In the view of the cold, when Yi Qing started acting, it was still a bit rough. When the first car drove to the ambushing place of Yiqing, a white iron sword could not wait to jump out, and the wheel of the military truck was a sword.

    Originally, according to the plan to give the cold to Yi Qing, it was to let the white iron find a way to make a car squat unable to act, block the action of the vehicle behind it, and come to an accident such as a serial collision. In this way, the Lanterns who were dizzy because of the accident could not be compiled into a battle queue in the first time, and they gave the opportunity to turn the whole battle into a melee.

    However, Yi Qing’s sword did not stop the first car. The attacked wheel was still on the axle of the truck, but the tire was smashed.

    As a result, the chain accidents that had been expected to stay in the cold did not appear. All the vehicles stopped safely, and then the women’s high school students jumped out of the car and began to form a queue spontaneously, starting with the daring iron. Shooting. If the queues of the soldiers are formed, then the white iron will inevitably be subjected to Accuracy’s volley, and with her ancient sword-level shield, it will not be broken for a long time.

    It can be said that the start of this battle is quite unsuccessful. Soon, the cold has seen the battle mode of Yi Qing. When Yi Qing discovered that Yuan Zhen began to make a queue, she immediately ordered Bai Tiejian to rush to a truck next to him. At this time, there were still five or six women in the truck. The middle school did not get off. They saw the white iron on the train. They started their own rifle and started shooting on the white iron.

    Because the shooting distance was very close, the white iron ate three bullets in the first time, but the extremely slow rate of fire of Mauser 98 determined that these Lanterns could not form an effective fire net for the white iron. The white iron was easy to get close to a woman high school student soldier. The white iron sword in his hand did not attack the female high school student, but he chopped the gun on her hand.

    smartThe cold sighs and sighs, with the attacking ratio of the ancient iron sword level of the white iron, even if the innate swordsman of Yi Qing is more than 3,000 points, in the case of no crit, it is also necessary to kill a rat-level scorpion. However, the firearms in their hands could not bear the three swords of the white iron. Just a sword’s effort, the gun in the hands of Yuan Zhen was directly cut into two breaks.

    In this way, the white iron relieved the attacking ability of these Lanterns in an extremely fast time. The women’s high school students who had no weapons were purely female high school students, and were easily hacked by the white iron. Above the truck.

    However, at the same time as killing the Yuan in the truck, the rest of the car’s female high school students 冦 also completed the team, start to the tin activated shooting on the car, in the first time, tin sword ate no less than 20 rounds of bullets, although playing in the personal shield was bounced, but let the personal shield appeared a tiny crack. Another dozen rounds of volleys, the white iron sword’s personal shield will almost be finished.

    “Back, white iron!”At this time, Yi Qing himself jumped out of the sand, and immediately, the white iron sword turned into light and flew back to Yi Qing’s own hands, becoming a sword form.

    The women’s high school students who were aiming at the white iron volley suddenly lost their goals and seemed to be overwhelmed. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yi Qing jumped onto the boarding pedal of the truck outside the cab, stood on the pedal, and chopped down the door of the cab. When the truck driver was caught off guard, Accuracy pierced her heart.

    According to the rules of the game, if you pierce the heart, temples and the like, there is a great chance of causing fatal damage to the Lantern. Yi Qing’s extremely high congenital swordsman combined with the doubling of fatal injuries, the woman’s high school student’s driver turned white, and fell from the seat, put Yi Qing to the ground and died.

    At this time, the rest of the German women’s high school commando team discovered that the enemy had climbed into their trucks. When they started shooting toward the cab, Yi Qing had stepped on the gas pedal and drove a U-turn of the truck. , rushed toward the formation of the commando.

    “Hell, what is Yi Qing learning to drive?”When I saw the flying truck that Yi Qing opened, the cold was once again shocked. Yi Qing, a child in the desert, should not have the opportunity to get in touch with the truck…Even if there is a wreck of the truck left in the desert, but it is also a wreck, it is impossible to start again. Where did Yi Qing learn to drive? Is it a large vehicle like a truck? Is this the aura of the sword emperor?

    Whether or not the protagonist’s aura is at work, all in all, the truck, under the driving of Yi Qing, directly rushed into the formation of the women’s commando team, and rushed their formation into a smash.

    At this time, it is the best time for Yi Qing to start! Yi Qing also sharply grasped this crucial opportunity.

    In the first time when the truck rushed into the formation, Yi Qing got a beautiful turn from the cab and fell into the queue. The most important thing was to climb up. The sword of the white iron sword Accuracy penetrated into a woman’s high school. The heart, directly killing this Lantern.

    The chaos brought by the truck is temporary, but the chaos brought by Yi Qing into the Lantern Formation is continually chaotic.

