When the copy entered the hidden mission four, the whole story began to scream, the degree of madness, even the cold is also surprised. When the cold and Yiqing are preparing to start from this oasis and look for the cause of so many Yuanxiao abnormalities, two incomparably wandering people stumbled and ran to the tribe, and the name of the surname was to see the cold and Yi Qing.

    “Cold the cold to save us, to fix the cold!”When the two men saw the cold, they plunged under the cold and hugged the legs of the cold. “The cold man, the Lantern Festival, a lot of Yuanxiao…The scorpion tribe is over…”

    Looking at the cold and fixing the eyes, these two people actually know each other, it is the two people in the expedition when the cold has just entered the game copy. These two people are undoubtedly the tribes of the Scorpion tribe.

    “Dragon, what’s wrong, what happened!”If a person’s performance is more exciting than the cold, he is naturally the Yi Qing who has just become a sword-bearer. He pulls the uncle who is kneeling on the ground and asks him with a stern voice.

    “Yi Qing…Yi Qing…By the way, the chief said that you are a friend of the cold-aged adult, and you are quick to ask the cold-aged adults to save our tribes. ”Long Shu language said incoherently.

    “What happened in the end, Uncle Long, I am also a sword-bearer now, I can do a lot of things, you can tell me, what happened to the Horde!”This is the first time that Yi Qing lost his calm mentality.

    “Yi Qing, a lot of Lantern Festivals, all of them are Yuan Zhen, the whole desert is covered by the Lantern Festival, the cold man, the chief let me come to you, you will be merciful, save our nephew tribe Let’s go!”The two men squatted on the ground and begged.

    “A cold man, sorry, Yi Qing takes a step.”Upon hearing this news, Yi Qing can still stay here, returning his own white iron sword to the sword, and immediately fled in the direction of the Zizi tribe.

    Has problemsLooking at the figure of Yi Qingyuan, I was helpless and shook my head. After all, I was only seventeen years old, and my mentality was still not mature enough…It seems that the cold has been forgotten, and he himself is only in his early 18s.

    However, the cold can not let Yi Qing a rush to the past, except for things, this hidden copy is estimated to fail. It’s hard to meet such a funny copy, and I can’t help but end it.


    On the way back to the Zizi tribe, Gu Han and Yi Qing met several people who were flustered and desperately escaping. After being identified by Yi Qing, they are all people of their scorpion tribe.

    Yi Qing instructed them to flee to the tribe, the speed of running under the feet is faster, with the blessing of the physical quality of the swordsman, the speed of Yi Qing has surpassed the limit speed of Bolt, and the road is ten. In about a minute, I returned to my nephew tribe. But it is already late.

    The outer periphery of the Scorpion tribe has been scattered all over the body, and among the strongholds, the corpse is dense and full of everywhere.

    Yi Qing lost his soul and walked in the stronghold. All the names of the entire tribe were kept in his heart. Every time he saw a corpse, he read the name of the other party, and then shaken their gradually stiff bodies in an attempt to wake them up from their sleep.

    This is of course a waste of effort. The annihilation of the Lantern Festival is very simple, just like the easy-to-make slashing of the knives.

    “Yi Qing…Green childrenIn the midst of a heap of corpses, Yiqing suddenly heard a weak voice calling out his name, follow the direction of the voice to find the past, incredibly is Yi Yun the chief, the oldest old man in the tribe is not yet dead, broke an arm, because of excessive blood loss and appear pale, although still alive, but it will not live long.

    “Emirates, Chiefs!”Yi Qing ran over and hugged the chieftain, and two tears in his eyes were rolling. This is the first time that the cold man saw the young man covering the sky and the emperor was crying.

    “Children, my time is not hiding, I have something important to tell you, you are listening!”Like all TV dramas, those in the novel who are seriously injured, but who will say a lot of last words before they die, Yi Yun started a long list of last words.

    “From now on, Yi Qing is the fifteenth generation chief of the Zizi tribe. From now on, even if you only have one person, you should continue to carry out our nephew tribe and promise me, can you?”

    “Well, I promise you, Chief!”Yi Qing nodded with tears.

    “Well, I will tell you again. In fact, I have hidden the savings of our scorpion tribe in xx, xx, xx. There are wealth and food we have accumulated over a hundred years, enough for you to revive our scorpion tribe. It!”When Yi Yun first met with the cold, he said that the half-cylinder flour was their remaining ration, and they deceived the food of Yitian. I don’t think they actually had three secret treasures.

    Think about it, this is also very normal. Without the wisdom of the three caves of the Rex Rabbit, the Scorpion tribe cannot support for more than two hundred years.

    “There is one last thing…”The last breath of the chieftain was really long. He told me two things and the last thing.

    “In fact, there is one thing I have been holding you…AHEM!Yi Yun spits out an old blood. “Your mother is not only your mother, but also my daughter. I am actually your grandfather!” For some reasons, I can’t recognize it. I can only take care of you secretly. Please forgive me for this useless grandfather. Well, I started to develop into a family ethics drama.

