I don’t know how to fix the cold. The Emperor of Heaven is a woman who collapsed all the three views of human beings and overturned all the historical records. In the end, it is a real thing in history, or a plot made out of a copy.

    But no matter what the truth is, this copy of the cold must be completely cleared in the past, there is a feeling of cold, this copy may reveal to yourself a truth that I have never imagined, the cold must be the perfect clearance of this copy.

    “People!”And Yi Yun made the final separate Yi Qing, slowly walked to the side of the cold, the lips squirting, is a word that can not stand the cold can not stand. Hearing the future, the Emperor of Heaven concealed his own confession, and the cold and the goose bumps all rose. As for the leaning against the sky after the cold, it was even more shocked by Yi Qing, and it became a sword. It felt that the whole three views of Yitian had exploded.

    “You really are girls?”Asked about the cold and did not believe.

    Yi Qing nodded silently. “In the desert, a lonely girl, is the goal of all men. Yi Qing does not have parental care, so he can only pretend to be a boy. No one knows this except the grandfather. But after today, Xianggong became the second person to know the true gender of Yi Qing. ”

    After saying this, Yi Qing’s body is full of the temperament of a soft little wife. Seeing the cold is a little swaying, this is what the ghost setting. Just now, the talented young boy, Yi Qing, became a little wife. This change is too fast!

    Yi Qing may have some good feelings for the cold, but it is only a good feeling, it is impossible to rise to the extent of love. Therefore, the gesture of Yi Qing, a little daughter-in-law, is mostly from her performance. The reason for her acting is very simple. With the power of Yi Qing who has just become a sword-bearer at this time, it is impossible to help the Yizi tribes revenge and kill those Lanterns. If Yi Qing wants to take revenge, then he will only rely on the power of cold…Is there any reason to be more arrogant than revenge for my wife? Yi Yun entrusted Yi Qing to the cold before he died. I am afraid this is the point.

    “Yi Qing, you don’t have to act, I know what you are thinking, I promise you, the hatred of the scorpion tribe, I will help you report. I hope that you will follow your inner life instead of carrying on these inexplicable things. ”Cold and serious said.

    There are two choices for the cold at this time. One is to follow the performance of Yi Qing and play the half-way couple together. The second is to smear Yi Qing’s performance and let everything return to reality, just like the one that Gang Han just said.

    The colder finally chose the second one, because he knew that the performance of the acting was more realistic. It was just a drama. It might be useful for silly white sweetness, but for the female emperor like Yi Qing, she still kept a sincere visit. More appropriate.

    When I heard the cold saying, Yi Qing no longer spoke. She lowered her head and immersed herself in a half-sound, then suddenly squatted in front of the cold. She slammed three heads and spit out a thankful expression.

    At the time of Yi Qing’s hoe, the cold did not stop her, but stood quietly and accepted Yi Qing’s three heads. Then the cold helps Fu Qing, the young boy to cover the sky, and softly said, “I have received your three heads. In this life and in this life, I will definitely seal you for the fire. Report this great hatred. You can rest assured.”

    UnderstandYi Qing’s expression gradually returned to indifference, and the ghost knew what she understood.


    “Look at the wounds of these dead and wounded, they are all killed by bullets and shrapnel. It seems that these hands-on Lanterns are the same as those of the military tribes that we encountered in the previous tribes.”The cold test examined the wounds of all the corpses and made such a conclusion.

    “When we came, the body still had blood flowing out. This shows that the time for these Lanterns to end the killing is not far from where we are back. It is very likely that we left two or three minutes ago. However, after we came here, even a figure of Yuanxiao also saw that these Lanterns should have traffic that can move quickly. ”Yi Qing analyzed after the cold.

    “The military vehicles are often driven by things like driving. Trucks don’t hide in the gaps like the Yuan dynasty. If it is a truck, there will be a car mark. ”

    Two people quickly investigated around the stronghold, and they found a trace of the shallow wheel. It is estimated that in a few minutes, these traces will be covered by the sand.

    “We chase it!”

    “Wait, Yi Qing, don’t you bury your body’s body first?”The cold reminds Yi Qingdao.

    “No, people in the desert, there will naturally be wind and sand to bury themselves. This is God’s will.” Yi Qing’s words reveal a deep cold, regardless of gender, the original sunshine and wisdom of the teenager It has gradually become the shadow of the ruthless Heavenly Sword Emperor in the future.

