Late at night, the person who is sitting in the practice room is meditating. His body has been remodeled, and the reconstructed meridians must be re-opened to restore the original fighting ability. This is a task that must be completed with all efforts in this stage of the cold. Before the skill is restored, the cold is not going to go out of the city to find the Yuanshens to fight. According to estimates of cold weather, this process takes about a month or so, and this month is already extraordinary faster than the first decade of its own cultivation.

    “Let us be alive and well. Zema Pentium shares the prosperity of the world. Singing out the joy of the wine, and vigorously grasping the youth. ”Just as the cold helped open a meridian of the foot, preparing for a bang, and then getting through the next place, a ghost crying and screaming voice came from the next door.

    “I will endure!”The cold brows up and intends to ignore this sound. Unfortunately, this voice does not know the convergence at all, but the more it is called, the more it has to be overturned.

    The cold may be able to endure such a voice, but other people are not necessarily. After the sound has been raging for a while, the door to the cold has begun to scream.

    In this era of so advanced technology, knocking on the door has long since left the traditional life. If you want to enter a stranger’s home, you can do it through a convenient neighbor communication system. Someone will forcefully knock on the door of the cold home, which means that the knocker must be in a state of extreme anger.

    Sure enough, when the cold door opened the door, I saw several angry faces, and the neighbors of several floors near the cold were all coming.

    They came to knock on the door of the cold home and there was nothing else. They came to find the cold and complained about the screaming ghosts. These neighbors said very kindly, if you don’t want to be complained to the Wind Discipline Commission, let the voice shut up.

    Passing away these crazy neighbors, the cold can only helplessly walk into a room, only to see a person leaning on the sky, the tyrant is a microphone, screaming at the TV screen crazy, if the voice can kill, Then Etienne has killed all the people on the entire floor.

    “Cold the cold, you are here, drink a cup with the poor…Hmmm…Suddenly, a small body jumped into the arms of the cold, and the wine of a group went straight to the cold breath…When the cold bowed his head, he saw a red face fluttering a small face and was looking at the cold and smirking. He was hot and hot. Obviously, she was already drunk.

    “Let us be sloppy…The joy in my heart, even if it is drunk, the poor and skillful climbed to the neck of the cold, and then sat on it, sang loudly with her children’s wooden development, and reasoned that the poor singing is much better than the heavens. Even if the poor run is more powerful than the sky.

    PaIn the cold and three steps, I walked to the side of Yitian and pressed the remote control, and the whole world was cleaned up.

    What are you doing Rebel, you! ”Eternal look at the cold and shut down his TV, suddenly anxious, without lyrics and music accompaniment, how to sing.

    “You have already disturbed the people. If you don’t want to be locked into the cell of the Discipline Inspection Commission with me, then you have to rest for a while.”The cold face said with no expression.

    “Cut, the Chamber of the Discipline Inspection Commission is also built by the female man. I have left a dozen secret doors there. I am going in today, I can slip out tomorrow, afraid of anything.”Reluctant to rely on the sky.

    “I am very sorry, Yitian Niangniang, the Chamber of the Discipline Inspection Commission has been damaged in the last time of the Jianjian era. If you live in it now, I promise that you can’t find the secret door in a year. Right, there is pure secondary crystal. Stone built, you can’t come out until I reach the level of the sword.”

    “such! Well, this is more troublesome. Otherwise, we will find a chance to talk to the neighbors and let them join me in singing and forming a community singing group. ”Etienne came up with a seemingly good idea.

    “If this is the case, the entire community will ask us to be shut in.”A few black lines appeared on the forehead of the cold.

    “Disappointing!”Yitian yawned, holding Gawas is a big mouth. “Your little loli is really useless. I don’t have a bottle of Kvass. I am going to train her and become my successor.” People are coming.”

    Imagine that poverty has become a reliance on the sky. The cold can’t help but chill. He must find a way to limit the sky, or the whole family will be stirred up by the sky.

    At this time, a message was sent to the personal terminal of the cold, which was sent in the same month, and it was written very simple. “Warm, do you have time?” My brother wants to see you, in the game. ”Seeing this news, there is an idea for fixing the cold.

    “Eternal, I want to enter the game, do you want to go in with me?”Asked about the cold.

    “Game, what is that?” Can you go in? Then I have to go in and have a look. ”Sure enough, when you hear something new, Etienne will not curb the curiosity in your heart. As long as you rely on the sky to enter the game, it is easy to do. In the game, how to sing by Eternal Love can not affect anyone.

