“Not good, everyone is alert, there is a Lantern! Yuanxiao is here! Everyone is alert, Yuanxiao is here! ”When I was thinking about how to make Yi Qing go out of town and look for the white iron sword together with me, suddenly, several people rushed and ran in the stronghold, and kept saying such a sentence.

    “Uncle, what happened!”Yi Qingyi rushed out and grabbed the running man and asked loudly.

    “Yuan Lan! There is a yuan! ”The man gasped, “Just when I went out to investigate the surroundings, saw a steel monster, he is to kill two human beings, the two humans at first also want to fight with guns, but their bullets directly through the body of which steel monster, that is Yuan 冦, only Yuan 冦 will not even bullets can hit. ”

    After saying these words, the man ran to the building where the chief was in a panic, and it was estimated that he was going to report to the chief.

    “When you are cold, can you save our tribes? If there are no swordsmen, our tribes will probably die a lot!”At this time, the young Shutian Jiandi Yiqing looked at the cold with the eyes of praying, meaning that he hoped to be able to save the Zizi tribe. In his eyes, the cold is all hope and embarrassment. One of the most powerful swordsmen in history can look at themselves like this, and the cold is still a little excited.

    “Of course, as a sword-bearer, saving ordinary humans is our mission. Even if I am not friends with you, I will fight for the Scorpion tribe. Don’t talk nonsense now, take me to the gate, I want to see what the steel monster is! ”It’s said that it’s fixed.

    “Yes!”The young Sunshine Sword Emperor immediately ran to the front to lead the road to cold, and soon led the cold to the sand wall that began to enter the stronghold. At this time, almost all men use high alert…Or to tell the panic attitude to look at the desert in the distance.

    They are gathered here not to resist the attack of the Lantern Festival, but to observe whether the Lantern will find their own stronghold. Once this Lantern appears in their field of vision, all the people will immediately flee. This is the best way for survivors in the desert to understand the Lantern Festival…That is to escape with the fastest speed, hide yourself, try their best to escape the chase of the Lantern Festival, and wait for the Lantern to endure the desert climate and leave.

    This is the survival philosophy of the survivors of the desert. At this time, everyone is nervously watching the distance. At this time, no trace of steel monsters appears in the eyes of everyone.

    After waiting for a few minutes, the chieftain Yi Yun also came here. The first thing he came to here was not to ask about the battlefield situation, but to stumble directly in front of the cold, crying in tears and praying for cold. Shoot and save his tribe.

    In this regard, it is natural to use the set of words just answered Yi Qing to answer Yi Yun, which makes Yi Yun feel relieved. “There is a sword-bearer who blocks the Lantern Festival. Even if the sword-bearer can’t beat the Lantern Festival, he can also increase the time and hope of his tribe to escape! ”Yi Yun’s heart is a bit embarrassing.

    However, after a long time, there was no such figure in the eyes. Everyone seems to be relieved. They think that this Lantern will probably not come here. They are safe for the time being.

    But soon, the face-breaking thing happened. A woman with a dry face ran over and reported a terrible news. The trace of the steel monster was found behind the stronghold.

    Because behind the temporary stronghold is a slope with a very steep slope, limited by the line of sight, the person in the stronghold could not find the Lantern below the ramp. When they saw the trace of the Lantern Festival at the first sight, it was already late. The Lantern Festival had already gone uphill and began to rush toward the stronghold that was less than 500 meters away from the ramp.

    @Follow MeI don’t wait for Yiyun to talk, but I will hold the hand of Juvenile Heavenly Emperor Yi Qing, and go straight to the position behind the stronghold. The cold has quickly pulled Yi Qing into the eyes of most people.

    “Emirates, let’s escape! I think that the sword-bearer is too thin, it is impossible to be the opponent of the steel monster, the chieftain, we must first escape, and the sword-bearer dragged, we can escape! ”The man who had seen Yuan Zhen before had advised Yi Yunli.

    “Nonsense! All our food is here, now we are running away, there is no food, we are all dead words! ”Yi Yun screamed at the other party. “Listen to my command, I will go behind and observe the situation. All of you have to pack our food. Once the situation is wrong, listen to my order to retreat and escape. Do you understand? ”

    “Yes!”Everyone should be in unison, and it would be right to escape.


    Under the full force of the cold, the smoke of a smog, arrived at the back of the stronghold, looking at it, and sure enough, a thing made of steel is moving fast toward the stronghold. But this is not a steel monster, but a tank before the big break.

