When Yiqing from the petrochemical state of sober, solid cold also don’t give Yiqing explain what, directly grabbed Yiqing’s neck, and ran to the northwest direction of the doorway, where there have been countless armed with a variety of human beings gathered there, they hold the hands of arms in spite of shivering, but still standing there, there is no intention to escape.

    “What are these human beings standing here? They did not contain the weapon of the swordsman, and they could not attack the Lantern Festival at all. They were simply sent to death here. ”Seeing these human beings immersed in fear, the more incomprehensible asked, when she wanted to come, now humans should be able to escape.

    “Don’t you notice the women and children who are already packing in the package?”Some of the women and children will die here if they choose to escape. These men are their husbands and fathers. They can only use their own lives to delay the time of Lantern Festival and give their wives and children a chance to escape their lives. ”

    There is some irritability in the explanation of the cold, but the huge tragedy contained in it is unavoidable. In this era, once humans face the attack of the Lantern Festival, in addition to escape, they will only die. More often, I use my own death to exchange for the life of the person I care about. The human tragedy is nothing more than this.

    “This king will certainly save them. This king does not want to see these men die here.”Yue Wang was touched by these people, even though they are all some data.

    The cold did not pay attention to the words of Yue Wang. All his attention was in the distance like the torrent of the Lantern. These Lanterns are just like the four female high school students, just like the high school students. They are the appearance and dress of a female high school student.

    They wore white and green sailor suits, and the green miniskirt seemed to be able to see a white mysterious field inside. It’s a bunch of cute girls. If their eyes are not red, it’s like eating a beast.

    It should also be noted that these girls are not unarmed. They hold a long wooden rifle in their hands and line up neatly. If they ignore their gender and dress, this can be said to be A well-trained army.

    Yuan Zhenming: German women’s high school student commando

    Level: Mouse

    The second world of the world: the animation world

    Debut copy: a small copy.

    Blood volume: half star

    Attack: Half Star

    Agility: half star

    Demon power: no

    Ability: skilled military literacy, and a Mauser 98 sniper rifle

    Trick: 匍匐 shooting

    Brief introduction: It is only an ordinary female high school student of Fuso, who has mastered various military and firearms training in the world, and has mastered the female military high school students with skilled military skills.

    Because its high school is a high school run by the Germans, the school’s school spirit is highly respected by Germany. All weapons and training methods use German weapons and methods. Strict adherence to orders is a force with strong fighting will.

    After coming to the real world, because of his German army style, Hitler’s Nazi King Hitler earned his income and unified the unit of the German women’s high school student commando.

    Individual commando soldiers are not terrible. Any one of the swordsmen can hang them, but once they have formed the troops, they must be careful not to be screened by the enemy before attacking the enemy.

    In particular, the commando’s weapon is the Mauser 98 sniper rifle, which has a very high Accuracy and can hit the opponent 800 meters away. The disadvantage is that the rate of fire is very slow and there is a long interval between shots. 】

    “No threat!”The cold has a rough glance at the information, “although the number is a little more.”

    There is no threat at all, no threat to solid cold. For the normal ancient sword-class bearer, this can be a threat, hundreds of armed 冦 yuan, even if a bullet can only cause a little damage to the personal shield, even if the hit rate is only 10%, it is just a few rounds of volley, more than 10 round to shoot down, The Gujian of the sword-bearer’s pitiful maximum of 50 points of personal shield energy is basically consumed a space.

    One of the most successful strategies in the forum is to teach the player and Yi Qing to hide in a hidden place, ordering their own swordsmen and Yi Qing’s swordsmen to lie in the sand, and then when the Yuanxiao army is close, In the middle of the formation of the Lantern Festival, the fight with these Yuanxiao is close to the fight, that is, the bayonet.

    “Jian Niang OL” has no system to automatically identify the enemy and her, whether it is the sword-bearer or the Lantern Festival, their attacks are likely to hurt their own people. Therefore, when the swordsmen burst into the formation, the shooting of the Yuanxiao in the distance will most likely hit their own people, so that they can use the hands of Yuan Zhen to destroy their enemies.

    However, this Raiders has a downside, that is, most of the Lantern Festival will die in the hands of Yuan Zhen. It is impossible to have too many Yuan Zhen in the hands of Yi Qing Jian Niang. In this way, the copy score will not be higher. Where to go, getting a B-level rating is enough.

    Therefore, it is of course impossible to choose a way to complete the copy of the cold. If you don’t come to this copy, you can’t take a score of SS or above. Is this the face of his admiral?

