The relationship between mentoring and apprenticeship is an uncommon relationship in this world. Because after becoming a sword-bearer, the sword-bearers themselves do not have any very advanced moves and skills to learn. Most of the moves are the swordsmen themselves. The sword-bearer only needs to hide behind the swordsman to learn to protect himself.

    For the sword-bearers, what really matters is the combat experience. It is the key to learn to use your own swordsman in battle and how to protect yourself…These things still need to be taught by the sword-bearing predecessors. However, since the game has been played, each sword-bearer can fully exercise his combat experience in the actual combat of the game, which is several times more useful than the teacher’s words and deeds.

    For example, if you don’t have a chapter in the cold, you can teach the cold, which is just some combat experience. As for the swordsmanship and the like, the undisciplined ten parties may not be as good as the cold of the Xuantian Jiujian. It is only the sword master who can really teach the cold in the sword, and the undisciplined ten is not the sword master. Among all the sword-level sword-bearers, there are only two sword masters.

    In ancient times, the relationship between mentoring and apprentice was prevalent, because Master’s craftsmanship could be passed on to apprentices. Master’s martial arts can also be passed on to the apprentice. For his own body, Master is willing to accept the apprentice, and the apprentice is willing to find a powerful master.

    However, nowadays, the strength of the sword-bearer is mainly in the swordsman itself, and the sword-in-law can only rely on the blood to inherit. The master does not have a disciple, and the apprentice can get the case of the sword-sister passed down by the master. .

    From the perspective of the apprentice, there is not much to be found in Master, but it may be bound by Master; for Master, he can’t teach the apprentice what is useful, and the apprentice can’t inherit anything from himself. Therefore, the relationship between mentoring and apprenticeship is not common in this world, because the benefits of mentoring and apprenticeship are not many.

    However, when the level of the master becomes the level of the sword, it is greatly different, because the sword-master of the sword-level has a special ability.

    The sword-level sword-bearers can tear open the void and spread their power through the distance of thousands of kilometers. Some people will be directly pulled back to their side, just like the giant hands of Gao Li Linai.

    This is the fundamental reason why the cold has suddenly proposed to worship the undisciplined. Originally, the cold was a very arrogant person. I didn’t feel that I needed to worship someone as a master. I never thought about it. In accordance with the idea of ​​fixing the cold, he is going to use his own strength to kill the sword-level swordsman all the way, and then he will become the emperor and become the sword-level sword-bearer.

    However, this experience, especially in the face of Medusa and Gao Li Linai’s inability to let the cold suddenly suddenly want to understand, to go to his mother’s ghost self-respect and pride, nothing is more important than his own life. thing. I did not open the protagonist’s aura. If it wasn’t for the sudden demolition of this poverty, I would have to squander it under the hands of Gao Lilinai, become an ordinary person, and be separated from poverty forever, and live a life that is not as good as death.

    In particular, the black hand behind the sorghum Linnai, the sorghum Linai failed, and there will be something in the future that will be sorghum, Kyosuke, Takahashi Toru, Takasago Chitose, Takahata, and others to snatch their own poverty. I still couldn’t understand why the black hand was going to rob the poor. When I saw the strength of the girl’s poverty, the cold would understand that the poor sword is definitely not as simple as the ancient sword-level swordswoman. The secret, this secret will attract the behind-the-scenes black hand to send the killer.

    After the failure of Gao Li Linai, the behind-the-scenes black hand estimated that it would not be so kind and sincere to use the 斩青丝 to cut off his sword marks, or to kill himself directly…But why do you want to use the sapphire silk to cut off your sword marks at the beginning? Will this cost be too high? The preciousness of 斩青丝 is no less than the treasure of the prince. On this point, the cold has always wondered.

    The amount seems to be a problem. Back to the point of cold and apprenticeship, the reason why the cold is to worship the undisciplined ten-party is to prepare in advance for the attack of the behind-the-scenes black hand that may come at any time. Once you are out of control, you can immediately call your own master to reach out to the giants and save yourself from the crisis.

    From this point, it can be seen that the experience between life and death can really make a huge change for a person. If it is before the cold, it is estimated that he will not want to worship someone as a master.


    When I heard the request for the cold, the first ten parties were first stunned, and then laughed with a little playfulness. Of course, he does not think that the cold is really admiring himself. He wants to worship himself as a teacher. He has a clear understanding of the fundamental purpose of the cold worship teacher, in order to get his own blessing.

    “The sword-level swordsman rarely accepts apprentices. Do you know why?”The undisciplined ten party did not respond positively to the request for the cold, but instead asked the cold.

    “I don’t know”, the cold man shook his head. In fact, he knew it. He just pretended not to know it. If he wanted to succeed in the teacher, he would not pretend to have a look in front of Master. This is a talk of experience.

    “You guys, one by one, only saw that our sword-level sword-bearers have spread their own apprentices across thousands of miles, but you don’t know, the price of the broken giants for us.”Without a chapter, the ten-party stretches out the palm of his right hand. “My hand will have to bear a huge amount of reversal. For at least 20 days, my palm may not be used.”

