In Liu Lei’s memories, there is such a story about Prajna. Legend has it that when the Emperor of Heaven has not yet become a swordsman or just Sword Immortal, he and another Sword Immortal had to open a big fight.

    Because the sword of the Emperor of Heaven is the Yuan Tujian, and the sword of another Sword Immortal is a Nasal sword, Yuan Tu A Nao Ben is one, and if you want to become a sword-level sword holder, you must win the Nasal sword. The two swords are combined into one, and they become the emperor-level swordsmen.

    At that time, human beings were in the first period of the Sword Hard Age. Any sword-level sword-bearer was a valuable combat force. Sword Immortal and another Sword Immortal agreed to each other and made three trials at the top of Sanqing Mountain. There are three swordsmen of the same level on each side, and one-on-one battles are won. The winners are the final winners.

    The losing party will let the other side cut the sword marks of the sword and must not resist. The two sides did not inform anyone of this war, and naturally no one went to watch the war.

    The descendants only know that after a full five days of Sanqingshan, cover days sword immortal armed with Yuan Tu, a nasal double sword back to Yanjing City, continuous and came to the big attack of the Yuan 冦 7,749 days, in the last day of the two swords, in the Battle of the Emperor, became the third Emperor Sword, Executes the Yu-Class Yuan 冦 and 冦 12 people, frighten Yuan 冦 collective bolted, within 10 years dare not close to Yanjing city.

    Later, in order to calm down the first arduous times, the Emperor of Heaven concealed directly into the Eastern Heavenly Court. He was the owner of the heavenly court at that time, and the prince of the ruins of the Yuan Dynasty was smashed under the sword. The world was trembled, and the Eastern Heaven Court was closed. Nantianmen has been for forty years, until the Emperor of Heaven has risen and dared to re-emerge.

    The glory of the Emperor of Heaven is naturally praised by thousands of people, but Sword Immortal, who had fought with the Emperor of Heaven for five days and five nights, had no news. In the end, even his name and title did not. Passing down is a tragedy.

    However, after the establishment of the Yuzhang base city, the Emperor of Heaven had written a essay with a memoir of only 3,000 words. This essay has never been published. Only Sword Immortal in Yuzhang City has Qualifications read this essay, others do not know the existence of this essay.

    In the prose, it is mentioned that this Sword Immortal has a powerful sword-level Buddhist martyr who is so powerful that the Emperor of Heaven is also screaming. The name is called Prajna Sword. The original text in his memory essays is like this: “If you don’t rely on heaven and death, I will be invincible, then there will be no name in the world.”

    A full understanding of the meaning of this sentence means that if it was not a battle of death, then the Emperor of Heaven would be defeated in the hands of Prajna. And if the triumphant victory, then the loser of the entire duel is the cover of the Emperor, and naturally there is no longer the name of the Emperor.

    When Liu Lei first read this essay, he did not understand why he would defeat Prajna because of the death of Etienne. Obviously, Yitian is a sword-level swordswoman, and the prajna is only the ancient sword level. The two swordsmen are not at all a level. If the sword-bearer of the prajna sword is a teasing show, he will let his ancient sword-level swordsman and the sword-first Yitian sword do the right thing.

    But just listening to the meaning of Yitian’s words, it seems that it was really a battle between Yitian and Prajna Swords in the past, and finally won the victory…In this way, isn’t it true that the sword of the ancient sword level in the district is really the strength that rivals the sword? If this is the case, if the sword is not on the spot, it will replace the first ranking of the Yixianjian ancient sword, and jump to the top of the ancient sword level?

    However, these are just speculations. What are the real facts? I am afraid that only Etienne and Prajna, who were present at the time, are well aware.


    “Amitabha, no, let’s go, I don’t want to stay here, it’s too noisy, you help me build a Buddhist temple, so that I can be quiet and quiet.”After that, Prajna went directly to the outside of the Sword Court. Song Yifei originally had a heart and a cold, and Yitian said a few more words, thanking them for their help. However, it seems impossible now. Song Yifei can only make a slap in the cold and rely on Tian, ​​just behind the prajna, leaving the sword.

    “It seems that if the temper of a little nun has not changed, it is still so careful!”Eternal to see the distant robes that were blown up by the wind, a smile on the corner of his mouth.

    “The rest of the seven hundred years, it seems that this prajna is more to learn to bear.”Standing cold and standing by the side of Yitian, put a bottle of Gevas in the hands of Yitian. “How about, what else do you want to do here? If not, let’s go home! ”

    “Take me home.”Hearing these two words, Yitian’s expression was agitated, and finally he shook his head and sighed, “Where I have a home, for me, the best home is better than a broken wine cellar.”

