“Father, father!”In the Emirates House, the chieftain of the tribe was waking up by Anquan. The first thing the chieftain woke up was to immediately hug his son and shouted “Anquan, you take all the women and children from here.” Escape, from now on, you are the chief of our tribe, do you understand?”

    “Dad, what are you doing here!”Anquan pushed his father straight away. “What do we want to run away, I don’t go.”

    “Hey son, Dad knows that you can’t bear daddy, but Dad is the chief of the tribe. Without dad to lead them, they will not fight hard. Dad must be at the forefront to win the time for you to escape. No, no more nonsense, how long have I been in a coma, how far are those Yuanxiao from now? ”

    “Well, Dad, don’t worry about Lantern, they are all dead.”Anquan shouted loudly.

    “died!”The chieftain began to force “more than three hundred yuan, all dead?”

    “There are no three hundred, at most one hundred, and the person who reported the letter was scared and gibberish.”Anquan corrected the way.

    “What is the difference between three hundred and one hundred? One can destroy our entire tribe. ”The chieftain sighed, his mind has gradually awake “but how is this hundred yuan scorpion so dead?” Could it be said that the sword-bearer who called the cold is killed? ”

    “Besides who else he is.”Anquan nodded. He just followed the cold, and watched the whole process of cold-killing on the fence. He braved the bullets and the rain, and then just waved a few swords out of thin air. Yuan Zhen’s knees were brushed off. This kind of fighting ability has made Anquan’s cognition of Yuan Zhen and the sword-bearer completely changed.

    It turned out that the powerful Yuanxiao is so fragile. It turns out that human beings can be powerful to this point after they have a swordsman. No wonder the chairman of Yanjing City is willing to use the life of ten ordinary people to change to a sword-bearer. For Anquan, even if you exchange one hundred people’s lives, it is worth it.

    An Quan repeated the battle process to his father completely. The chieftain did not speak for a long time, and he only said a long time. “Fortunately, just now, your son is quick to respond, otherwise the sword-bearer will really kill me. ”


    Looking back on the battlefield, under the command of the cold, Yi Qing’s Bai Tiejian began to repair the women’s high school students who did not have calves. Accuracy of the White Iron Sword stabbed in from the heart position of these Lanterns, and then pulled out a big hole. The blood of the rushing rushed up more than one meter high. Within ten seconds, these women’s high school students who were filled with knives All returned to the vortex of the Dimension.

    “System prompt: Mission goal Yi Qing killed the Lantern Festival, the number 118, please continue to work hard, the more the number of Lanterns killed by Yi Qing, the higher the copy evaluation.

    “System prompt: Mission goal Yi Qing killed Yuan Zhen, the number of 119, please continue to work hard, the more the number of Yuan Zhen killed by Yi Qing personally, the higher the copy evaluation.

    When Yi Qing killed the last Lantern, the number was fixed at the number of 120, which indicates that this wave of women’s high school commandos had a total of 116 soldiers. According to the copy evaluation rules, Yi Qing can only get the SSS level evaluation as long as he kills more than 110 yuan. With the help of Sword Qi, Yi Qing directly kills all the Lanterns, none of them. In the hands of the dead or the king, the SSS-level evaluation seems to have arrived.

    “It’s getting more and more boring, and the copy is coming to an end. I will go back and study the challenges of the day after tomorrow!”Cold thinking silently, according to the copy process, when this wave is dead, Yi Qing can formally become a qualified sword-bearer, and the cold can also successfully complete his task, can return to the task settlement Center, receive the task reward.

    “System prompt: Mission goal Yi Qing has killed Yuan Zhen, the number is 120, the task is completed, the task is updated”

    “System Tip: Congratulations, you have triggered the hidden mainline task, task four. You can now choose to leave the copy and go to the Copy Clearing Center for billing, or you can choose to continue with Task 4. ”

    “System Tip: Task 4 is extremely difficult for subsequent missions, but after completing Mission 4 and subsequent missions, you will receive a special reward, please make your choices sensibly.”

    What is going on here? Is it a hidden egg mission? ”When you hear this system prompt, what is the situation? This copy is the same as the copy of “Wu Dang Dingding”, but also has hidden egg content?

    In the memory of the cold, the copy of “Hero from the end” is nothing. However, the cold has not paid much attention to this copy, and I don’t know if this egg has been triggered before.

    “There is still a good choice for this…”Of course, the cold chooses to continue to complete the copy, although it is very difficult to prompt the follow-up task, but this makes the blood of the cold begin to boil. The reason why he feels bored is because this copy is too simple, this kind of abuse The same copy will only make the cold feel boring.

    “System prompt: task has been updated, task three has been completed”

    “System Tip: Task 4: Search Reason: There have never been so many Lanterns in the Suzhou Desert. Please search for nearby areas to find out why Yuanxiao is abnormal.”

    The new task prompt appeared, because there was never an egg task, so all the other tasks behind it are unknown plots for the cold. This is equivalent to the hidden copy of “The Betrayal of Arthur”. The plot is full of expectations.


