“Pharaoh, are you all arranged?”In a small tea room, a man who seems to be only about 50 years old is carefully brewing the tea in his hand. If anyone with a good understanding of tea is here, look at the first sight of these teas. It will scare to jump up, this man is actually Dahongpao, or the most authentic Dahongpao.

    For many years, Wuyishan has long been the base camp of the Yuanzheng Power Oriental Fairyland. To get a little red robe from Wuyi Mountain, this difficulty is much more difficult than killing a Zhou Yuanxiao. This man’s hand can actually It’s hard to imagine a Dahongpao with so much weight.

    “Arranged, Miss Xiao has been sent to the pool of the road, soak for a few days, those who are planted into the body of Miss Xiao will be merged with Miss Xiao’s body, taking advantage of this opportunity, Miss Xiao’s strength, perhaps again Going a step further.”The answer is that Pharaoh has a long gown and a standard butler look.

    “Oh, this time I was too anxious. I couldn’t think of forcing the deity of the poor goddess. So, the poor goddess and the kid might not be inseparable.”The middle-aged man sighed. Obviously, this person is the black hand behind Gao Li Linai, and the owner of the generation of Noble Family.

    “No, adults, the next order is the old master, not you. It is the old master who is bent on his own way. If you want to forcibly retrieve the poor sword, you have always opposed the strong action. This matter has nothing to do with you. ”The steward Lao Wang confessed to the Asahi River Road, and he said that it is also a fact. The Lunar Years of the Year had collided with his father’s old-fashioned Muyu. It was a pity that the father’s identity was crushed to death, and the Lunxu finally had to Agree to the plan of the year of the wooden fish, sent a fake Gao Li Linai, trying to take away the sword of poverty.

    “The matter is here, there is nothing to say, you take good care of Miss Xiao, I am going to find my father, this matter is far from over.”Liu Nian Xu mentioned a pot of Dahongpao in his hand and was ready to leave.

    “Master, what about the big lady? We took her to Changyangshan. In case she found out that we lied to her, the whole family would have to be overturned by her. ”When the Dragon King saw Liu Nian Xu to go, he quickly asked.

    “Who said that I am embarrassed.”When it comes to the flow of years, there is a kind smile on the face of Liu Nianxu. “The Emperor Tian Tianjian just communicated with me. The change of Changyang Mountain has been confirmed. There is nothing wrong with it. She is going to be born.”

    “Is that maiden finally going to be born!”Pharaoh took a sip of cold air, this is not a fear, but a surprise. Once the birth of Changyangshan, the possibility of smoothly crossing this third era of swordsmanship will greatly increase.


    Nearly six o’clock in the evening, the cold that came out of the medical warehouse returned to the Luoting camp and was inside the tent. The impact of everything that happened today on the cold is second only to the one that broke down 12 years ago. Similarly, the change in the outlook on life and values ​​is only second to that of twelve years ago.

    The first thing to go back to the tent is to put the poorness in the arms on the bed, pinch the back angle for her, and when the poorness faints in the cold and embrace, it will change back to the appearance of the young and poor. It became the fat toot, the meat sprouted, and the whole day was tired of the poorness in the cold, which made the heart of the cold have been cured.

    It’s just that the cold is not confirmed, the poverty is reawakened, the personality will be the original poor goods, or the noble poison tongue girl is poor. If it is the latter, then the cold is full of worry for his future life… …It’s not a comfortable thing to live with such poverty.

    After resetting in poverty, the cold man sat quietly in the chair without saying a word. He was trying hard to think about and recall all the things that happened today. He wanted to connect everything together and carefully slap it. In particular, this point of change in poverty is a point that is particularly difficult to understand.

    The cold in the coma is not completely ignorant. At least, the scorpion silk enters its own purple house, paints its entire sword mark green, and is finally pulled into the sword mark by a chain. The cold is clear.

    The data of 斩青丝 is also very comprehensive. At that time, when the cold saw that his sword marks were all covered with green, the cold was desperate. He also took it for granted that he and the poor sword scars. It is necessary to melt away, and poverty should be completely separated from oneself.

    But what happened next, the cold can not be imagined, especially the chain…This reminds me of the cold and the coordination of poverty and then the process of poverty alleviation. I remember that at that time, when the coldness passed by, there were more than a dozen chains that would be poor and bundled there. The chain in the sword mark is one of the chains that bind the poor body.

