The unit, which was met by cold solid, belonged to a survival team called the Zongzi tribe, according to the team’s captain, the ancestors of the Zongzi tribe is a Zongzi dealer, the big burst before the Dragon Boat Festival just a few days ago, the dealer in their own warehouses hoarding hundreds of tons of frozen rice dumplings, intend to make a fortune.

    The next big break happened. The dealer who likes to watch online novels took the initiative and used the welding equipment in his warehouse to weld the entire warehouse, leaving only the hidden door to enter and exit…After a few days, the dealer seemed to be visiting a group nearby, looking for four or five girls who were half-dead at the age of ten to fourteen, and then brought these 13-year-old girls to Inside the warehouse, there was a happy and haunted harem life.

    In a way, the nephew dealer is a character with a harem template. Until five years later, he died of cancer. His warehouse has never been visited by Yuanxiao. Until he died, the nephew did not finish eating…It took him a few months to dig up the ground of the warehouse and then transfer all the ice and scorpions from the cold storage to the cellar so that his scorpion could remain frozen for several years.

    The dealer died, but his harem survived and he gave birth to several children. This is the prototype of the Scorpion tribe. Later, after a series of things, the Zizi tribe eventually developed into a small tribe with hundreds of people and blood relations. It is also a small tribe in the entire Suzhou desert.

    The squad that the cold meets is the squad that the scorpion tribe is responsible for taking water. The scorpion tribe failed in the recent battle with other tribes, and the oasis on which they depended was also taken away by the tribe. The most important thing in the desert is the water source. Without the help of the oasis, the scorpion tribe must send an adventure team and take great risks to obtain water from other non-desert areas of Suzhou.

    Yi Qing, the mission goal of the cold, is among the scorpions, but he is not in the adventurer’s ranks, so the cold can only follow this team to the temporary base of the scorpion tribe.

    On the way to this stronghold, the captain of the adventure team, known as the middle-aged man of Long Ge, has been working hard to calm down and rely on the sky. He even wants to give a very precious golden package of Alpine sugar. Keep the cold. In this era, any candy is unbeatable, even if it has been through more than two hundred years.

    Of course, the cold will not be interested in such a candy. The dragon brother who did not send the candy is a bit embarrassed, but he still wants to talk to the cold, and then tells the tragic experience of his tribe. Also let the solid cold understand why the elder brother Dragon so to please solid cold, because Longge hope that the cold can help dumplings tribe will be their own oasis to rob back, no oasis not only means no water, but also means the loss of food production, this allows only to rely on some of the past stocks survival of Zongzi tribe will soon enter the situation of exhaustion.

    However, except for the dragon brother who found a fairly flattering attitude after discovering the identity of the sword-holding person, the rest of the young people were glaring at the cold, and there was no point in respecting the cold. The eyes are full of anger, just like the cold is their father and the enemy.

    But the cold and the fact that they only met for the first time, there is no past grievances at all, it seems that the eyes of this hatred are mostly related to the identity of the sword-holding people! These survivors actually hate powerful swordsmen who can protect their lives. This is a very interesting thing.

    After ten minutes of walking with the adventure team, the cold finally reached a few buildings completely covered by sand.

    These buildings should be self-contained buildings in the nearby villages before the collapse. Because the houses are built by the residents themselves, the quality is quite strong. Even after more than two hundred years of wind and sun, the desert is still buried. Strong standing on the ground.

    These buildings have become the temporary bases of the Scorpion tribe, and they can barely provide a place for the desert tribe to shelter from the wind and rain.

    Outside the buildings, there are simple walls that are built with sand. At the exits of the walls, some middle-aged people armed with guns are standing guard…These firearms are not used to deal with the Lantern Festival, because ordinary guns have no effect on the Lantern Festival. These guns are used against humans. The human survivors in the desert are not friendly and rob the surviving materials. It is more commonplace.

    In the desert, human beings are the most dangerous creatures. Just like the tribe that had robbed the scorpion tribe oasis before, it is estimated that it is because of the deterrence of these firearms, so the tribe did not dare to kill the scorpion tribe, or grab the food of the scorpion tribe to meet their Fundamental interests.

    When I entered the temporary residence of the Scorpion tribe, most of them were lying on the ground lazily, and there was no desire to move. Their faces did not see the anger of a living being, as if they were waiting to die.

    “Hey, cold, how are they all like this.”Seeing this scene, I was puzzled and asked.

