Before going to the copy, I have to go to Bright Jade first. When the cold enters the game for a few minutes, Bright Jade’s invitation news is sent to the personal terminal of the cold. Obviously his demand for cold is Very strong…Amount, it seems that some of the adjectives used something wrong.

    So after comforting Yue Wang and Yi Tian, ​​the cold came with them to the Sect station of Bright Jade. Etienne did not have any interest in this kind of thing that she became a dirty PY transaction, so she forced the king to go to the wine cellar in the station to drink.

    So the cold man entered the meeting room of Bright Jade Sword School alone, or the meeting room that had talked to Bright Jade after the copy clearance. At this time, Bright Jade had already given the face to the meeting room. To the clean cups that have been served in front of Bright Jade, it seems that Bright Jade has been waiting for a lot of time.

    “Is Bright Jade waiting for a long time?”Cold and asked from the opposite side of Bright Jade.

    “Fortunately, an hour!”Bright Jade smiles and does not move.

    “It seems that Bright Jade’s head is very laid-back recently. I can be honored when I wait for an hour.”After the cold was finished, two NPC maids put the tea in front of the cold, and poured a cup of Bright Jade. I sighed and sighed. “Don’t gossip, Bright Jade is rushing to find me. I don’t know what’s going on?”

    “We and Hengtian Qiushui have to advance ahead of the challenge.”Bright Jade drank the freshly filled tea.

    “Earlier? When is it early? According to the original decision, Bright Jade will challenge Hengtian Qiushui in a month. From now on, there are about twenty days left.

    Day after tomorrowBright Jade was silent for a while and spit out such a time.

    Day after tomorrowIn the city of the cold, I couldn’t help but look surprised. Just a joke, the original one month time, now actually shortened directly for twenty days. This is equivalent to a large war with less than half of the mobilization time and logistics preparation time. You let Germany in World War II and World War II lose half of the mobilization time to see if he will be promoted.

    These twenty days are very important for Bright Jade Sword School, making plans, arranging staff, and preparing various combat resources. In short, these twenty days are gone, and the winning rate of Bright Jade Sword School has dropped by at least 40%. .

    “Can’t you have more days? The day after tomorrow is about to start. Many members of your Sword School estimate that they have their own plans, or they will not be online at all. It is a problem for you to be able to get together half of the members. ”The cold can’t help but remind Bright Jade.

    “I have no choice but to fight the day after tomorrow. If I can, I even want to go straight tomorrow.”Bright Jade’s helpless face, he can see, he is not prepared for such a result, is not expected.

    “What happened?”Seeing the expression of Bright Jade, I know that Bright Jade is forced to make such a decision. How can such a smart person make such stupid things?

    “Guess it!”Bright Jade suddenly wants to sell a game, and play with the cold to guess this traditional game…It was about the last time that the cold was directly seen through his intention to challenge the top ten Sect status of Hengtian Qiushui. He felt that he was somewhat reluctant to find a face.

    “naive!”The cold snorted, and a naive let Bright Jade feel that there was no light on his face. Nima, this is indeed naive. Forget it, childish is childish, your admiral can’t guess, I feel good and can relax.

    However, guessing what has always been the strength of the cold.

    “There is nothing to guess, you suddenly advance the attack time, nothing more than a sudden change, so you have to advance the entire time.”The cold analysis slowly said that “such a change is nothing more than two possibilities, either your Bright Jade Sword School is weakened, or the Hengtian Qiu Shui becomes stronger.”

    “I came over this road and found that your Bright Jade Sword School people are a lot more than before. The members’ faces are also full of excitement. It seems that because of the copy of the first pass and the defeat of the waves, let you The Sword School has poured in a lot of fresh blood. Bright Jade Sword School should be in a rising phase at this time, and there is no possibility of a decline in strength. ”

    “Then the problem is on the body of Hengtian Qiushui. It must be that the strength of Hengtian Qiushui has also become stronger. The easiest way for a Sword School to become stronger is to join a large number of masters. With the founder of Hengtian Qiushui and the founder of Qi Botao, the relationship between the cut and the chaos is still in the normal situation. It’s normal, but not to mention that your victory is based on On the failure of Bo Taotao, Li Botao dreamed of revenge. And the best way for them to retaliate against Bright Jade Sword School is to let your challenge fail and spit out everything they get from them. ”

    “So I guess you should find that a lot of masters of Bo Tao began to quit Sword School. Sword School is notoriously difficult to join, and it is not normal for so many masters to quit. It is inevitable that the high-level leaders of the wave will order these masters to withdraw from Sword School, and then let these masters join Hengtian Qiushui, so that the strength of Hengtian Qiushui will rise to the extent that your Bright Jade Sword School can’t beat it. ”

    “Fortunately, there are still 72 hours of cooldown after exiting Sect. Those masters must wait 72 hours to join Hengtian Qiushui after exiting. This 72 hours is your only chance, if you can’t beat them in these 72 hours. If you are in constant weather, then your Bright Jade Sword School will not have the chance to beat Hengtian Qiu Shui.”

    “Oh, yes, these 72 hours are calculated from the time these masters exit Sect. I don’t know when they will quit, but obviously, you haven’t had 72 hours now.”