    I know! I know it! I already knew it! Without the grandfather’s photo, I Yi Qing died in the desert. ”Yi Qing nodded desperately.

    “Actually, there is one more thing I have been holding you…AHEM!Yi Yun spit out an old blood. “Your mother has not disappeared. She was sucked in by the demon palace.” Yi Yun said it was a heavy news.

    MOTHERSuddenly heard the news of his mother, Yi Qing was somewhat excited. “The grandfather is relieved. I am now a sword-bearer. I will definitely enter the Devil’s Palace and find my mother!”

    “Well, I can safely die now!”Yi Yun slowly closed his eyes in the embrace of Yi Qing.

    Two drops of hot tears on Yi Qing’s face slipped on the face of Yi Yun…Then Yi Yun’s eyes that have been closed forever opened again.

    “Sorry, there is one more thing to forget!”I don’t talk to play the last sentence. Yi Yun, who is not breathing, can grasp Yi Qing with one hand, and one hand reaches for the cold. “Can you please come over?”

    “I …Although I don’t understand the cold, why did the two grandsons confess to their own words, perhaps this is the plot needs to be fixed, and the cold and silent thoughts, went to Yiyun’s side and seized Yiyun’s as if General hand.

    “Cold-cold adults, the little old man has a ruthless invitation, I hope that the cold-hearted adults do not deny!”Yi Yun looked at the cold and looked at the cold. According to the normal plot, the cold will naturally refuse the words of such a dying old man.

    Will our story follow the normal plot? Of course it will be! ! !

    The cold and tight grip of Yi Yun’s hand, “Yi Yun chieftain assured, as long as the cold can do things, the cold will certainly do.”

    Next is the new plot mission! Gu Chen heart guessed that the game’s routine is like this, the following should be a new plot task for the cold.

    “The cold man is assured, this thing, the cold man can certainly do it!”Yi Yun said with a smile, “The cold man, from today, Yi Qing I entrusted to the cold man!”

    “Yi Yun Chieftain is assured that Yi Qing is like my apprentice. I will definitely teach him to be a powerful sword-bearer!”The cold also thought that Yiyun had to say something. It turned out to be an old-fashioned orphaned drama code. If it was not a copy of the plot, if it was not Yi Qing, it would be a juvenile sunshade, and the cold would not agree to take care of such a tow bottle. However, he can’t take care of even the poor.

    “Wrong, wrong!”Yi Yun shook his head, constantly saying something wrong, wrong. I don’t understand this, but don’t you have to entrust yourself to take care of Yi Qing?

    “Cold and cold, I am not letting you become the master of Yi Qing…AHEM!Yi Yun continues to vomit blood. “I hope, Yi Qing can be your wife…Yi Qing is also a sword-bearer now, and should be able to deserve to be a cold man! ”

    “Wow!!!! What is this ghost?”

    “Wow!!!! What is this ghost?”

    The first sentence wow is based on the cold, even if the character of the cold and the collapse of the sky is scared, the three views burst, what is the situation, is Yi Qing not a teenager? How do you marry yourself? He is the Emperor of Heaven! Countless history books clearly show that he is a man, he is a man!

    The second sentence is that relying on Heaven, she burst directly from the scabbard and turned into a form of swordsman, appearing in the cold. It seems that the sword-naughter of the Emperor of Heaven does not know that his sword-bearer is actually a woman.

    “Grandfather, what do you say?”Yi Qing’s face showed a blush…What do you do, is she really a girl?

    Ha haYi Yun sighed, and when he had a head, he died. This time, Yi Yun was really dead. He touched his pulse and could not die anymore.

    “Grandfather!”When Yi Qing was holding Yi Yun and crying, the cold will pull the sky to a far enough place.

    What is going on here? Etienne, you honestly answer me, is the Sunshine Sword Emperor really a girl? ”It is really impossible to believe that the Emperor of Heaven is actually a girl, because the Emperor of Heaven is not only a boy in all historical documents, but he is still a wife of his wife, and even he and his descendants live in this. World.

    “How do I know that I always thought that he was a man, he was always dressed as a man, how can a woman look like a woman!”The expression of Yitian is even more weird than the cold, but it is still unacceptable. “He said that he is a man on any occasion. He is obviously a man!”

    “Then I ask you, have you seen his body?” For example, when he is taking a shower.”


    “You are in his purple house, can’t you feel that his body has that thing?”

    “No, Zifu does not have this function…”

    “Then, when he saw the beauty, did the body have any desire to react?”

    “He never looks at beauty”

    “Then his wife, isn’t he a wife?” He still has children.”

    ‘I don’t know!I don’t knowAfter he became the emperor sword, he used the 斩青丝 and I to lift the sword marks. I just hated him for a lifetime! ! ! ! ! ”

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