    “Then I will build a wine cellar for you!”Looking at the eyes of Yitian, I calmly said.

    “Alright!”Yitian thought about it, and another bottle of Guvas drank “this thing, give me thousands of bottles in the wine cellar.”

    These two swordsmen, one wants a Buddhist temple, one wants a wine cellar, in a sense, it is a perfect match.


    “It’s here, it’s here!”The gaze came to the body of the dying man. At this time, with a team of sword-bearers, Liu Tianyuan was surrounded by a bare rock in Changyang Mountain, a guy who looked like a scientist with a strange head on his head. The helmet, the helmet is connected by wires, and at the other end of the wire, it is a machine as big as a car.

    “Dr. Fan, do you confirm that it is right here?”Xu Tianyuan could hardly conceal the excitement in his heart. After working hard for a few nights, he was scared for a few nights and finally found the location of that thing.

    “Yes, there will be no mistakes. My strong ion signal is extremely powerful when it penetrates this rock. It cannot be traditionally resistant. This means that in this position, there must be a strong ion that can be isolated. The object of the signal, there is nothing else in this world except that thing.”The scientist said excitedly.

    Nice! Nice! Good.With Xu Tianyuan’s city government, he even said three good words. It seems that he is very valued for the things inside.

    “Cut, how do I hear that there is another thing besides that thing that can isolate your strong ion signal!”Suddenly, the flow of the year is such a sentence.

    The scientist, Dr., heard this sentence and suddenly changed his face. As a scientist, he knew that the lady’s origins were extraordinary. He also yelled “Impossible. In this world, except for that thing, Is there anything that can isolate my signal? There is no such thing in this world. ”

    “Hey, you are really confident, then I ask you, the crack in the dimension, can your strong ion signal penetrate?”The young man asked with a smile, and then the doctor was screaming in a moment, and he couldn’t speak, and the old man said that his strong ion signal could not penetrate the crack of the dimension.

    “Okay, hey, I know you don’t want to come here with me, I don’t want to bring you over. If it’s not for the uncle, I will bring you, I won’t bother to bring you over, let the man who is following you at home. Come together.”Xu Tianyuan said with a bitter smile. “But even so, you can’t swear Dr. Fan. Who knows that the crack in the dimension can intercept strong ions or all the ion quarks can’t escape the crack of the dimension, but within a mountain wall, how can there be a dimension? Cracks exist.”

    “Who knows things in the world.”When she said this in a dry and dry way, she would no longer speak. She also knew that her own mouth was purely unreasonable. She was only polished by such long-lasting actions. In contrast, Hegu The cold stinky boy is more interesting than here.

    “Hands!”After pacifying the flow of years, Xu Tianyuan ordered his men to do it. Several sword-bearers with sword-shaped swordsmen inserted their swordsmen into the rock. These sword-bearers are all sword-level sword-bearers. The sword-level swordsmen in their hands are all man-made, but it is enough to deal with these rocks. Then, like cutting tofu, the pieces of rock are cut flat. .

    In less than a few minutes, this huge mountain rock was cut out of a cave that could be used by two people walking side by side. Dr. Fan constantly looked at the data on the instrument and said “faster.” , fast, just in front.”

    Under the excitement, it is inevitable that some people will relax their vigilance. For example, a sword-bearer who is at the forefront of the road at this time, his task is to cut off the mountain rock in front of him and then hand it over to the sword-bearer behind him.

    But when he looked at the rock in front of him, turned his body and handed the stone to the sword-bearer behind him, suddenly, the hairy big palm stretched out from the hole he had just cut out. Hit the neck of this sword-bearer.

    The close-fitting shield of this unfortunate sword-bearer instantly shattered, and even the swordsman could not summon it, and the black beast smashed his neck, his head slammed and died.

    “The second child, the second child, what happened to you, the second child!”It all happened so quickly that another sword-bearer who was accommodating to his brother next to the dead sword-bearer did not see what happened.

    Ever since, he made a huge mistake. He didn’t escape from here for the first time. Instead, he chose to pull the sword-bearer who fell to the ground. After a few seconds, he re-attacked the black hand and smashed his neck. The team of Xu Tianyuan has lost two sword-level swordsmen in an instant.

    “Danger, retreat! RetreatThe remaining sword-bearers finally reacted, like the tides, and escaped from the excavated hole. The Xu Tianyuan and Liu Nian, who were watching outside, discovered that things were wrong, and ordered the remaining sword-bearers to liberate the swordsmen and cloth. Vigilant, then surrounded by this plundered the pit of two sword-bearers.

    “嗷呜” only heard the shocking scream from the hole, and Xu Tianyuan’s face suddenly showed a sweat. “My sister, what is your mouth, why is there a level of earth inside?” Bear!!”

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