    “The cold man, Yi Qing is not insulted, has completed the task.”Yi Qingxing returned to the side of the cold, before killing four women high school students Yuan Zhen also let Yi Qing could not help but vomit. But now killing 116, Yi Qing is indeed expressionless. It is no wonder that others say that the swordsmen are all ruthless human beings in the heart, and those who are affectionate cannot become swordsmen.

    “I am a ruthless person?”You can’t help but ask yourself a question. If you had a cold before, you would not hesitate to answer that you have no feelings. But now, if the cold wants to say something like this, the eyes will not help but emerge the appearance of poverty and the king. This kind of cold is not the face of saying that you are ruthless.

    “You just shot?”When I found out that I had some dark marks on my body, I asked.

    “Well, those Lantern’s hands are still not broken. They often squat on the ground and put a cold gun on me. At first, they had no experience and they had 25 guns.”Yi Qing’s face was reddish and seemed to be hurt by the enemy who had lost his combat power. It was a very shameful thing.

    “Hey, you still remember how many guns you have!”Once again, I was amazed at Yi Qing’s talent. When he was attacked by a cold gun, he still had time to write down how many robs he had. This thought is even more delicate than the cold. At least the cold can’t remember just now. How many guns were in the middle.

    “How much damage does a shot cause to you? How much energy do you have left in your shield?” I asked what I thought about it.

    “It seems to be three points of damage!”Yi Qing touched his head. He was an NPC. He didn’t like the cold, he could hear the system’s tips about injury, but when he asked for cold, his brain took the initiative to take out the number 3. “As for the energy, about 90% is left! ”

    “Three points of damage, twenty-five grabs, this is seventy-five points of damage.”When I heard this string of data, I began to silently calculate it in my heart. “Seventy-five points of damage is only 10% of the energy of his shield. That is to say, his personal protective shield has more than 750 points of shield energy. I remember that the guardian ratio of the white iron sword and the swordsman shape is 0.2, 750 points is the number obtained by the swordsman multiplied by the guard ratio. The inverse calculation, Yi Qing’s swordsman has exceeded 3250 points. ”

    “Yi Qing, how old are you now?”Asked about the cold.

    “Seventeen!”Yi Qing replied quickly and then added, “It’s eighteen in another ten months.”

    “He is only seventeen years old!”I am amazed by the cold heart, which means that all 3250 points are the innate swordsman of Yi Qing. The innate swordsman 3250 points, has been able to enter the top ten of the innate swordsman list. It seems that the power of the Emperor of Heaven is not entirely based on his efforts and character. The innate swordsman is also a very important factor.

    Think again, the most powerful sword-bearer in history, that is, the first sword-bearing sword ancestor calendar, claiming that the strength has surpassed the sword-level sword-bearer, and can simultaneously kill three wild-level scorpions. The invincible god, the innate swordsman that is more than 15,000 quarks. His talent is also the crown of all swordsmen.

    The cold is not end to the association, and the area is 9 points ingenuity. If the talent is counted down, you may still be on the list. Can this talent be a sword-level swordsman?

    The cold has had doubts about himself at this moment, but he immediately reacted and forcibly cut off this dangerous idea. Once a person has doubts about his future, he can no longer maintain the momentum that is brave enough to go forward. This is the most dangerous place.

    A person can doubt the environment, his friends, his knowledge, his objective and subjective, and everything, but he must not doubt himself.

    Can I succeed? Am I a fool? Am I a person who has never used it? Am I a person who is doomed to fail? Once you have such an idea in your heart, then you are not far from such an idea.

    This is a piece of advice. Never doubt yourself. Believe that your future is always within reach.

    Well, the off-topic is finished, although the cold has cut off doubts about himself in time, but the shake in this heart has made his two swordsmen feel through the swordswoman.

    “Although I don’t like someone, I have to admit that he never doubts himself. The wrong thing is the world, not him!”This is a sentence that Yitian told the cold through the sword mark. Obviously, somebody in her mouth is the Emperor of Heaven.

    “Cold cold, your talent is also unique, think about your swordsman oral liquid!”To say this is to know more about the colder king, ah, or the more the king’s words, the effect is better, the cold is almost forgotten, his super gold finger: Jiansu oral liquid.

    Yes, God has not been thin on himself, and has taken away his innate swordsmanship, but has compensated himself from other places. How can he doubt his future?

    “Yi Qing, no, cover the sky, the emperor” fixed cold and stared at the young man who walked with his head down, “I will definitely surpass you, surpass the sword ancestor, surpass all the enemies that can be surpassed, and the world is peaceful. ”


    “Hey, I just forgot to tell the cold man, except for my own bullets, the white iron with me was also shot!”Yi Qing, who walked with his head down, thought about some distressed thoughts. “And the white iron shot more, there are 58 rounds of bullets. Forget it, since the adults do not ask, don’t be too good. ”

    Well, fortunately, I don’t know how to fix the cold.

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