Leaving from Bright Jade Sword School, about the challenge of the Bright Jade Sword School, I plan to spend a day tomorrow to sort out.

    So the most important task now is to take the curious baby of Etienne and go to the copy. The cold has estimated the time, and it can still be played for an hour or two, which is exactly the time required for a small copy.

    Chilling came to the copy transfer hub of Bright Jade Sword School, a unique building of Sword School that allows Sword School players to easily transfer to each copy without the need for players to waste a lot of time on those A copy of the copy of the gate enters the copy.

    This is a pretty good benefit for Sword School players.

    Click on the transfer page of the copy transfer hub to see the copy tree page of “Jian Niang OL”…”The copy system of Jian Niang OL is like a big tree in the sky. There are countless branches stretching on one trunk, and there are countless branches on each branch. These copies are a copy of a copy that you want to brush with a richer copy of the reward, you must pass the front copy of the front pass.

    So far, the cold copy tree only shows two copies of the cold pass, one is the initial copy, and the other is the Wudang top copy. Some readers will ask, isn’t it also a copy of “The Betrayal of King Arthur”?

    The cold has indeed passed the copy of “The Art of King Arthur’s Betrayal”, but when the first cold of the “King of Arthur’s Betrayal”, this copy is a state of hidden copy, that is, a copy of the precondition is not required, so the cold is only You can join this copy. But now “King Arthur’s Betrayal” has joined the copy tree, becoming the most cutting-edge copy of the sword-level copy. If you want to play this copy, you must pass all eight copies of this copy before you can… …Although the cold is the first captain to clear the copy of “Bat Arthur’s Betrayal”, but there is no use of eggs, this copy is still a gray inactive state.

    Do not go to the name of the sword level, which is still a distant copy of the cold, the target of the cold is on the few copies that you can pass.

    Replica tree The backbone of this towering tree is made up of six copies, respectively, the original copy of the ancient sword-level main Line “Yue Wang Goujian”; The main line of the sword-grade “Wudang extremely”; After that is the main line of the sword-level copy of “Old Yanjing defense”, the spirit of the “Battle of the Alps”, the Chinese Paladin “return to the UK”, The Last Emperor Sword class “A solo into Heaven”.

    In addition to the six main line copies, a series of branch line copies extending from the main line copy, each main line copy is connected to two branch line copies, so there are a total of five copies to choose from. However, the cold is not going to brush the name of the main line of the sword-level “Old Yanjing Defence War”, because this copy requires a lot of time, the fastest time has to be three days, the cold can not extract so much now Time comes out.

    The four copies and the branch copies of the other main line copies that are directly connected to each other are used as a copy of the branch line, the copy of one branch line is called the second line branch copy, and so on, up to the N round branch copy.

    Solid Cold One copy of the data to see the past, the previous 12 years, the main energy of the cold solid is used to study the “Yue Wang Goujian” copy, the remaining energy, most of them are also studying other main line copy, for these fragmented branch copy, solid cold although understand, but know not clear, That’s better than the average player who hasn’t done his homework.

    The attention of the original cold is concentrated on the two sword-level copies, after all, the basic reward of the sword-level copy is twice as much as the ancient sword level. However, when I accidentally glanced at one of the ancient sword-level copies, I was shocked. “Hey, is this copy a copy of the branch line?”

    The cold found an interesting copy in the ancient sword-level copy, this copy is not very rewarding, but for Etienne, it is a very interesting copy. Originally, I thought that this copy was in the four- or five-wheel position. I didn’t expect it to be a round copy.

    “Nothing to hesitate, this is it!”In the heart of the cold, there was a decision. On the top of this copy, a copy of the door was opened out of thin air. The cold and the two men, Yitian and Yuewang, disappeared into the door of the copy.


    “System Message: Player Admiral, welcome to enter the “Hero from the end” copy, mission objectives, protect the safety of the young Yi Qing, let him go to the next survivor sanctuary. Please note that the more the number of Lanterns killed by Yi Qing, the higher the copy evaluation. ”

    “System Message: Task One has been updated: Thin Youth: Find a young boy, and gain his trust and become his friend.”

    “Is this the world landscape more than 700 years ago?”When the cold enters the copy, you can see the infinite yellow sand, and countless ruins are buried by these yellow sands. If it is not the cold and know that it is the Jiangnan water town, then the cold thinks that he has come to the Sahara Desert. the edge of.

    Yes, this place is full of yellow sand. It used to be the Jiangnan water town with birds and flowers. The location is about the former Suzhou suburbs. It is a pity that this water town has become a desert, and the wind blows, that is, the yellow sand of the sky floats.