    “Yi Qing, you are behind me, don’t be afraid!”Looking at the cold, the high school student commando team was constantly approaching, calmly commanding Yi Qing, and then went straight out of the bunker and straightened to the side of the muzzle.

    “Cold-cold adults, should we ambush first, wait for them to come close and then go into battle, our swordsmen are melee after all!”Yi Qing saw that the move to fix the cold was stupid, and quickly advised to block the cold. He also spoke out a battle plan. Listen carefully. This is not the most practical plan announced on the forum! Yi Qing is the future swordsman, and he has to work hard to find the best battle plan.

    “Nothing, you are behind me, I promise you are not dead!”The cold is not moving, and still asks Yi Qing to hide behind his own and follow his own progress.

    Yi Qing hesitated for a while, biting his teeth, taking a sip on the ground, and catching up with the cold footsteps, followed him behind him, facing the muzzle of hundreds of black holes.

    Ready! FireWhen I saw someone actually jumped out like this, these girls’ high school students’ squatters immediately swept the cold in front of them. When the other party entered their own range of 800 meters, they only heard the officers’ orders, all The muzzle flashed a burst of fire, and hundreds of bullets shot at the same time.

    “System prompt: You have been hurt by bullets, personal shield energy: -1”

    “System prompt: You have been hurt by bullets, personal shield energy: -1”


    The famous sword-level swordsman and the king’s shield blessing, these mouse-level scorpion bullets can not break even the cold defense, if it is not limited to the minimum damage of 1 point, maybe there will be a few points of damage. These injuries are meaningless damage to the cold. It is no wonder that the cold will be so forced to face all the Lantern’s muzzle.

    “Prepare, shoot!”The cold is constantly advancing, and the women’s high school students’ commandos directly fell to the ground, using the standard squatting shooting position to launch a round of volleys for the cold. Although their heads are good, there are ten or twenty bullets in a hundred bullets that can be used to hold the cold. Unfortunately, there is no egg to use. The energy strip of the cold-fitting shield does not seem to move.

    “This king is going to rush!”The king who had been with the cold had eaten dozens of bullets and had already smashed his stomach. When he saw that the Lantern was less than two hundred meters away from himself, he planned to rush straight into the harvest.

    “No, don’t move!”The cold has stopped the behavior of Yue Wang. He does not worry about the danger of the Yue Wang rushing in. This way, there is no singer in the face of the Lanterns. The Yue Wang who rushed in is less likely to be in danger. The reason why the cold does not let the king go in, is afraid that the more the king will kill, the killing of these yuan, and what is Yi Qing still killing? How do you get an evaluation of SS or above?

    Therefore, the cold has stopped the king, he has to be hands-on.

    I saw the solid cold out of the scabbard, leaning against the Heavenly Sword, in the hands of the sword in the sky, after a second, a few seconds, can not touch, but the monstrous “Xuan Days Nine Swords Sword” sword Qi from the blade of the sword flew out, toward those girls who stabbed the past.

    Using Sword Qi to deal with these only the mouse-level Lantern, it is too much to deceive the cold, and this is no different from shooting a baby with a machine gun.

    These women’s high-school students couldn’t even see Sword Qi from the cold. They just felt that their hair was suddenly blown away by the big phoenix. They wanted to press the hair back with their hands, but they felt that the lower body was cold, then The whole person lost support and fell to the ground.

    Yiqing stared at the sight of everything, he did not understand what happened, just see the sword in the hands of a wave, a few seconds later, more than 20 pairs of smooth beautiful women high school students legs so uniform from the position of the knee roots, and then these 冦 like a domino, fell to the ground, Although not a short time to die, but the fighting has basically disappeared.

    The cold is a few Sword Qi crosscut out, the remaining women’s high school Zhongyuan 没有 did not miss one, all the same as the previous twenty, the position of the cold from the knee, brush Cut off the calf and become a waste person.

    The position of the knee is specially chosen for the cold, because the blood vessels in the knee are protected by the kneecap, cut off from here, and the blood loss is not as fast as other positions. These lanterns can live for at least ten minutes.

    “This is over!”Seeing this imposing manner, it is like the armor of the army. Yi Qing is holding the mortal consciousness and fighting behind the cold. He had thought that he had to go through at least one battle between life and death to get the final victory. The result was never thought, it was less than thirty seconds, all the Lanterns fell, although not yet dead. However, it is just a sword to fill the knife.

    “Yi Qing, liberate your swordswoman!”The cold will take back the scabbard in a handsome manner, “just like you killed the four yuan scorpions before, kill these scorpions!”

    It is really a good person to fix the cold. This is equivalent to turning all the blame into blood, and then letting Yi Qing go up to collect the head and play the game, that is to be such a teammate.

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