“See an acquaintance?”The attitude of fixing the cold is not surprising. It seems that I have already guessed the expression of Yitian.

    Not SureYitian shook his head.

    “Then we will look for it, maybe it is really your acquaintance.”There are some interesting things hidden in the cold smile.

    I don’t want itShe has always been afraid of the unfettered reliance on the sky. She took a step back and showed that she did not want to go to the former acquaintance. “Are you not going to complete the copy task?” Let’s finish the task. ”

    “Well, as you wish, we will complete the task now.”Hearing the cold, he said, and Yitian was deeply relieved.

    When she was in the middle of this temporary stronghold, she took a walk, finally arrived at a low cabin, leaning on the day some anger, she found herself was fixed cold cheated, she angrily pointed to a small cabin inside a thin boy questioned solid cold road, “We are not agreed to complete the task, not to find any acquaintances?” ”

    “Yes, we are going to complete the task!”The cold smashed the shoulders. “This is our mission goal.”

    “Do you both, is it interesting to point at someone else’s home?”An angry little face was drilled out of the hut. It was a dark guy with a dark face on his face and a black smear on his face, just like the one just drilled inside the briquettes.

    But unlike his family, who are not mindful of revealing their key parts, this little guy actually wears a stern dress. Well, this may not be a piece of clothing, at most it is countless. The rags are wrapped together.

    “Little guy, we want to ask you something, don’t know if you can help us!”The cold is a bright smile to this boy…Such a smile is rare, and the person who is at least familiar with the cold has never seen such a smile.

    “I don’t know anything, don’t ask me!”As soon as the boy turned, he intended to ignore the two strange fellows, but the solid cold but from the dimensional pocket inside out a bag of bread out, and then ripped off the packaging, an attractive aroma from the packaging bag, floated into the young man’s nose, the young man had already turned over the head, and can not help to turn back.

    “Do you intend to use this bread for my intelligence!”When the teenager did not wait for the cold to speak, he asked on his own initiative.

    You wise guy.Cold nodded, this child can, the province’s own expense explained.

    “Okay, I tell you!”The boy robbed the bread directly from the cold hand, then stuffed it into his mouth, swallowed it and wiped it clean, and added, “If you want to ask me if I don’t know, then don’t blame me.”

    Good guy, who knows if you really don’t know the intelligence, if you don’t want to answer, don’t you know that it’s over, and it’s not a white bread.

    “No, I think you have to ask the questions I have to ask!”I don’t care about the young man’s cleverness. “I ask you, there is a teenager named Yi Qing in this tribe. Where is he?”

    “易青!!!”Hearing this name, Yi Tianyi behind the cold body trembled, apparently, the name poked somewhere in the heart of Eternal.

    “Easy? You are looking for Yi Qing! ”There was a hint of surprise on the boy’s face. “What are you looking for?” He died five or six years ago, and he was starved to death. Hey, the child without aunt is pitiful. He is starving and has no one who is willing to bury him. ”

    “Well, I have answered your question, you can go, I have to take a nap!”After answering the question of chilling, the boy is going to drive away. But even a fool can guess that this boy answered the lie, if Yi Qing is really dead, then this copy also completes the task of **.

    “Hey, Yi Qing, I haven’t seen you for so many years. You are still the appearance of this empty mouth, and sure enough, people will not change!”Standing behind the cold, Yitian suddenly began to sneer, and the eyes of the boy who looked coldly in front of him “I don’t think there is a chance to see you, Yi Qing, we haven’t seen it for more than 700 years!”

    “More than seven hundred years…”Yi Qing, who is full of vernacular, has begun to feel a little more aggressive. His time of living has been more than a decade, and he has never seen a friend who has not seen it for more than 700 years.

    “A little calm, relying on the sky, this is in the game!”The cold patted the shoulders of Yitian and said to Yitian through the sword marks. “This is a copy of the game. Everything you see is illusory data. This is not really easy, it is just a bunch of data.”

“……”Etienne did not speak, she also reacted, silently bowed her head and drilled directly into the low door of the cottage…Yi Qing had the heart to stop leaning against the sky, but he was so thin that he could stop the sky as a swordsman, so he was simply pushed to the ground and fell.

    “Oh,” the cold smiled, and lifted Yi Qing from the ground, and then entered the small room.

    “What the hell are you, what do you want to do? Don’t you know that private homes are going to be shot? ”Yi Qing is very angry, these two people are too inexplicable, too unruly.

