“I saw it,” said a cold face, “I just saw it when I went in. Then I was petrified by Medusa, and I didn’t know her situation.”

    Just saying such a sentence, the cold will not improve the things of Lin Nai. The cold is not going to let this thing go out, it’s not necessary. More importantly, he doesn’t want to involve Songhama in these things, than Yuan 冦 is also dangerous is from their own people’s slings, this thing let the solid cold oneself a bear well, Songhama such upright guy if know, mean will make out what things, Songhama is can in order to make cold crazy cut a street people, The solid cold confirms this at a very young age.

    After chatting with Song Hama for a while, the cold was overworked and sent Song Hama out of the tent. In fact, the cold is also really tired, he went to bed early, lying on the poor side, ready to sleep.

    As a result, I just closed my eyes and heard my communication rang.

    “You have a newsletter that comes from your friends, is it connected?”

    It is a communication that is flowing! Hearing the name of the other end of the communication, the face of the cold was stiff, and then began to change into a variety of colorful colors, until the communication was tooted five times, and the cold was pressed on the personal terminal.

    “Hey, what’s the matter with me?”The tone of the cold is no different when it comes to peace. It is the kind of cold feeling that loves to answer. In this regard, the flow of communication at the other end of the year, it is quite customary.

    “Can’t you find me if you have nothing?”It seems that I often hear it on TV. Girls, unreasonable troubles like to start with this sentence. Once you hear this sentence, you almost know that she is going to start unreasonable.

    “I will hang if nothing happens.”It’s not polite to hold the cold, but in fact, everyone who can scare the swindler can hear it, but it’s not heard.

    “Well, don’t make trouble with you. I heard that something happened in the Meiling Mountains. I ran out of a Yuyuan Yuandu Medusa. Is it true?”In the newsletter of the year, I asked, it seems that she is no longer in Meiling, and she clearly said that she was doing the task together with the cold.

    “Yes, Medusa ran out and ran out of the Luoting vein. I was in it at the time and was directly petrified by her. Thank you for your Noble Family. Without your Noble Family, I am already dead. ”The word “cold” hides the machine front.

    “What, you were petrified by Medusa…”Surprising expressions, through the communication, can seem to see the cold. “However, thank you for the Noble Family? What is the relationship with our Noble Family? ”

    “Oh, I thank you for your five-year-old style. At the crucial time, your five-year style helped me delay 0.01 seconds. Without this 0.01, I would die.”The cold can’t think of anything to do with the Noble Family, so I used a very nonsense reason to fool me.

    “Stupid, when did you learn this kind of slippery thing.”There is no such strange words in the heart of the cold years. On the contrary, there is some sweetness in her heart. Then she thinks of the prince species that has been chilling, so she then asks, “The prince grows, your prince grows eventually.” How’s it going?”

    “I thought about it, the interests of mankind are greater than my personal interests, so I gave it to the undisciplined, and thanks to his medical warehouse, I can survive.”Speaking of the medical warehouse, the Xianjian-level medical warehouse is still in the cold pocket of the cold.

    It has been thought that this medical warehouse is unskilled until now. He does not know that Sword Immortal has played a role in soy sauce.

    When it was discovered that there was no need to take back the medical warehouse, the cold weather would have taken the medical warehouse into its own pocket. The medical warehouse that originally belonged to the cold has been used to cure the sputum, and there is still a medical warehouse in the cold.

    “That’s good, it can be good to help Grandpa.” My grandfather liked me very much when I was a child. I sent a Teddy to me, but unfortunately, I was hacked by a sword…”As a girl, Liu Nian can actually slash the cute Teddy with a sword. There must be some interesting stories in it.

    “Right, where are you now? Are we not planning to go to the Luoting vein today? ”The cold has suddenly raised this issue. According to yesterday’s plan, the current year should be staying with the cold, and there is a young lady who is a young man of the Noble Family. There is no courage to fix the cold. But today, early in the morning, the flow of the year left to the cold, a message saying “I am in a hurry, sorry, take a step first”, left the Meiling Mountains, leaving a cold and a person facing the undisciplined.

    “Sorry, it is a thing in the house.”The year of the replied, “I have to go to the family, as the experience of the next generation of homeowners, I can not refuse.”

    “Well, that’s it, I am tired, I need to rest now.”After that, the cold hangs up the communication directly, leaving a lame person on the other side.

    “Hey, what are you doing? Your boyfriend, good husband makes you angry? ”A gentle Noble Family son appeared behind the rogue. Isn’t this the Xu Tianyuan of the Hongru Noble Family who has seen the cold?

