“Grass, my seniors and I will go to Yuzhang City for a while, let’s go.”Without a slap in the face and a whisper for a while, Tian Congyun and his own went to Yuzhang City.

    “Oh ?” Let’s go.” Tian Congyun sighed, Sword Qi a roll, the medical warehouse with the cold body floating on the back of the sky, it seems that Tian Congyun is going to bring the cold together to Yuzhang City.

    “Grass, what are you doing, what do you bring with your medical warehouse?”There is no black face in the face, “Let’s go down, we have to fly back to Yuzhang City, with a medical warehouse like what it looks like.”

    “But it’s cold and his body is still…”Tian Congyun’s subconscious mind wants to say that cold weather requires people to take care of it, but if he hasn’t said anything yet, he will hear that he has no way to say “Hey, Shifang Sword Immortal don’t be excited, the grasshopper is good, and he cares very much about this sword-bearer. Since the grasshopper girl likes this little man, you let her take this medical warehouse, and what a big deal.”

    “Who cares about such a sword-bearer…Let’s get going.Tian Congyun immediately put the cold medical warehouse back on the ground. If she really brought back the medical warehouse that was cold, wouldn’t she have nothing to say? Moreover, Tian Congyun asked himself and found that he was too concerned about this cold. Isn’t that the descendant of that person in the past? Why should you care so much? People simply don’t look at themselves, they carry such a medical warehouse behind them, and there is a little sword-level sword-bearer.

    Thinking of this, Tian Congyun decisively put down the cold medical warehouse.However, after a few seconds, the cold medical warehouse was dragged by Sword Qi…After a few seconds, it was put down again. It seems that the sky is in tangled.

    “In fact, it is all right here. The Jianjian-class medical warehouse is built with the diorite. It can defend against the attack of all the Lanterns below the dragon and the dragon. In a short time, it is impossible to have a dragon above the dragon level. . And the camp has already got the news that Medusa has escaped. In ten minutes, our people will return here. I have deliberately smashed them, and when they return, someone will look after the medical warehouse. ”

    It’s a complete decision to help Tian Congyun make a decision.

    “let’s go!”The medical warehouse was heavily placed on the ground, and Tian Congyun first left this ruined vein. He looked at the head and seemed to be a little green and smiled. He walked with Xuan Ming.

    At the end of the last ten-party staring at the cold inside the medical warehouse, I glanced at the path with no way. The shadows of the entire open space all left instantly, and suddenly it was deserted.


    Ten minutes later, flying in the air with the undisciplined ten parties, the newsletter that was about to return to Yuzhang City immediately rang.

    P-pardon me? You didn’t find the medical warehouse? ”When I heard the contents of the communication, there was no change in the face. The other end of the communication was the person in charge of the Luoting vein. After they rushed back to the veins, they searched the entire vein and found the medical warehouse, not to mention the cold in the medical warehouse.

    Because this task is incomprehensible, the person in charge did not dare to neglect. In the first time, he got in touch with the innocent and told him the news.

    “You immediately motivated to search for nearby places, but you are all rotten in the stomach, don’t tell me, understand?”With such a slap in the face, his face returned to normal, as if nothing had happened, and did not inform Tian Congyun and the undisciplined.

    There is no way to conceal this matter. In his opinion, this sword-bearer is missing and disappears. If you tell the two that it is a big trouble, it is an act of uncomfortableness.

    Then, at this time, where is the medical warehouse with the cold body? The answer lies in a jungle of birds and flowers.

    This is a rare place in the Meiling Mountains that is quiet. The prospecting team explored it here for ten times and came to the conclusion that there is absolutely no possibility of a vein in this area.

    There is no harm without the veins. Since these are not worthy of human jealousy, then human beings are too lazy to come to this place. Such a place is a very dense place where the Yuanxiao is infested. What if the Lantern Festival is killed? Who to look for.

    Therefore, it has become a very good area for the preservation of the forest environment in Meiling. There are many high trees and dense forests. They are all densely covered with trees and flowers. They cannot be seen even in areas dozens of meters away.

    The cold medical warehouse was placed in such a very hidden place, and the 02:23 countdown appeared on the display panel of the medical warehouse, which means that the body of the cold will be completely repaired after two and a half minutes, and the cold will also be Escape from the dead and return to normal.

    In the past ten minutes and a second, when the panel finally showed 00:00, the top of the medical warehouse was opened, almost in the next second, and the coldness of the lively jump jumped out of the medical warehouse.