    Combined with the strength of the later poverty alleviation, the girl who can crush the 冦 冦 冦 is poor.

    Combining what is known, there is such a speculation in the cold, the girl’s poverty should be poor and true, and the chain is the seal of the poor.

    Because the attack of the sapphire silk on the poor sword marks, it destroyed a part of the seal, or weakened the power of some seals, which led to the temporary loss of the state of being sealed and the original appearance.

    In the same way, because of the power of the seal, the sword marks that should be melted are magically preserved, so that the cold has maintained the connection with poverty, and there is no slashing of the sword marks. But in the end, why did the iron chain get the sapphire silk into the sword mark, and I don’t quite understand it when I am cold. Is it that the chain seal is also self-conscious, and it is disgusting for the smashing green silk, want to retaliate?

    Also, after the 斩青丝 is incorporated into your own sword marks, what effect will it have on your own sword marks, and will your own sword marks leave any hidden dangers? This is a huge problem. It is necessary to take a good look at the cold. If something goes wrong, it will be troublesome.

    The cold is still pondering about his own affairs. At this time, the curtain of the tent was opened, and Song Hama hurriedly came in and saw the calm and calm sitting in the tent. Song Hama was anxious. The face finally relaxed.

    “Sour popsicles, where did you die in the afternoon, I can’t find you in the afternoon, I thought you had this popsicle being eaten by the Yuyuan Lantern! You almost scared me to death. ”Song Hama was also the task of guarding the Luoting veins, but Song Hama was mining in another vein under the advice of the cold, and did not stay with the cold to complete the mission.

    As a result, half of the results were dug, and an urgent notice was suddenly received, so that all of them were withdrawn from the Luoting camp and fully defended.

    Song Hama, who is afraid of death, is the first time to return to the Luoting camp. This time, it is known that the Yushu, who was confirmed to have died hundreds of years ago, appeared in the Luoting vein…Thinking of the cold and still in the Luoting mine, Song Hama began to search for the cold in the camp, but found a lot, but never found the cold, using the personal terminal to contact the cold, but no one answered .

    Song Hama found a few laps in the Luoting camp. He decided to leave the Luoting camp and sneak into the Luoting vein to find the cold in the first battlefield. In the words of Song Hama, the cold is his brother. He wants to see people die to see the dead.

    As a result, Song Hama has not yet left the city, and he has received new news. Medusa has been repelled by Sword Immortal, and the Meiling Mountains are safe. This time, Song Hama had no scruples at all. He was almost the first sword-level sword-bearer who rushed into the Luoting vein. He found a circle, and naturally he did not find the shadow of the cold.

    Ever since, Song Hama expanded the search to the entire Meiling Mountains. He has been finding more than eight o’clock. The tired and hungry Song Hama decided to come back to eat something. As a result, he saw the light inside the cold tent. So I just rushed in.

    “You are a bastard, where have you died?”Song Hama met and gave a punch to the chest. “Is your embarrassment turned into a stone by Medusa? How do you respond to the newsletter? ”

    “You lightly, I just came out of the medical warehouse.”The cold patted the song in Song Hama’s hand. “You guessed it. The first one to meet Medusa is me. She made me a meat sauce in one stroke, and also turned me into a The stone, if not Sword Immortal adults shot in time, save my life, I will die.”

    “I just came out of the medical warehouse of Sword Immortal, and I have time to reply to your newsletter.”The cold-five five-point true five-point leave has covered the past, and many people know that they have been petrified by Medusa, and nothing is good. But the things of Gao Li Linai can’t be said.

    “I rub, sour popsicles, you mean that you met Medusa, and were saved by the sword-level swordsman!!”Song Hama heard the cold weather and was in a mess. What kind of character is this brother? The bad things and good things make him come across. “Tell me about it, what is the name of Medusa, what is the Sword Immortal adult look like? Which is his swordswoman? ”

    Song Hama has questioned some of the details of fighting with Medusa. He has chosen something to say and speaks with Song Hama. He heard that Song Hama is relishing, and it feels better if there is a spicy crayfish around him. It is.

    “Right, I just saw Chen Changshen flustered. I heard that her team’s sorghum Linina has also disappeared. It seems that like you, they have chosen the Luoting vein guardian mission, and they have not returned as you did. In the camp, where did you see Takahari Reina?”Song Hama is also worried about his classmates, but he does not know that Gao Li Linai almost turned the cold into a waste.

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