    “Yeah, he just told me to drink more water, rest more…I care about me. ”The young man said, biting his teeth.

    “Oh, oh, although I also want to take a break, we have to go. Uncle Yuan Ming said that there is a nest of the first-class Yuanxiao in the vicinity. It cannot be left here for a long time. We must arrive at Changyang Mountain before tomorrow evening. ”Xu Tianyuan said that he can see that he and the rogue are surrounded by two people, and there are more than a dozen people.

    On the outer rim of these people, there are more than 10 armed sword with a high alert observation around, it seems fleeting Lin suddenly leave the Plum ridge, for IS and Xu Tianyuan together to Chang Yang, also do not know what happened to the Chang Yang Mountain exactly what the abnormal move, incredibly must let the fleeting time Lin and Xu Tianyuan two sword Emperor Noble Family Direct heir to the full speed of the past.


    Hanging up the cold of the communication once again fell into meditation, he had 80% of the grasp, the power behind Gao Li Linai should be the Noble Family, because the poor is itself the sword of the calendar, the most understanding of the poor under the sun Nothing is more than the Noble Family.

    Although I don’t know why poverty alleviation will appear in the funeral swords of Yuzhang City, it is clear that this is irrelevant to the Noble Family.

    However, some of the previous dialogues have made him uncertain. If you want to take away the poor sword from your own hands, you can do it through the old age. In recent days, you have nothing to do with the flow of years. The state of wariness. You only need to secretly attack yourself and you can take away the poverty. You don’t need to send a high-level Lantern like Gao Li Linai to do it.

    Therefore, when the cold is used, the language is used to test the flow of years. If the Noble Family is really a behind-the-scenes black hand, after this kind of thing happens, the tone and attitude of the old age must have subtle changes, but the cold is not found in the cold. What changes are exactly the same as the original ones.

    And the intuition in the heart of the cold has been telling the cold, and I don’t know all about it. She treats herself as sincere.

    “So, who is the black hand behind the scenes?”Holding the cold and worrying about holding his own hair, suddenly, the cold thinks of such a possibility.

    Behind the scenes is still the Noble Family, but the rogue is kept in the dark from beginning to end. I don’t know that the Noble Family is going to do it for himself, and because of the existence of the rogue, it has become a barrier to protect oneself, so that Gao Lilinai It is impossible to take a shot when there is a current year.

    With this in mind, the Noble Family suddenly made it very suspicious to leave the Meiling. It seems that it was to deliberately adjust the flow of the year, so that Gao Lilinai, who has never been able to find a chance, can shoot…At the first time of the departure, Gao Lilinai directly started, which seems to be the most obvious evidence.

    It is a pity that all this is a guess of the cold. There is not enough evidence. The cold can’t accurately judge who is behind the scenes. He can only feel that the possibility of Noble Family is extremely high.

    “Forget it, sleep” I don’t want to understand it. I don’t want to understand it. The cold is already very exhausted. After thinking for a little while, I feel that my mental state is about to explode.

    The cold has retracted his body into the quilt, closed his eyes, and a milk scent directly fell into the sense of cold. “This is the taste of poverty, and it is still the taste of the poor! ”Both the poor and the poor girls have been trapped in the arms of the cold, and there is a very obvious difference between the two.

    The taste of the poor goods is similar to a sweet milky scent, while the girl’s poverty is a lemon-like girlish atmosphere. These two flavors are quite easy to distinguish, so the coldness is directly confirmed, and the smell of the poor body has returned to the original Milk flavors.

    “Are you back? My cute goods are poor? ”When the cold sighed deeply, he took the poor into his arms and kissed him deeply on the poor forehead, and he entered a deep dream.


    In the dream, the cold dreams of the thousands of horses and horses, the endless soldiers and horses to the horizon, the faces of these soldiers and horses all with iron-made masks, the horses are strong, the soldiers are strong, and the weapons shine through the shining cold.

    These soldiers stood there in such a quiet and neat array, and the murderous temperament merged together. It seemed that even the entire Heaven and Earth were suffocated and shocked, and even the wind did not blow up. Therefore, although these troops have erected their own banners, it is impossible to see what is written on the flag.

    The cold is just standing across from the army. On the towering wall, behind him, it is a city. The cold must hold the city and coexist with the city.

    By the way, the side of the cold, there is also an armored swordswoman who swallows the mountains and rivers like a tiger.

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