    Re-lived the cold to move his body and found that his physical condition is terrible. Before breaking his left hand, he had to waste more than half a year to re-open the left hand meridian. But now, the meridians of the whole body of the cold and cold are almost formatted a little. The acupuncture points that were opened before are all closed and dead…This means that the cold and the cold have a sword, but the strength has almost returned to the state of the child in the beginning, that is, the concept of martial arts in martial arts novels.

    But the cold did not blame the people, but from the joy of the heart, in fact, the body of the cold is bitten by the giant snake, and then faintly heard the dialogue between Tian Congyun and Medusa, exhausted the last point of the whole body to open his eyes. When I was petrified rather than turned into blood, I felt that I was a dead person in my heart.

    He opened his eyes and was only unwilling in his heart. He was not willing to die, he wanted the final fight. But he also understood in his heart that this is just a fight, ninety-nine, he will die in the hands of Medusa, and the short-lived life has ended, the hatred of his parents, and the various ambitions he has promised. It turned out to be a ridiculous joke.

    I didn’t think that I had to open my eyes again. When I felt the real existence of the flesh again, this new life made the cold suddenly get a release from the bottom of my heart…People who have died once, from the perspective of things, are often different from those who have never experienced death.

    “Cold-cold classmates, it seems that your body is recovering well!”Suddenly, the cold heard a sentence like this. But the cold was not surprised. From the moment he stepped out of the medical warehouse, he saw Gao Li Linai sitting on a fallen uncle. Her face was full of smiles.

    “Although my body is not as good as before, I have never felt so good now.”The cold and deep breath took a breath of fresh air in the woods. “Sorghum Linai, did you save me?”

    “You can say that.”Takahashi Reina is still laughing, “Minimum, I brought you here.”

    “Where is this?”Surrounded by cold weather, it was discovered that all of them were surrounded by dense jungles. Most of the towering trees had the height of five 6-storey buildings. Only when there was no human activity, trees could grow to this extent. It seems that this place is inaccessible, strange, why do you appear in this place?

    There is a trace of doubt in the heart of the cold, this place, this environment, always makes his heart have a sense of ominous.

    At the same time, the cold began to suddenly discover that Gao Li Linai gave her own feelings different from before. The former Gao Li Linai was a shy girl who couldn’t move her eyes. But now the high-grade Linnai can not only look at the cold eyes very simply, but also can not see any shame in her eyes, replaced by a firm, a firm belief in their own!

    “It seems that Gao Li Linai has matured a lot after this life and death!”The cold sighed, and at this time, he did not doubt much about it.

    “Cold-cold classmates, your body looks good, you don’t know the purple house and the sword marks, are you still okay?”Gao Yan Linai asked again.

    “All right!”In the cold, he saw his own purple house, and the sword mark of the poor sword was still intact in his own purple house. It seems that everything is good in poverty. Thinking of poverty, chilling in the heart, he went to his back, the scabbard was empty, nothing was placed in the scabbard. What is your own poverty? My own swordsman is so poor?

    “Sorghum Linai, when you saved me, I have seen my swordsman poor.”The only thing that can be asked about the cold is the high-rise Linai.

    “Poverty is here.”Gao Yan Linai took out a long sword from behind, and fixed her eyes and looked at it. It turned out to be her own poverty, and she immediately felt relieved.

    “Thank you, high school classmates, no poverty, I will go crazy.”In the words of cold and coldness, I don’t hide my love for poverty, especially if there is no such thing as poverty, and let Gao Li Linai’s eyes flash a touch of movement…But this is only a trace of very fast, and soon, Gao Yan Linai’s eyes returned to the original state of firmness.

    “Come back, poor.”When the cold thoughts move, the sword marks will summon the poor to return to their own bodies, but strange things happen. No matter how the cold is to transport their own ideas, the poverty in the hands of Gao Li Linai is always moving, and there is no need to return. The meaning to your own hands.

    “What’s going on here?” Is poverty poor? Is the durability zero? Gao Ban, please give me my poor sword. “There are so many terrible conjectures in the heart of the cold. He quickly stood up and wanted to get his own sword from the hands of Gao Li Linai.

    “Sorry, this is not possible.”Gao Yan Linai’s face glimpsed, and the sword light flashed like lightning. The cold hand sticking out of the cold hand suddenly burst into blood. His finger except the thumb was cut off by Qigen, and the cold was cut off. The finger is not something else. It is really a poor sword in the hands of Gao Li Linai.

    There is nothing to be suspicious, because at this time on the blade of poverty, the blood from the cold has fallen down in a drop.

    Cold weather has never been thought of, and poverty will get rid of your own blood.

    In an instant, the cold heart is like a knife.

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