Thanks to the assurances of Eternal Day, I have been sleeping in the past 350 years, and I have never woke up at all, so it is impossible to split my own fragments of consciousness. That is impossible.

    But the solid cold does not believe this, the game was 200 years ago on-line, the inner fragments of consciousness are also in the true form of the soul on the heavens, and the fragments of consciousness in the instant of the day upon the heavens are the proof of proof, not from the fragments of the consciousness of Heaven’s own mind, which cannot be fused into the consciousness of heaven.

    One bite has not been awake for three hundred and fifty years, and the other is indeed a piece of consciousness that relies on heaven. This is a very interesting thing. There must be some interesting things in it…There is such a speculation in the cold. Etienne woke up once in these three hundred and fifty years, but I don’t know why, she deleted all the memories that she woke up.

    This is not impossible. If a certain world meets something that you don’t want to recall anymore, then before falling asleep, the swordsman can remove all the memories of the whole world, just like the formatting of the computer. Very convenient

    Got it, the cold will undoubtedly explore the things inside, some things do not know better than knowing better.

    “How, those memories, have you straightened out?”Eternal sitting in the chair, this is her memory of the heavens in the game. This is the first time I have seen her so quiet since she understood the cold.

    “Well, it’s all right, the world of this game is like this!”On the face of the day with a curious smile, she This is the first time to understand the “sword Niang ol” game world, for her, the world of everything, are so novel.

    “Hey, let’s fix the cold, let’s go and copy it!”After Yitian understood the world, he couldn’t wait to brush the copy. This is normal. Just like the player just bought a mobile phone, he couldn’t help but put a lot of APP inside.

    “Leaning on the sky, how so noisy, noisy dead!” ”In the game or in reality, the voice of Yitian is always the biggest one. In the days when the cold is not in the days of living together, Yue Wang deeply understands this. So she was dissatisfied with a sigh, and then she did not care to climb from the bed.

    The first time the king did not find that the cold was on his side, so she was also the one who wanted to squat on the head of the sky. As a result, the beautiful scenery between the legs disappeared in the eyes of the cold.

    Suddenly, the cold is dry and dry…Although the body has been reshaped again, the meridians of “Xuan Tian Jiu Jian” must be reopened, but the “Qing Lian San Jian” that has been practiced for a while seems to have not been affected by any influence. Once the cold has been stimulated a little, There will be huge **, and this ** is getting stronger and stronger and more and more difficult to control.

    After the cold calmed down, he found a strange thing. Although he also reacted when he was in close contact with Wen Meiyun in the bath, he did not see such a strong time when he came to Wang Yu’s body. This kind of almost hated to become a wolf and made some impulses of animals and animals, but never experienced it. Over…It’s not right. When I faced Altolia, this impulse also appeared once, but it was not as strong as it is today.

    Can it be said that the aftereffect of “Qinglian Three Swords” only takes effect on the swordsman?


    After a few minutes, the cold and the sky, the king sat in the lobby of the house. This imitation of the Middle Ages, the Ming Dynasty Jiangnan Regal style courtyard is expensive, but it is expensive, the whole lobby is decorated with magnificent, carved dragons and dragons, and the momentum is extraordinary…There are also two NPC prostitutes standing on the sides of the cold side, waiting for a local tyrant.

    However, in the three people sitting in the chair, it is the style of some of the old men who are sitting in the cold, while the other two beautiful women have no realization of the lady.

    One is eager to look at everything around him, while the other has been keeping his head down, not lifting his head.

    “The more the king, the thing just…”I don’t want to worry about the things that the king said about the king. If the words are not finished, the king will suddenly raise his head, staring at the cold face, and gnashing his teeth. “Nothing happened just now. What are you doing? I did not see it.”

    P-pardon me? What happened to us just now? I only entered the game. ”Fixing the cold and playing the snake on the stick, followed the words of Yue Wang. Although this is like an ostrich, but the king is a sigh of relief, this matter as long as not to say, will forget about it! The king said this.

    “Well, I am talking about business. Etienne has just entered the world of games and wants to experience a copy, so I plan to see you with Bright Jade and take you to a small copy. You are ready.”Said cold.

    “Just entering the game?”The king did not understand, how did this Etienne just enter the game? She is a swordswoman in a game, can she leave this game?

    “Oh, the king, I forgot to tell you. In reality, I have become a sword-level swordsman in reality, and I have been synchronizing with Etienne in reality. Now you are not seeing the original heaven, but the real heaven that combines the fragments of consciousness. ”

    So it isWhen the king heard the news, his hand began to tremble inexplicably. “It is obviously my first come.”

    “What do you mean?”It’s a bit confusing to say that she’s “first come, I am coming first”. What did she come first?

    “It is obviously my first come…”The heart of the king repeatedly repeats this sentence, obviously she is the sword-bearing mother who first became a cold, and she clearly stayed behind her for a long time. But why is it that Tiantian first meets with the cold in reality, and she still waits in the game, obviously she is here first!

    When I think of it, the heart of the king will not be born. Hey, she doesn’t want to think about it. She is a sword-level swordswoman. Before the cold-swing synchronization sword level, it is impossible to synchronize her over the king anyway.

    “The more king, you are fine!”Etienne, which incorporates the fragments of consciousness, can also touch the mind of Yue Wang. The heart is fascinating, and the greetings of the smile are greeted by Yi Tian. “Right, I told you that the guy who is cold can be handsome in reality. It can be white, and I just want to let people kiss it.”

    Well, the words of Yitian’s death completely detonated a certain string in the heart of Yuewang. She suddenly stood up and “cold, I am not comfortable today, you and Yitian to make a copy, I will stay at home, do not go anywhere”

    After that, the king ran away and looked at the end of the TV drama of the Republic of China. But unfortunately, the cold does not like to watch these useless TV dramas. When the Yue Wang has not yet ran out of the hall, the cold heart will move. “Over the king, give me back.”

    The more the king ran, the stagnation, and then the foot began to retreat involuntarily, and finally retreated directly to the front of the cold.

    “Over the king, sit down for me!”The cold is another order, and then the king is sitting on the cold legs.

    “You don’t want to go anywhere today, you will follow me to copy…”After the cold was settled, I saw that the face of Yue Wang was still a piece of iron and blue, and the body was also very stiff. It seems that she is still resisting the order of freezing.

    Helpless, the cold added a sentence “Without you, the copy also has any meaning.”

    When I heard the cold, the whole king was softened, the body was not stiff, his face was not iron, his mouth was not tight, and a thousand words merged into one sentence.


    Don’t get me wrong, this nuisance is not what the king said, but because of the heavens, she can’t stand the two pairs of dogs and men who are in love with her eyes. She strode out of the lobby and left such a hard state.

    “Give you ten minutes, ten minutes, you don’t come out, I will go to the copy and play alone.”

    “You can’t do it alone…Without my control, you can’t even get out of this sword.”

    “Let’s go now!”Where the king had a face and really stayed here for ten minutes, she immediately stood up from the cold body and chased after the back of the sky.


    Guess, who said this hate?

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