    “If this is the case, you may not want to challenge the Hengtian Qiushui now! The day after tomorrow should be the time you have calculated several times. At this time, you should be the best time to omit all the time that can be omitted. ”

    “That said, the time you can really use to challenge Hengtian Qiu Shui is only about 30 hours. This is really compact. Bright Jade, your heart is really big, it is beyond my expectations.”In the middle of the cold, the series of analysis was said without a pause, and Bright Jade almost fell to the table with the cup in his hand.

    “Admiration, is this guy still a person?”Bright Jade’s expression is just like seeing a ghost.

    “It seems that I guessed it, let’s talk about it. What is the specific situation? I listened to it.” Closed the mouth and waited for Bright Jade’s speech.

    “Oh, is this my own insult?”Bright Jade sighed. “You guessed it. Two hours ago, I received information from the inside of the waves. About 5,000 elite swordsmen quit the Bright Jade Sword School at the same time. I still didn’t understand it at the beginning, until I was connected with Hengtian Qiushui. ”

    “It should be that my plan to challenge Hengtian Qiushui was leaked…Maybe there is no leak at all. The wonderful pen is really familiar to me. He can guess that I will be interested in Hengtian Qiushui. ”When Bright Jade mentioned the pen, the tone was subtle. The enemy of Bright Jade Sword School has now become the most powerful enemy of Bright Jade.

    “If I were you, I would give up this challenge!”I don’t care if I hear the words of Bright Jade’s expression. “If you want to support Hengtian Qiu Shui, you don’t need such a big fan. The best way is to arrange a few members to quit Sect every day and enter Hengtian Qiushui. Yes.

    As long as you enter the Hengtian Qiu Shui so quietly, your inside line will not be able to find such information unless it becomes a high-level role. ”

    “Now the waves of the Cang LAN are not in the way of such a high-profile arrangement for 5,000 of people to withdraw collectively, this means, this is Cang LAN waves intentionally do to you see, tell you bright Jade, I want to the constant days to expand support, you only have 72 hours of time, if not action, You will never have a chance to challenge the eternal sky. ”The cold is continuing to analyze.

    “沧澜波涛 is forcing you to make a choice, whether to launch an attack within 72 hours, or to give up the hope of Hengtian Qiu Shui. If you give up the wild vision, then the waves will keep the Hengtian Qiushui and achieve the basic purpose. If you start the attack, it is better. Since ancient times, no Sword School has been able to end the Sect challenge in just 30 hours, except for Bo Taotao. Bright Jade If you really do this, you are looking for death. Once the original members of Hengtian Qiushui have survived these 30 hours, and the main force from Qibo Tao joins Hengtian Qiushui, then you are completely finished. You Sect has accumulated more than ten years of things, all of them go to Hengtian Qiushui. In the hands of it. ”

    “Oh, yes, if I am the European and European, I will arrange a few top experts to quit Sword School in advance and join Hengtian Qiu Shui. This will at least increase the combat power of half of Hengtian Qiushui, so that you are even less likely to defeat Hengtian Qiu Shui. ”

    “This is actually a fairly simple trap, using a seventy-two hour limit to force Bright Jade to make an adventurous decision. Once you step into it, there are tens of thousands of ways to kill you in front of Hengtian Qiushui, so if I were you, I would never go to the idea of ​​Hengtian Qiushui again. This is entirely in the court death. ”

    The cold is like a bucket of ice water, all poured on Bright Jade’s head, making Bright Jade the whole person stupid.

    These words, which were said after the cold, were never thought of by Bright Jade. He thought that this was just the action of Bo Taotao to support Hengtian Qiushui. He did not expect that there was such a huge trap hidden in himself. If you jump down, I am afraid that it will be over.

    ButBut,Bright Jade’s expression is full of entanglement and hatred.

    In the end, Bright Jade’s eyes closed and his expression returned to calm.

    “Nothing is good, I have to take it down. If I can’t win the Hengtianqiu, I would rather turn the entire Bright Jade Sword School into a powder, and it will never exist.”Bright Jade reveals a rare, vicious expression.

    “Since Bright Jade has a decision on the head, I will not persuade you. Goodbye, this drowning, the Admiral I don’t want to be involved.”The cold is getting up and going.

    HELP ME. You must have a way to help me, right? ”Bright Jade flashes and stops in front of the cold. “What are your requirements? I promise you, as long as you are willing to help me this time.”

    Any termThe cold eyebrows picked up and sent a text to Bright Jade through the newsletter. “………”

    After reading this text, Bright Jade didn’t wrinkle his brow and replied directly, “Yes, I promised you.”

    “You really are not a good person, Bright Jade, I think so from the beginning!”Cold weather can’t think of Bright Jade’s promise, so he stared at Bright Jade and glanced at it. “Good, the command of the day after tomorrow is handed over to me. I have 60% confidence to help you win this challenge.”

    “Yes, including my Bright Jade, everyone at Bright Jade Sword School, all obey the instructions of your Admiral. From now on, your Admiral is the deputy head of my Bright Jade Sword School.”

    “Oh, I forgot to quit Bright Jade Sword School after I finished my mission…Otherwise I have to wait for 72 hours. ”Chilling and shaking his head, turned and left the meeting room. “Right, you can identify your temper to set this trap to your people. It is estimated that there is only that guy. This time I have to change from a teammate to an opponent. It’s really interesting, I’m looking forward to it.”

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