    The Lantern soldiers who broke into their own formations were somewhat shackled, because they found that their shooting had a great chance of hurting their own people. For a while, all the gunshots stopped, all The women’s high school soldiers are a bit stunned.

    The Lanterns are awkward, and it doesn’t mean that Yi Qing is also awkward. This is the best chance for her to kill the enemy. The white iron sword in her hand is like a sensitive snake, which can always be Accuracy’s heart into the opponent’s heart. In just a dozen seconds, there were six women high school students who died under the sword of Yi Qing because their hearts were pierced.

    “This is the head!”Seeing Yi Qing’s six consecutive swords, Jian Jian pierced the heart of Yuan Zhen, and hit the commandment, and the cold tongue could not help but sigh. Although Yi Qing’s posture with a sword has been flawed and flawed, it is completely a complete novice. If it is cold and she is against the sword, the cold and confidence will be able to fly away from the white iron sword in Yi Qing’s hand.

    However, the Accuracy and Spicy of Yi Qing’s sword are a surprise to the cold. Her swords are not hesitant, and they send their swords into the heart of each other at the most appropriate time…I don’t have to think about it, I want to sneak into the heart of a moving enemy in a row, which is a horrible Accuracy. The cold weather before the age of fifteenth is not guaranteed to do this. At that time, the cold has been practicing for eight years.

    “This is the talent of the most advanced sword master. With a little teaching, Yi Qing will become a terrible sword master!”Just by virtue of this hand stabbing the human heart, Yi Qing can become a sword master.

    “If you teach Xuantian Jiujian to her, I am afraid that it will not be three years, I am not an opponent of Yi Qing!”The cold and the comparison of Yi Qing and himself, could not help but draw such a pessimistic conclusion: 12 years of practicing the sword, but also can not match the results of Yi Qing practicing sword for 3 years.

    After all, Yi Qing is the sword emperor of the future and one of the most powerful swordsmen in history. It is only natural that such talents are available.

    Attention to the cold back to the battlefield, this time, all the Lanterns reacted, if they do not shoot, then they can only let the opponent kill. Their eyes were red, and no matter the soldiers in the distance or near, they began to ignore their teammates and fired at Yi Qing crazy.

    “Hey…”I don’t know how many bullets hit the body of Yi Qing. Yi Qing attacked the tricks well and recruited the dead, but the ability to hide the bullets was not good, or simply there was no dodge, and only the bullets could be allowed. In her own body, her personal shield also has a continuous increase in cracks.

    It is estimated that it will not last long before the body shield is supported, so the movements of Yi Qing’s hands have become more rapid. It seems that she intends to solve all opponents before the personal shield is broken.

    As Yi Qing’s attack speed became faster and faster, more and more women’s high school students were pierced by Yi Qing, and they all fell to the foot of Yi Qing.

    Among the fallen Lanterns, one of the women’s high births was particularly miserable. Yi Qing’s white iron sword rotated a circle after piercing her heart, stirring her heart into a mass of meat.

    Yi Qing’s killing speed is extremely fast, more than a hundred yuan, and soon it was killed by Yi Qing, and the remaining ten yuan. Seeing Yi Qing will completely annihilate these elements.

    At this time, Yi Qing’s personal shield also reached the broken edge. As a bullet hit her, the whole body shield was broken, and Yi Qing’s body was completely exposed to the Lantern. Without the protection of the personal shield, as long as the target is fired, a bullet can send Yiqing to the West.

    “Oh, it’s time for me to take the shot.”Finally, it was time to watch the cold-season shot of the half-day drama. Holding the Yitian sword in the cold, I was ready to smash a Sword Qi in the past and rescue Yi Qing from the threat of bullets. Has let her kill more than 90% of the enemy, she is already satisfied!

    The speed of the cold is very fast, and a Sword Qi smashed out and killed the past few dollars, watching the Lanterns die under their own Sword Qi.

    At this same time, Yi Qing, who was broken by the shield, suddenly screamed wildly, saying that the white iron sword was facing the void, and Sword Qi, who was a small circle smaller than the cold Sword Qi, went out from the void. ……Because Yi Qing’s distance from the remaining Lantern is much higher than that of the cold, although Yi Qing’s Sword Qi is released later, but also in the cold Sword Qi arrived before the cut on the remaining Lantern, these will be Cut off the waist.

    “Is that human being?”I was scared by the cold, and I always thought that my talented world was for the first time. I was scared by another person’s talent. “I actually realized it by my own strength. In the ancient sword level, I realized it in the first battle in my life. Using Sword Qi, is this still human!!!!!”

    Yi Qing was not a human being. She was the emperor of the sword-bearer.

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