    It is said to be one of the most fierce battlefields of human resistance after the Great Destruction. Several Egyptian gods’ Spiritual God wants to transform this neighborhood into a desert like their hometown. As a result, half of it has been transformed, and it has been handed over by the passing swordsman. The result is gone. Unfortunately, in the face of Suzhou after the transformation, even if it is the Sword Emperor, there is no way to restore the cost here. Later, after the establishment of Yuzhang City, the use of technology, slowly re-engineered this desert back to the original look.

    However, before the establishment of Yuzhang City, this area was always a desert, but the desert is also the benefit of the desert. This kind of poor living conditions, even the Lantern Festival, can not stand. Except for the perverts in the Egyptian gods, it is estimated that few Yuanxiao will like to live in the desert.

    So here it became a paradise for human survivors. Because the distance from the new Yanjing City is too far away, the survivors here do not have the mood and ability to go to the new Yanjing City to find a happy land. They choose to thrive in this place where Lianyuanyu is not willing to stay. .

    According to the task prompt, the primary task of fixing the cold is to find the NPC teenager Yi Qing. At this time, he should live in a nearby tribe…It is not difficult to find this tribe. This is only a copy of the ancient sword level. It is a copy of the players who have just completed the initial copy to further enhance their ability. So such a copy is relatively simple, the system does not have as many traps as “The Art of King Arthur”, just need to honestly follow the copy prompts, this copy will be very simple to complete.

    It is not difficult to find the tribe where Yi Qing is located, because in the vicinity of the cold, there are a series of footprints. In the desert, where the wind blows, all kinds of footprints will disappear without a trace. The footprints seen in the cold are so clear that the owner of the footprints has just passed through here and soon.

    Sure enough, along the footprints all the way forward, the cold saw a group of humans who were burying their heads and walking forward. Their bodies were almost all traced (harmonious), only a few pieces of rags hugged the lower body. The important part of it.

    According to common sense, people living in the desert must wrap their bodies tightly, even if the temperature outside is as high as forty degrees. This sounds incredible. Shouldn’t you wear clothes if the weather is hot? Why do you want to wrap yourself up, isn’t this contradictory?

    The person who will raise this question must be someone who has not sunburned the sun for a long time. Human skin can not be exposed to the sun for a long time. Once the sun is too long, the skin will appear dry and shrinking, wrinkles, elasticity, telangiectasia, pigmentation spots, white atrophic spots, rhomboid skin, light. Sexual granuloma and stellate spontaneous scars. Otherwise, why those who are on the beach with the sun should apply sunscreen to their bodies.

    In the desert where the poisonous day is the head of the day, if you don’t cover your skin, you will basically live ten years old. Their tender skin will dry and crack, and finally they will collapse and die.

    However, the desert that is now cold is different, because this desert is not a normal desert, but a desert formed by magic. In the rainy places of Suzhou, how can there be long-term sun exposure, so these survivors do not have to worry about skin problems, and expose their bodies with peace of mind.

    Fortunately, the gods of the Egyptian gods only completed half of the magic transformation, but changed the land into a desert, but it was too late to transform the nearby climatic conditions. Once the transformation is completely completed, it is simply not suitable for human beings to live any longer.

    Because these humans can’t find fabrics at all, the surrounding non-desert areas are all Yuanxiao, and a few oases in the desert are also used to grow food, and there are places where people can grow linen.

    Hello , everyone !The cold and fast-paced catch up with the survivors of this group of walking, these survivors looked envious and puzzled and looked at the cold and the sky.

    They envy because they have a complete set of clothes, shoes and hats on the cold, which is the most dreamy thing in their life. What they are puzzled about is how the cold and the sky will appear here.

    There are about a dozen people in this survivor team, and a few of them are courageous. The young and strong guy can’t help but lick his tongue. The clothes on these two humans that popped out were so beautiful, how good it would be if you could kneel down and wear them on your own! There is still that woman, it is so beautiful, compared with her, the women in the tribe seem to be dried up, and the dried beans are just the same.

    “Small beast, give me a bow, bow!”A middle-aged man in the team smashed a few words about the young people who had bad thoughts. He was a knowledgeable person and knew that there were swordsmen in the world. When he was young, he was lucky. Speak with the swordsman…At first glance, this person feels that the cold is like a sword-bearer, because no one except the sword-bearer can live such a comfortable and comfortable, and can follow a beautiful little girl behind her…This is the treatment that the sword-bearer has.

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