    “Who are we, I think you guessed it. As for the crime of private residence, is there such a thing as a policeman? ”

    “That’s good, you are a sword-bearer, you are powerful, you are amazing, you stay here, I am going!”Yi Qing picked up some things on the ground and left these sturdy swordsmen.

    “Eat what I ate, give me false information, how do we count this account!”Sword Qi, who is cold, can’t go any further, even if his face is red, he can’t take a step.

    “Well, you are amazing, I recognize!”Yi Qing is not a person who doesn’t understand the brains. When he sees that he can’t escape from the cold palm, he simply sits on the ground, and I have been beaten up.

    “Yes, I am Yi Qing, let me know, what are you looking for in the end!”Yi Qing stared at the cold and leaning against the sky. “But my stomach is very hungry now, I am going to starve to death. You better give me something to eat, otherwise I will not answer you in one sentence. ”

    “Yes, fair trade!”Cold and throw a piece of bread to Yi Qing, Yi Qing quickly tore open the wrapping paper, and bite a bite “You should be Yanjing City!”

    “However, we did come from Yanjing, but how did you know?”Asked about the cold smile.

    “It’s not easy. The bread of anyone’s bread will be so luxuriously packed with transparent bags. Only the talents from Yanjing City will have time to do this!”Said here, Yi Qing’s face showed a hint of longing. “In fact, if you don’t say that I can guess what you are looking for, are you sent him to pick me up?”

    HeChilling and shaking his head “I don’t know what you mean”

    The cold is really not knowing what Yi Qing said. I said before, the cold is only knowing some of the main lines of this copy. As for the specific plots and various story backgrounds and details, it is not clear.

    “Don’t pretend, you are what he sent!”Yi Qing smiled coldly. “Other people in Yanjing City will remember to hang up the life and death of such a livestock. It is really difficult for him. For more than ten years, I can still remember me.”

“…………”The cold did not speak, because he did not know what Yi Qing said in the end, but Yi Qing, who opened the voice, began to talk about it, about what he thought he said, and the cold is clear. reason.

    “The man thought that I think of it now, pick me up, I will be grateful to him, will go back and call his dear father! From the moment he left me and my mother here, I broke all the ties with him. From now on, I am easy to green is easy to green, is a pawn of Zongzi tribe, is not his easy to the descendants of the sword, I have vowed to heaven, from now on, I and he yi Tatsu grace broken righteousness, blood two separate, you go back to tell him, Don’t bother my life unless he wants to see my body. ”

    Dare to change the cold and mistakenly think that he would pick him up back to the father of Yanjing City. Hearing the things inside, Yi Qing’s father is still a sword-bearer. This is a bit interesting. Why does a sword-bearer in Yanjing City have a biological son in the Suzhou desert thousands of miles away?

    “Whether you believe it or not, we are not the one your father sent to pick you up!”Chilling and shaking your head “We have to find you for some special reasons, and then protect you until the upcoming danger has passed.”

    “Ha!Some tearful eyes of Yi Qing looked up and hesitated to look at the cold. “You really are not the people who are easy to pick me up.”

    “Of course not, unless you say that it is a sword-bearer above the sword level, otherwise he can command a sword-bearer like me. And we are not going to take you back. If you really want to do this, it will be fine to stun you. You don’t need to talk to you so hard. You are a smart child. You should know that I am not telling lies. ”

    “So what are you looking for?”Yi Qing didn’t understand. “And, what do you want to protect me, what kind of crisis should I protect? What are the ghosts? How do you know what crisis I have, and why do you want to protect me?” waste!”

    “Correct, you are not a waste, your future is beyond your imagination, because in the future you, we must protect you now, do you understand?”The cold is said to be very circling, the average person can’t understand.

    I understandYi Qing nodded hard. “Do you have any skills to predict the future, knowing that my future is beyond imagination, so come over and protect this weak and beyond imagination!”

    “Oh, maybe you don’t have any skills to predict the future, but humans who have come here in the future. Now there are Yuanxiao from all over the past. It is not unusual for a few swordsmen to come from the future. .”

    I heard Yi Qing’s self-analysis, and some of them were awkward.

    “Is it strange?”Silently looking at everything, Yitian sneered at him. “He is one of the most powerful swordsmen. The founder of Yuzhang City, the Emperor of Heaven, his wisdom has always surpassed these mortals!”

    This Yi Qing is actually the youngest Jiantian Sword Emperor, the first sword-bearer of Yitianjian!

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