[PS: I have finally got three hundred chapters. From the time I sent the book in February to the present, the author’s book has been spent for four months. This is the fifth novel of the author Jun. The first four novels, three of the streets, have signed. There is also a book, “The Last Admiral of the Ship’s Mother World”, because it was written too H, and was ordered to be ruthlessly sealed, but this is the only one signed by the author.

    But no matter which one, these books are all losing money, that is, this “Jian Niang” makes the author a small profit. The author is grateful for the support of all readers. Regarding the anti-piracy version, the author knows that this does make a lot of genuine readers recruit, and the author has no better way, only a deep apology.

    In any case, the three hundred chapters are all worth celebrating. If you want to reward the author, give the author a monthly vote and celebrate…

    Finally, this chapter is not an anti-piracy version, it is a fate. 】

    Yes, this gray-faced face, a boy with a rebellious atmosphere called Yi Qing, is the second base city in China in the future. It is also the Jiandi Emperor Shoutian Emperor of Yuzhang City, which is a small base from the small life to the big base city.

    The name of this copy is called “Heroes from the end of the micro”, which means that before the Emperor of the Heavenly Sword became a sword-bearer, it was just a desert tribe who could not eat enough, and was at any time and anywhere. Throughout the legend of the Emperor of Heaven, he is a protagonist who is more protagonist than the cold. In the era of Yi Qing, the Emperor of Heaven is the deserved protagonist.

    This can also explain why Etienne feels that Yi Qing is familiar with it. After all, it is his first sword-bearer. Although the female university has changed, the outline of the appearance is still clearly visible.

    However, some curious about the cold is the relationship between Yitian and the Emperor of Heaven, and the cold noticed that Yitian’s attitude towards Yiqing was not good, just like what hatred between two people. It seems that in the history books and various legends, it is not credible that Etienne is the best friend of the Emperor of Heaven, and there must be stories that cannot be told between the two.

    “Although I personally feel that what I said just now is like the Arabian Nights, but one thing I can confirm, you should have no bad thoughts about me. I will introduce again, my name is Yi Qing, Yi Jing’s easy, green grass, although I don’t know how long I can get along with you, but I hope to be friends with you. ”Juvenile Yi Qing is the future swordsman. Although he faces a sword-bearer who is not more powerful than him, he still does not humble or humble. He proposes to make friends with the cold and rush to such a temper. Even if there is no talent for Sword Emperor, then his future is definitely a character that cannot be underestimated.

    “Okay, Yi Qing, we are friends now!”The cold hand held Yi Qing’s hand and shook it hard.

    “System Message: The task of a thin young boy has been completed: You found a young boy, and became a friend with him.”

    “System Message: The mainline task has been updated. Task 2: Looking for the White Iron Sword: There is a left-old sword-level sword white iron sword hidden near this temporary stronghold. Please help Yi Qing find the white iron sword. ”

    The new task has come down, helping Yi Qing find the white iron sword. Unexpectedly, the generation of the swordsman, his ancient sword-level swordsman is actually the white iron sword in the three initial swordsmen, this kind of click is sent, everyone has the novice equipment. However, it is worth mentioning that Yi Qing’s white iron sword is not a white iron sword artificially forged, but a natural sword and a white iron sword. The ranking in the ancient sword recorded is also more than 300, compared with the total. With a few thousand rankings, this is already a pretty good ranking.


    “Yi Qing, have a meal!”At this time, a person who only wrapped the main part came to the door of Yi Qing, but he was surprised to find the cold and the sky that Yi Qing sat together.

    Seeing the cold and leaning against the sky, this person is obviously somewhat aggressive. Everything about the cold and the heavens has spread throughout the tribe. Everyone knows that a powerful sword-bearer has entered his own tribe. It’s just that they never imagined that this sword-bearer would actually stay with Yi Qing, who is stubborn in character and dirty.

    “Uncle Uncle, what are you doing, give me my meal!”Seeing Yi Tian standing in the doorway, Yi Qing urged.

    “Oh, oh, give it to you!”Yi Tian handed the two roasted blackened scones in the basket to Yi Qing’s hand.

    Seeing these two scones, Yi Qing was surprised. “Uncle Uncle, is the chieftain sealed?” Actually sent me two scones. ”

    “How do you say that how can you say that the chieftain is crazy? Is it not a bad thing to send you a scone? In these few days, we have never eaten too much! ”Yi Tian dissatisfied said.

    “No, Uncle Yitian, our scorpion tribe is now in the most difficult time, we should save food as much as possible, and it is possible to survive this time. How can we eat two scones so luxuriously? Uncle Yi Tian, ​​I am going to change a cake for you. You are going to persuade the chieftain to let him not be so extravagant! ”Yi Qingcheng said sincerely.

    “Nervous disease, don’t eat it…”Yi Tian took back a cake from Yi Qing’s hand and then screamed away. Seeing this scene, Yi Qing knew that what he had just said was white, and he could only sigh and sigh and sit down, silently licking the scone in his hand.

    “Can’t see it, you think about this tribe!”Chilling and laughing.