    Give the drunken drunken poor to Wen Meiyun, let her take care of the poor and sleep…But Wen Mei is busy at the moment, this evening, solid non-success while fixed cold in meditation, sneaking into the tank inside the fish to eat, the result overturned the aquarium, now the whole kitchen is still a mess, see the Win Mei rhyme has not cleaned up the kitchen trouble, and took over the poor, solid cold suddenly feel, It’s time to add a helper to Win Mei rhyme. Anyway, he has become a sword-level swordsman. Not only can he go to the maid center to receive an exclusive maid, it seems that he can change to a bigger house.

    Come on, these things will be said later, or enter the game first!


    When the cold is once again opened, it is already in the game. The place where the cold setting is set up is his own bedroom, but why, why is the king lying on his bed?

    Seeing the king who is sleeping in his bed, the cold is somewhat distressed. At this time, Yue Wang was lying on his bed, the quilt was not covered, and the pajamas on his body were not neatly dressed. A large piece of snow-white skin was exposed outside. If you adjust the angle, you can see the pair of Yue Wang. White Rabbit.

    Ok, it seems to be a little far away. The reason why the cold is so bad is because there are two tear marks on the cheek of the king. She is crying and sleeping…Why are you crying? Because I haven’t seen her online for more than a week? In fact, I returned to the city the night before, that is to say, I was able to go online the night before, but because of the solid and poor things, the cold has taken the game’s content to the side, and there is no Consider the king of the game.

    “Cold the cold, I want to kill you…”In the dream, the king whispered, “But why kill you, my heart will be so painful, I will not kill you.”

    “Hey, it seems that the sword-level swordsman can only give up the three-foot sword…”Hearing the words of Yue Wang, he made such a decision silently. Originally in accordance with the plan of the cold, the sword-level swordsman in the real world should be the first three-foot sword of the sword, just like the first sword of the sword.

    But seeing the king like this, if you choose a three-foot sword in reality, then the king will definitely go crazy! Chilling and bitterly laughing, what a ghost three-footed sword, regardless of him, he made his own, he will fill it back. At the beginning, he was hacked to death by a sword. From his hands, he used the grafting Dafa to win over the king. Now it is time to return the sword.

    When the cold came to the side of the king, he stroked the white cheeks of the king. Some of the shackles in his heart suddenly slammed and were untied. Originally, the balance of the cold heart was tilted infinitely toward the direction of revenge and darkness, but now, the balance is balanced. At the other end of the balance of the balance is a pile of swordsmen, the cold is completely not the previous one. It is cold.

    The original cold will only make the most powerful choice for yourself; the current cold will only make the most powerful choice for your own swordsman, which may be to grow up.


    “Cold the cold, what is going on here, why do I have so many inexplicable things in my mind! I actually want to make a ugly ugly face, it is inexplicable! ”After leaning against the cold to enter the game, I feel that there will be a lot of memories in my head…These memories are so inexplicable, and they are all all about a ugly and ugly memory, which makes Yitian feel unacceptable. She is obviously a senior member of the Appearance Association.

    “This is normal. Recover the basic phenomenon of conscious debris. Is there any problem?”The cold has turned back and looked at the sky strangely.

    “Whoa! How did you appear here? ”Before the cold, I always gave a shadow to Etienne. As a result, I turned back and looked at the knife and scared the sky. This is not the disgusting ugly knife.

    “Ugly!”The cold reaction is coming, it should mean the knife on your face…The cold touched the knife on his face, and his heart was solved. Perhaps it was time to get rid of these knives…This is not the case, the face in the game is exactly the same as the face in reality, without any adjustment. Once you have removed the knife, I am afraid that you will be exposed in the real world, or forget it.

    “I am your sword-bearer to keep cold, but in the game, I have given myself some changes…Oh, now I am called the Admiral, I am not allowed to call my name wrong. “When the cold stunned and looked at the sky,” how would the big woman leaning against the sky be afraid of a knife? ”

    ‘How?’Relying on the sky, he said, “It’s just too ugly.”

    “You have to adapt yourself slowly.”

    “Oh, I don’t care about this, I will ask you, why did my brain have so many inexplicable memories after entering the game? What the hell is this place. ”

    “Here is the world of games, those memories are your fragments of consciousness…Why don’t you even know that these pieces of consciousness were not split by you? ”When the cold text came here, it suddenly got stuck. He found a huge problem.

    “Jian Niang OL” was developed two hundred years ago, and the last awakening of Heaven is still 350 years ago…Etienne is like her performance, she does not know that there is a “Jian Niang OL” in the world, because in the past two hundred years, Etienne has been sleeping in the sword.

    Then the question comes, how does the shard of consciousness in the game world come out? Did you see a ghost?

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