    “So the sword-level swordsman rarely accepts the disciples, especially the little guys like you, who are four or five times a day. It’s a common occurrence. I don’t have so much energy to use on you.”No chapter ten party shook his head. “I don’t have the interest in collecting people. The apprentice is just cumbersome. Not to mention that it is 500 million RMB. Even if it is 50 billion, it is impossible for me to nod. You must hold the money, and it is king to strengthen your strength. Don’t hit my mind. ”

    “Grass, let’s go” After the end, there are no rules and ten parties to leave here with Tian Congyun. The prince has already arrived, and he does not need to waste time with the cold.

    “Ten party, I see you will accept him as an apprentice, the young man is very sincere!”Tian Congyun did not immediately follow the unruly ten, but smiled and persuaded the undisciplined. The idea of ​​Tian Congyun is very simple. The blood of the family can not be cut off. Whether he is good or not, he is a descendant of the black Tortoise.

    “If you like him, you will accept him as an apprentice. I don’t have this interest in the ten parties.” There is no anger in the ten-party. In his opinion, this person who is a cold man is a idiotic dreamer, a timid little guy. It is not worthy of being an apprentice who has no rules. What’s more, his own Tianyun Yunjian and this kid seem to have a kind of inexplicable relationship, which makes the unruly ten parties very bad.

    “The ten-party predecessors, if there is a county king? I don’t know if I can let you accept the villain. ”Of course, knowing how 500 million might make a Sword Immortal nod to accept himself as a disciple, so he is really ready to exchange the unconditional ten parties. It’s not the 500 million RMB, but a county that gets cold. King species.

    “County King!”When I heard the three words of the county king, even if there were no chapters, I couldn’t help but stop and began to seriously consider the proposal to fix the cold. The prince is a treasure that can improve the stamina of the Swordsman battle, and it is something that the Sword Emperor must get at all costs.

    In the downgrade, the king of the king is the treasure that Sword Immortal wants at any cost. Compared with the production of the prince’s species for several decades, the county kings will be dug up every few years, but the total number is not enough for Sword Immortal.

    Take the undisciplined ten party himself, he lived to the present, only got a county king, it is because of that a king of the king, let him kill on the Fusang Island, the base of the Fusang gods Three in and three out, forced several Yu and Shen dynasties of the Fuso gods to hold peace talks with him, and let him take away the body of the Fusang.

    However, the king of the county had exhausted the swordsman in the spar in that battle and turned into a waste rock. Since then, no chapters have never received any of the kings.

    There are no kings of the kings to sell at the moment. Even if they are there, they are not bought with money, but they need to pay a lot of other costs without any rules.Compared with these costs, receiving an apprentice is nothing at all.

    There is no such thing as a ten-party, and this little sword-bearer has not only a prince, but also a county king. And this county king is also very successful in scratching the itch of the undisciplined, he has a big plan, want to achieve this plan, he needs everything that can improve his own combat power.

    “Take out your king of the king.”There is no chapter to go back to the cold command, and there is no hesitation in fixing the cold. It is very refreshing to pick up a county king from the pocket of the yuan, so it is placed on the palm of your hand. At this time, if there is no chapter If you want to grab it, you don’t have to take a second, and the king of the cold will be taken away by the undisciplined.

    Of course, no one can’t pull this face to do this kind of thing, especially his own swordswoman is still watching here.

    “Take this king of the county, I can give you a chance.”There is no such thing as a ten-party cold. “I don’t have a single ten-party or not.” You are a student of Yuzhang College. I don’t care whether you are eligible to participate in the Eighth Congress. In the eighth session of the Eighth Congress, if you can get the first result of the ancient sword, I will accept you as an apprentice. If you can’t get it, then you will not return it to you in this county. If you want this opportunity, decide for yourself. ”After that, the ten-party has closed his mouth, and a cold face is waiting for the final decision to fix the cold.

    To be honest, the conditions of the undisciplined ten parties are very demanding…The first place in the Eighth House Conference, that is to compete with the tens of thousands of contemporary sword-bearers. In terms of probability, it is only 0.01%. For such a 0.01% chance, the cold will be offered. A county king, how to look at it, is a very uneconomical thing.

    “Alright!”There was no hesitation in the cold, and the hands of the kings were sent to the front of the undisciplined, indicating that he accepted the opportunity.

    Because in the eyes of the cold, the chance of success is not 0.01%, but 100%.

    “But the ten predecessors, there is a condition you have to fix.”The cold suddenly said.

    “What conditions?”No chapters and ten faces are cold. “I will not lower the standard.”

    “The first level of the ancient sword does not know whether it can be changed to the first level of the sword.”I smiled coldly and smiled. “Three months later, I was a sword-level sword-bearer.”

“…………”There is no chapter in the ten-party, and this guy named Gu Han is really confident about himself.

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