the rigor of the guards, I am afraid that the inside of this tent is the root cause of these Lanterns in the desert!”The coldness is faint, and Yi Qing is hesitant and curious. Could it be that the reason for the destruction of his own tribe is because of the things inside this tent?

    Nothing to say, Gu Han and Yi Qing walked into this large tent together…There is nothing in the whole tent. Only one is bigger than the people. The dark cracks like mirrors are suspended in the void.

    “This is a dimensional crack!”At a glance, I recognized that this is the root cause of bringing Yuanxiao to the world: the dimensional crack.

    “I have heard this name. The old man said that all the Lanterns are from the cracks of the Dimension.”Yi Qing pegged this crack, this is the first time she saw a crack in the dimension that brought destruction to humanity.

    “Strange, why do these Lanterns guard this crack?”Yi Qing asked some questions.

    “It’s very simple. Since ancient times, the Lantern Festival has guarded a small crack in a big way, and there is only one reason to kill all the human beings around…”The cold has been awkward. “This means that there is a Lantern above the level to come to our world.”

    “Yu Yuan Yuan?”Yi Qing was not born orthodox. He did not receive the sword-bearer of the sword-bearer. There is basically no concept of a meta-level Lantern in his mind. Can you help them with the Admiral? ”

    wasChilling and laughing, “We are afraid to escape.”

    Just when the cold said a word escape, this dimension crack suddenly burst into a dark light, and immediately, a blond-haired girl with a dark armor, slowly walked out from the crack of the dimension.

“………………why you……”Chilling up


    “The system prompts: the task has been updated, the task four has been completed, the reason for the occurrence of the Lantern Festival has been ascertained, and the ceremonial alchemist Altolia Black has appeared in this world.”

    “System Tip: Task 5: Escape: Run away, use all your strength and methods to escape to a safe place.”

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