    “God’s will?”I heard the words of Yi Qing in the cold, and I felt in my heart. Yi Qing, Yi Qing, you know that in the future, you are going to hit the heavens and overturn the characters of the entire Oriental fairy world. The purpose of heaven is for you, I am afraid that even a fart is not as good.


    The cold and Yiqing all the way to chase the wheel traces that sometimes disappeared. On this road, the cold and the easy green passed through three or four oases. These oases are places where human tribes gather. Like the Scorpion tribe, these poor tribes all became a dead field under the killing of the Lantern Festival. The yellow sand of the sky was dyed bright red by the blood of these victims.

    “These Lanterns, they came to destroy us humans!”Yi Qing gripped his fist tightly, and the upper and lower alveolar were bitten together. The scope of the Suzhou desert is not large, and it is less than the area of ​​a county. In total, it is seven or eight oases. Less than ten tribes.

    At this time, the number of tribes that had been extinct in the hands of Yuan Zhen has reached five, and the population equivalent to half of the desert has died in this catastrophe.

    Finally, after the fifth extinct tribe, the tracked cold and Yi Qing finally tracked the nest of the Lantern, a location close to the old Suzhou city, the edge of the desert. Hundreds of military tents were built on top of the yellow sand to form a small military camp.

    At the same time, a unit of hundreds of Yuan Zhen was being repaired in the camp. These Lanterns, like the Lanterns who were previously slaughtered in the Horde tribe, are the appearance of a female high school student with a Mauser 98 rifle in their hands. Seeing that they are looking forward to it, it seems that they are planning to start again and attack the next tribe.

    “It is them, they are killing them…”Yi Qing’s voice was a bit vague, because of the excitement, the vocal cords of Yi Qing could not tremble normally. These women’s high school students who are being lined up are the annihilation of the entire scorpion tribe. When Yi Qing saw them, the whole body was shaking with excitement. Just like the original cold, the unforgettable hatred filled every corner of Yi Qing’s body.

    “I understand, they are going to complete the unfinished mission of the troops that we had killed before, and kill all the remaining tribes.”At this time, this unit has already boarded military trucks and began to leave the military camp and move toward new goals.

    Yi Qing knows the whole situation of the desert. When she looks at the direction of the team, she knows that they are planning to go to the oasis where the tribe is located, and launch a new attack on the tribe, so they have the above words.

    “It turns out that it seems that they were planning to annihilate all the tribes from both directions at the same time. Only one team has been destroyed by us, so the remaining team must take over the task of the team and kill the remaining tribes. ”Originally, Yuan Zhen’s plan to kill and annihilate was perfect, but unfortunately he met the cold, and lost almost one company without any reason.

    “The battle plan is very simple. We are now killing this expenditure to find the dead troops. It is good to destroy the entire camp!”The cold war did not hesitate to complete the entire battle plan. Because the fighting power of the cold is completely crushing the opponent’s sake, so the whole battle plan does not have any use of any strategy, that is, simply rushed to kill.

    However, such a plan is also a plan that Yi Qing likes, and she can’t wait to get rid of the executioners who have annihilated her tribe.

    “Admiral, you can’t take the shot first!”Yi Qing hugged the arm of the cold, and the tone was cold. “I like to use my own strength to revenge my tribe, instead of relying on the power of the cold man!”

    OKThe cold did not refuse. Before he cut all the female high school students, the Lantern soldiers were to ensure that everyone died in the hands of Yi Qing, in order to complete the scoring conditions of the copy.

    has now entered the hidden plot, what scoring condition, what SS-level evaluation, are not important, important Yiqing, solid cold must take care of the emotional, not to mention, solid cold for the strength of Yiqing has a very high interest, the history of one of the strongest sword emperor in this just growing moment, In the end how strong the talent of the battle, this is the cold solid very interested.

    Yi Qing and Bai Yi, which contain hatred, lie on the road of the team, while the cold is not far from Yiqing. Keep an eye on Yi Qing’s personal shield. Don’t let Yi Qing die in the siege of these Lanterns. under.

    Originally, according to the intention of freezing the cold, I wanted to look at her by Yi Qing, so that I could save Yi Qing in the first time, but she was rejected by Yi Qing. She wanted to revenge alone and expressed her understanding and support. Anyway, distance Farther away, a Sword Qi can keep the safety of Yi Qing, farther away.

    Therefore, the cold is watching the first battle performance of the future Sunshine Swordsman in the distance, a gorgeous performance.

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