    I took out my personal terminal and took a photo of the Yuanxiao in the distance. The information of this Lantern Festival came true.

    Yuan Zhenming: Fusang type 89 medium tank (modified)?

    Level: Tiger level

    The second world of the world: the real world

    Debut: Most copies.

    Blood volume: 1-Star half

    Attack: two stars

    Agility: half star

    Demon power: no

    Ability: a 57mm short tube tank gun, two 6.5mm machine guns

    The trick: three Rapid Fire

    Introduction: The world’s first tank appeared after the Battle of the Somme. The Fusang Army was sensitive to the enormous value of the tank and immediately introduced the British MkIV tank. After careful study of the tank, Fuso opened a local 89 tank.

    The Type 89 tank has a fast speed, flexible movement, light weight and convenience, and is good at passing through the ditch. But its armor is really fatal. In the anti-Japanese battlefield, there is no need to say any anti-tank guns, even if it is a cluster grenade, as long as the position is correct, it can directly blow through the 89-type armor.

    Therefore, the Type 89 is also called the small bean diced by the Chinese. It means that the tank is as thick as the diced bean. It is the simplest tank that all the infants can handle. In the frontal tank battle, it can hardly play much of a role.

    It is worth noting that tanks and other weapons will not become a Lantern, or there will be a Lantern in the tank, or a tank mother, please pay attention to distinguish the type of Lantern. 】

    It turned out to be only a tiger-level Lantern. When I looked at the data, I didn’t put this Lantern in my heart. When the cold is still the ancient sword level, it will not be put in this eye, let alone the cold is now the sword-level Lantern.

    This is also normal, this is a copy of the ancient sword level after all, if the first debut of the Lantern is beyond the tiger level, then the ordinary ancient sword level players still play a **, directly exit the copy and surrender.

    “Can you deal with him?” If you can’t, please leave here quickly, and the Scorpion tribe is not worth a sword-bearer to sacrifice his life. ”Yi Qing, who was pulled all the way through the cold, was flushed. This Lantern, who is covered in iron, looks particularly horrible in his eyes. He thinks this cold man may not be the opponent of this Lantern.

    In fact, this iron guy is the best deal in Yuanxiao, because all his information is in control. On the contrary, those who look like a single man are the most difficult. You never know what skills and strategies he will use to deal with you.

    But obviously, Yiqing doesn’t feel that way, especially when the bean tank flashes a bright glow in the barrel, shells in the vicinity of the Yiqing explosion, directly fried near the dilapidated building directly collapsed half, yang up the dust of the sky, Yiqing immediately feel that the power of the yuan 冦 is too strong, too mighty ……Yi Qing couldn’t think of it for himself. For the sake of himself in the future, this bean-dotted tank is nothing more than a tightly sealed can. He can directly smash into hundreds of such tanks with a single Sword Qi.

    “No problem, I have come all the way from Yanjing, more than this powerful Lantern!”The cold patted the shoulders of Yi Qing and asked him to lean on Heavenly Dao. “Thank God, you can kill it!”

    I declineYitian looked at the cold, and looked at Yiqing. The cold understood the meaning of Yitian. She didn’t want to show herself in front of Yiqing…It seems that she and the Heavenly Sword Emperor did have a lot of stories that outsiders didn’t know, or they would be jealous of NPCs in the area.

    “Then let the king come!”It is not forced to rely on the heavens to fix the cold. Now that the cold has not been tamed and reliant on the sky, it is rashly forced to rely on the sky to do things that are unwilling, and that I am afraid that it will leave an indelible knot in the heart of Yitian.

    Then, under the gaze of Yi Qingmu, the cold was in the middle of the chest of Yitianjian, and Yitian changed into a sword, which was inserted into the scabbard behind it. And the cold turned to take out another bronze sword. After a ray of light, a girl who was completely different from the one who had just looked at the sky appeared in the cold.

    “Despicable villain, don’t you say that this copy makes Eternal experience all the time? Why have you pulled me out, I am still going to sleep in the scabbard for a while! ”The king stretched out, and the full chest came over.When the milk was shaken, Yue Wang discovered that there was still Yi Qing around the cold, and his shy arms wrapped around his chest.

    “I don’t want to worry about it, I can’t help you to kill the tank.”The cold is pointing at the 89-way.

    “Alright!”The king is now particularly embarrassed, and no nonsense, directly rushed to the unlucky tank, stared by a sword-level swordsman, this tiger-only tank is really a tragedy!

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