“Why?”Although the feeling of vagueness is high, Linnai is not quite right, but when her finger is really cut off, it is confirmed that she has been deceived…When I was cold, I was so smart that I couldn’t think of myself when I was cheated.

    “I want to borrow something from you.”Gao Yan Linai replied very seriously.

    What thing? Do you use my head? ”I heard that Gao Li Linai said that the cold has suddenly reminded me of the routines that are used in many novels. Whenever there is a killer, I like to say the last sentence and use your head.

    “No, I don’t want your head, nor your life.”Gao Yan Linai shook her head and denied the guesswork of the cold.

    “This is a bit of a point. If you don’t want my life, can you not want someone who wants me?”I don’t wait for Gao Yannai to answer, but when I am cold, I smile and answer myself. “You don’t like people who want me, or you can’t bear to cut off my four fingers.”

    “It’s really pitiful. Just after the bones and bones are broken, I can climb out of the coffin. I can’t think of the blink of an eye. Then I broke four fingers.” The cold smashed out a bottle of hemostatic powder from the pocket of the yuan. On the wound of one’s finger, for a while, the wound healed.

    “High school classmates, I am also a person who has died once, know the preciousness of life, you say, what you want, as long as I have, you take it away, I will never resist.”The cold and sorrowful smile, at this time his body’s meridians are unreasonable, and a hand is abolished, and poverty is not at his side. At this time, the cold can be said to be the weakest state, and there is no ability to resist.

    “I want your sword marks.”Hesitating for a moment, Gao Li Linai still decided to tell the purpose of the cold, “I want to break your sword marks and take away this poor sword.”

    “Your goal is to be a poor sword!”The cold and the pupils are shrinking, and the sweat of the whole body is set up. A wrath of anger and anger spurts out from the body of the cold. “All the things I have on the cold, you can take it away, but only if you want to be poor, if you want Take it away, even my life will be taken away.”

    “I said, I don’t want your life.”Gao Yan Linai shook her head slowly, her eyes fixed on the cold eyes, and there was still some sincerity in the inside. “You are a good person, I don’t want your life.” Moreover, that person did not ask me to take your life. ”

    “Are you sent by someone?”When the cold sighed, he could feel the powerful power of Gao Li Linai. This kind of power is strong, even if it is the peak of strength, it can’t be dealt with, let alone the power of 10% of it has been removed. Cheng Jiu, in the face of Gao Li Linai’s powerless feeling is like the powerless feeling of Medusa.

    “If you don’t hurry to kill me, chat with me, how?”The cold seems to be quiet, so I begged Gao Li Linai.

    “Okay, let’s talk for a while, although we have nothing to talk about.”Gao Lilian nodded and added, “If you want to delay the time and contact you to save you, then please give up this idea. I have blocked all the communications in this neighborhood. Your personal terminal is not connected. Anyone.”

“……”I smiled and smiled. “I don’t think this was discovered by you. We will talk for a while.”

    “Well,” Gao Yan Linai nodded again, without a superfluous sentence.

    “First of all, I want to confirm that you should not be a sword-bearer, or that you are not even a human being. You are a Yuanxiao, right?”A cold mouth is a big news.

    When I heard the cold, Gao Li Linina’s slightly surprised expression sold her. “You’re right, I’m a Yuanxiao.”

    “Oh, in fact, when the poor is in your hands, you can’t return to the sword, I should think of this. When the swordsman deity and the Yuanxiao are in direct contact, they cannot return to the sword…I actually forgot this setting. ”Chilling and smiling, it is also an explanation of how he guessed that Gao Li Linai is a Lantern.

    “You are very smart, smarter than many people I have seen.”Gao Yan Linai speaks as sincerely as ever.

    “Then I will ask a few more questions. How did you get into the base city? Do you still have the ability to identify the entire Lantern Festival in Yuzhang City? ”This is the strangest problem in the cold. Gao Li Linai has seen it on the first day of school. She has seen the girl who is crying and wants to be nice with Huang Qianjiu.

    Yuzhang City has the most strict Yuanxiao detection system. Unless it is a flood level or a waste class, it will not cover the Yuanxiao detection system in Yuzhang City, let alone the Yuanxiao detection system. It is the place to cultivate the sword-bearers, Yuzhang College. Therefore, the cold has no doubts about Gao Li Linai, and she never suspected that she was a Lantern.

    “I am Yuanxiao, it is impossible for Yuanxiao to enter Yuzhang City.”Gao Yan Linai shook her head. “I got on the train after you left the city.”

    “I remembered it. The one that killed the wild boar was originally arranged by you!”The cold reminds me of the battle that suddenly stopped them, and the wild boar that caused everyone to be confused. Perhaps at that time, the sword-bearer Gao Yanlinai was transferred and replaced with the current Lantern Festival.