    “I have never had a parent since I was four years old. If it is not the kindness of the tribe, I will pull me up. I have already died in this desert.” It was the Horde who saved my life, and I want to know how to report it. So even if he came to pick me up to Yanjing City, I would never leave the tribe. I Yiqing and the tribe lived together and died. I am Yi Qing, there are tribes! ”Yi Qing bitten half a scone and hid the remaining half in the clothes carefully. He had just eaten two pieces of cold bread. This time he only ate half a scone, but he couldn’t hungry.

    DrinkingThe cold handed out a bottle of water and sent it to the hands of Yi Qing. Yi Qing smashed it. After saying a thank you, he unscrewed the bottle cap, drank the water inside, and then he was the same as the half scone. Carefully collect the remaining empty bottles.

    “The most important thing in the desert is the container of water! This water bottle is worth more than water! ”Yi Qing explained one sentence.

    “Yi Qing, since we are friends, then can I ask, you and your father, that is, what is going on with him. If he is really your father and you are worried about the living conditions of the tribe, I will let him help you after I return to Yanjing City. ”

    “No, never go to him!”Yi Qing’s reaction was very strong. “I didn’t want to meet with that ungrateful and cruel and ruthless person in my life. I will never accept his help.”

    “What the hell is going on, Yi Qing, if you are my friend, then as a friend, I hope I can help you.”

    “Forget it, telling you is no big deal!”Yi Qing sneered at “My father, that is, the man named Yida. Like me, I lost my parents from an early age and was orphaned by the tribe. As a result, the chieftain not only did not look down on my father, but also married his own daughter, and he still had me. ”

    “The result was that when I was one year old, he didn’t know where to find a sword. He also became a sword-bearer and became the most powerful person in the tribe. So the chief gave the position to my father and let him lead the tribe. ”

    “It was quite good at first, because there was only one of my father’s sword-bearers in the desert. He was the most invincible human being in the desert. All the tribes fear our scorpion tribe. Our scorpion tribe once owned three oases, with more than 400 populations, the most powerful tribe in the desert. ”

    “But later, there were two sword-bearers from Yanjing City. We received them very warmly. As a result, they chatted with my father for less than ten minutes. He decided to leave our tribe and go to Yanjing. What has been the life of a jade food?”

    “My mother and I were very happy at first. I felt that I could go to Yanjing to live a happy life with my father. But that night, the man and the swordsman of Yanjing City left without saying goodbye, leaving me and my mother in this piece of yellow sand, one person left, and even one explanation never left us two. ”

    “So my mother and I lost our father. The tribe lost a powerful chieftain. The tribes around us who were afraid of us joined together and launched an attack on us again and again. Until now, our scorpion tribe has lost all oases, and more than 300 ethnic groups have died in more than a decade of struggle. If we can no longer find an oasis to live, our scorpion tribe will completely disappear. . ”

    “As a result, my mother was mad in the first month after her father left, and then one person broke into the desert and could no longer find her.” I also became an orphan. Fortunately, the tribe did not vent their anger at me because of my father’s departure, but instead raised me up, so I decided to be a child since I was a child. I never want to recognize this man with my heart. My generation will always be with the Horde. Together, life and death, suffering together. ”

    “I thought at the beginning that you were the one my father sent me to pick up Yanjing City, because my mother told me that he had hurt his own thing after the rest of me, and it is impossible to have a second one in his life. child. So I thought he was trying to continue his blood and wanted to pick me up. I am sorry, I am wrong. ”

    When I got here, the story of Yi Qing’s childhood was finished. This story is not a slogan, a nine-curve, a thrilling story. This is just a simple story of abandoning his wife. This kind of story is happening all the time. From ancient times to the present, examples continue. In ancient times, Chen Shimei, a former Taizu, was a typical figure who abandoned his wife for a career.

    The story of listening to the cold is very serious. I don’t know that the Emperor of Heaven has such an experience when he was a child…Yitian also listened very seriously. It seems that when she was with Yi Qing, she never heard Yi Qing talk about her previous affairs.

    “I can guess the reason why the man did not bring you and your mother!”The cold suddenly said.

    What reason?Yi Qing’s voice was a little excited. This was the most dead knot in his heart, and he often made him difficult to let go.

    “It’s very simple. We have come through Yanjing City all the way but it has gone through thousands of difficulties. There is still a sword-bearing companion who has left us forever!”The cold face showed a sad expression, and I couldn’t hear that it was the thing that he believed in the mouth. “Even if it is a sword-bearer, all the way back to Yanjing from here, it is a matter of nine deaths. If your father brings you and your mother, I am afraid that nine lives will be dead and dead. ”

    “I don’t want to argue for your father because I don’t know him, but I just want to tell you such a possibility. Your father may not want you and your mother to die on the way to Yanjing City. It will not leave you without leaving, he may not be as fascinating as you think! ”

    “If this is the case, then he can not leave, isn’t it?” Is it not good to stay here to protect the tribes that raise themselves? Why do you have to go to that ghost Yanjing City. ”Yi Qing’s mood has exploded.

    “Because no sword-bearer can resist the temptation of Yanjing City!”The cold smashed the mouth. “Accurately speaking, it is impossible to resist the temptation to improve your ability. Only by going to Yanjing City, your father is likely to improve his strength. From this point of view, your father is indeed owing you! ”

    “It turned out to be like this!”Yi Qingying sat back on the ground, and the doubts buried in his heart for a long time were finally solved. After listening to the explanation of the cold, Yi Qing felt that his hatred for his father was a little smaller.

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