    “They are all desperate to live. In this desert, the oasis is a must for every tribe to survive. Once the oasis is lost, the land that can be cultivated is lost. Without the land, there is no food. Such a tribe is either swallowed up by other tribes or can only wait for death. ”The cold explained that in fact, the cold has not much knowledge of the specific situation of this copy, and does not collect the information of a few days in advance like the copy of “Betrayal of Arthur”. The cold is only a few of the copies of this copy of the Raiders post. There is a general understanding of the main line of the plot.

    Most of the words that I answered just now are analyzed by the information I have learned through the dialogue with Long Ge.

    After the adventure team entered the stronghold, they dispersed themselves. Long Ge arranged to fix the cold in a ruined building wreck for a while, and then led the cold to the second floor of a building, where there was a gray-haired old man. Wait here…In the whole tribe, the oldest person has the most clothes, and there are all kinds of oddly eccentric pieces of debris before hanging on the clothes. From this point, it can be judged that the old man should be the elder or chief of the scorpion tribe. It is.

    “Little old man Yi Yun, I don’t know how to call the two distinguished adults.”The old man of Yi Yun talked and shuddered, knowing Soso, timid and shrinking. And after finishing these words, I plan to give a cold and bow down…This is not like the temperament of a tribal chief, nor does it know that the soul that was beaten is scattered, or is deliberately pretending to be pitiful.

    “The old chief does not have to pay more. My name is Admiral and I am a sword-bearer. She is my swordswoman leaning against the sky. ”When the cold Sword Qi was released, Yi Yun, who wanted to kneel down, found that his knee seemed to be supported by a powerful force, and it was impossible to kneel down.

    “Unbelievable rude!”The old man of Yiyun no longer tried to kneel down, but turned around, pulling a sand pile behind him, taking out a vat from inside, and struggling to mention the cold.

    Yi Yun opened the plastic bucket, which was a bucket of flour. It was less than half the capacity of the bucket. Yi Yun was pitiful and said with sorrow. “Adult, our tribe has nothing else to honor you. This is the last ration. , also ask adults to laugh.”

    “This is your last ration? With so many people, these flours may not be able to eat for two days. ”Seeing this kind of flour, I can’t help but say.

    “More than that, not only, save some food, you can eat for a week.”Yi Yun said with a dry smile, such a little flour wants to be used by more than 100 people for a week. It is estimated that the amount of five poor bottle caps per person per day cannot be allocated.

    “Then you have only a little flour, why give us?”Yitian doubts.

    “Oh, the tribe of the little old man is already dead, and he is wasting the precious food on the little tribe.” It is better to hand over to a few sword-bearers adults. The sword-bearers are full of energy and kill a few yuan, and the little-born children’s nephews die without regrets. ”When Yi Yun said this, his face was full of self-righteousness and a sense of ambiguity.

    At this moment, Etienne was moved. She took the bucket and sent it back to Yi Yun’s hand. Then she took out a lot of bread, beer, beef jerky, rice cake and puffed from her scabbard. Food and other foods,

    Etienne estimates that all the food in his scabbard will be thrown out, piled up like a hill, and it is estimated that the scorpion tribe has been eating for a few weeks…I was amazed at the cold. He knew that there was a lot of food in the scabbard of Etienne, but he never thought that there were so many things in the scabbard…This is actually the collection of the heavens that used to be the debris of consciousness. Otherwise, it really takes time to collect so much food.

    “Thank you adults! Thank you adults! ”Yi Yun, the old man, looked at so many foods, and suddenly fell to the front of Yitian, holding the legs of Etienne, crying and shouting thanks, which made a strong sense of pride in the hearts of Eternal.

    Waiting until the cold and Etienne came out of Yi Yun’s room, Yitian was still fluttering and felt that he had done a good thing. However, Yitian occasionally took a cold look, but found that the face of the cold is full of mocking smiles.

    “Hey, ugly, are you ridiculing me!”The feeling of leaning against the sky is very sensitive, and on the spot, I ask the cold road.

    “No.The cold is very simple and shakes his head. “I can’t ridicule you.”

    “Heng!”Etienne is not stupid, and the eyebrows are horizontal, it is necessary to get angry with the cold.

    At this time, a little fart boy suddenly flashed in front of the sky and the cold, and when he left, he also left a very contemptuous sentence “Idiot swordswoman”

    Ever since, Etienne stayed where it was.

    What’s the matter? Is it even angry with a child? ”It is a cold road.

    “No, I just feel like I have an acquaintance!”The words of Yitian are somewhat inexplicable.

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