    “Good deep routine…For my poverty, you are actually cumbersome to this step. ”It was discovered that the cold was discovered by an invisible hand from the time he left the city. Do not say anything else, the four swordsmen who are besieging and robbing the wild boar, I am afraid that they are also a group with Gao Li Linai…No, the cold has been uncertain whether the woman in front of her is called Gao Li Linai.

    “I am very curious, are you called Gao Li Linai?”Asked cold and smiled.

    I'm not.Takahashi Reina hesitated for a while and then replied that it was a well-thought-out answer, and it was also an answer that hides a lot of secrets.

    “So, how is Gao Li Linai really? and who are you? ”The problem of fixing the cold one by one.

    “Really Gao Li Linai is in a safe place, and when the mission is over, she will return to normal life. And what is my name is not important at all, you still call me Gao Li Linai…I am used to this name for the time being. ”

    “Okay, Takahashi Reina, my last question.”The cold stood up and took a long sword from his pocket.Don’t get me wrong, you haven’t synchronized your own sword-level swordsman. This is just an ordinary iron sword. It is a prop used to practice swords when you are cold. It can never be imagined. This will be your last weapon. .

    “Miss Gao Li Linai, the person behind you, is it from our own human being?”The cold sword refers to Gao Yan Linai, and asked loudly.

“……”Gao Li Linai did not speak, but as the saying goes, silence is the default. It seems that the power behind Gao Li Linai really comes from within human beings.

    This is not too difficult to guess. The power behind Gao Li Linai is to be poor. The reason why they are interested in poverty is probably because of the magical power and special ability of her poor, otherwise there is no big power to target this. Put the ancient sword level swordswoman.

    The magical power of poverty alleviation should have been leaked out very early, at least until it was released from the city. If it is the Lantern Festival behind Gaochun Linai, then the question is coming. Where does Yuanxiao know about the magical power of poverty? Before the cold, I never left the base city with poverty.

    Only human beings will discover the mystery of poverty through some tiny clues. Only human beings will want to snatch poverty…If it is really a Lantern Festival, it will be ruined directly, and it will not be necessary to take her away.

    “Our chat is over, I want to cut off your sword marks.”Gao Yan Linai sighed, and her heart was shocked. She immediately ran and ran away, trying to escape the jungle…But this is simply useless work, and there is a huge wind pressure in the body of Gao Li Linai.

    This wind pressure instantly suppressed the cold to the ground…Without Sword Qi, without the swordsman, the cold is better than an ordinary person. He couldn’t resist the wind pressure at all, so he was so pressed to the ground that he couldn’t move even the few remaining fingers.

    Gao Yan Linai walked slowly to the front of the cold, and then squatted on the side of the cold, slowly pulled out a green dagger from the pocket of the yuan, saw this dagger, the eyes of the cold appeared Big fear…And curious and puzzled.

    “斩青丝, you actually use 斩青丝!”There are two ways to cut off the cold and the poor. The first one is to kill the cold. When the sword-bearer dies, the sword-in-law naturally loses its restraint and returns to sleep.

    The second is to forcibly destroy the sword marks of the swordsman and the swordswoman. The main method is to use the sword-makers above the sword level to control Sword Qi into the purple house, and destroy the specific sword marks. The shortcomings of this have been mentioned very early, this will make the swordsman always have a place for a swordsman, which is irreparable damage.

    Only the use of 斩青丝, can perfectly cut off the sword marks, so that the sword holder can re-select their own swords. This is equivalent to just changing the cold to a swordswoman, which is much stronger than losing a swordsman forever.

    A sapphire silk, the value can not be estimated with RMB, cold can not understand, what kind of power, will brain to the use of sputum to cut off their sword marks…In a sense, this power treats the cold as if it were your own son………Even beyond his son, even if it is the Hongru Noble Family, he is reluctant to use his best treasures such as 斩青丝 for his descendants.

…………Wait, this is not the point at all. What is the cold thinking? Even if the 斩青丝 is precious again, can you have your own baby, poor and precious?

    Seeing the cold and seeing the blue silk that is constantly approaching, the fear in the eye is getting bigger and bigger, bigger and bigger!

    Don’t……Don’t……please……Rena…No, I can’t live without poverty…please……I can’t live without poverty. ”This is about the first time in the cold life to pray for others.

    “You take my life and go…Take my life…Take my life and poverty together…This is my last wish. ”

    The cold is completely desperate, how can he think that, today, one day, he actually faced this desperate situation that he could not change at all?

    SorryGao Yan Linai looked at the constant pleading for the cold, and it was a sigh. Then the wind was turned into two spurs, and it was plunged from the acupoints of the cold, and the eyes of the cold stunned and passed out.

    “Now you can safely cut off your sword marks…Sorry, I am a cold student. ”After saying this, Yan Qingsi was directly sent to the purple house by Gao Li Linai.

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