Although Gao Yan Linai did not hesitate to pierce the scorpion silk into the purple house of the cold, but her heart is full of guilt…She felt that she had loved the father of this child in order to take away a lovely child. But everything has never been transferred by its own will, and Gao Li Linai must do this. There is no reason to do this.

    After the 斩青丝 enters the cold-fixed purple house, it does not need to do what Gao Li Linai does, it will automatically cut off the cold-proof sword marks. Gao Yanlinai’s eyes have been fixed on the poor sword placed on the ground. As long as the light on the poor sword symbolizes the disappearance of the sword-bearer’s existence, the poor sword will once again become the ownerless, and can be with the new The swordsman coordinated synchronously, which is the fundamental purpose of Gao Li Linai. Soon, the light on the surface of the poor sword began to flash violently.

    “This should be the performance of the 斩青丝 began to break!”This is the first time that Gao Li Linai has not used 斩青丝. In fact, the world has not heard of any local tyrants using 斩青丝 for decades. Gao Li Linai’s understanding of 斩青丝 is limited to some simple texts. She also believes that the tremor of this ray is just the expression of the beginning of the work of 斩青丝.

    Soon, Gao Li Linai found herself wrong. After a while, not only did the light begin to tremble, but even the entire poor sword began to shake.

    The poor sword placed on the ground is like a live fish from the water. It starts to jump up and down, and the higher the height, the more it can jump to more than one meter.

    “How can this be the case? Isn’t the information saying that the whole process is fast and quiet?” How did this happen?Seeing the abnormal performance of the poor sword, there was an ominous premonition in the heart of Gao Yanlinai. This time it may be worse.


    Let’s return our eyes to the purple house of the cold. The squid is like a piercing water, piercing the abdomen of the cold, and then easily enters the purple house, but it is not in the cold skin. Leave even a little scar on it.

    The green-green indigo is like a swimming fish, constantly wandering in the cold purple house, seems to be looking for the location of the poor sword marks…Wait, why do you ask why the silk is green? I don’t know this very well, just like I don’t know why some hats are green.

    Very smooth, 斩青丝 found the dewy swords in the cold and purple house, the gas that looks exactly the same as the poor swords, with some solidified swords with a blood tank. After the discovery of the sword mark, the sapphire silk jasper flashed a stream of light on the body, and then shot at a speed ten times the speed just now.

    According to the above information, after the sapphire silk found the sword mark again, it will start working from the tip of the sword mark. Just like the coloring game played by the children in kindergarten, the 斩青丝 will start from the tip of the sword and paint the sword marks.

    The so-called coloring is actually dyed into a green color with the gas that forms the sword mark, and once the entire sword mark becomes green, the sword mark will melt completely like ice and snow, disappearing in the cold purple house. Among them.

    The 斩青丝 is like a crayon covered with a virus. Once the virus has broken the entire sword mark, the sword mark will completely die.

    As stated in the information, at the beginning, 斩青丝 was indeed the first time to rush to the swordpoint of the sword mark, and planned to start his own green journey from the tip of the sword.

    But strange things happened. When the 斩青丝 was less than a little distance from the poor sword scars, the 斩青丝 could no longer be lifted to the sword marks anyway…It’s like a defensive cover on the surface of the sword mark.

    After trying to get close to several times without fruit, the 斩青丝 decided to be hard, knowing that the 斩青丝 itself is also a sharp dagger! 斩青丝 later retreat some distance, and then violently force, stabbed the sword marks hard, not to mention, it really has a written effect, this time 斩青丝 feels that the distance from the sword marks is much closer.

    So Dai Qingsi made up his mind and tried to break through the defense of this defensive hood by constantly striking…The consequences of such constant impact are reflected in the body of the poor swordsman, that is, the beginning of poverty is like a live fish, constantly jumping.

    Every jump, it means that the sword mark of the poor is hit once, the height of the jump, which represents the impact of the poverty. Finally, when the poverty has jumped to a higher level than the regular high-grade Linai, she no longer jumps, and once again lies quietly on the ground.

    This represents the layer of defensive cover on the surface of the poor sword scar, which broke the last barrier of the work of the indigo, and it completely disappeared.

    The green-green indigo saw the shield finally broken by himself. It seemed that the little excitement flew up and down in the purple house for a while, then regrouped and once again set off toward the sword-sword.

    Without any hindrance, the 斩青丝 finally touched the sword mark, and on the sword mark, the success left a trace of green, which means that the cold-stained sword mark gradually began to be eroded by the virus of the 斩青丝, and then will face The tragedy of the melting of sword marks.

    It is a pity that the cold and cold that stimulated the acupuncture points by Gao Yilinai could not be awake in the coma, and could not stop the arrival of all this. However, the object corresponding to the sword mark is not only a person who is cold, but also a person who is also suffering from the collapse of the sword mark.

    “It hurts me, it hurts me, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!”When the first green color was engraved, the sword of the sword in the form of the sword instantly changed back to the state of budding goods, holding his stomach and starting to roll on the ground. Obviously, the damage caused by the indigo wire to the sword scar is directly reflected in the poor body of the seed.

    “Weird, the durability of the poor sword is obviously less than 10%, and it is impossible to change back to the form of the swordsman!”Gao Yan Linai saw that poverty alleviation would change back to the appearance of the Meng goods, and it was a big jump. In the battle with Medusa before, the poor sword blocked the head of Medusa.

    This is a blow of the Zhou Yuanxiao, to the poor sword Jiangu Jian’s body, it is impossible to bear such a blow. Therefore, the close shield of the poor sword collapsed in an instant, and the remaining damage was all sustained by her durability. According to Gao Yilinai’s judgment, the durability of the poor sword is definitely less than 10%.

    Once the strength of the swordsman is less than 10%, then unless the swordman forcibly spurs the sword marks, forcing her to maintain the form of the swordsman. If there is no mandatory order from the sword-bearer, the sword-naughter can only maintain the sword form, and it is impossible to actively change back to the sword-girl form.

    But now, poverty alleviation with less than 10% durability has become the form of the swordsman. This is really unscientific.

    “Good pain! It’s painful! The poor are going to die! ”Originally, it has been kept in a state of poverty, and the body began to wriggle on the ground…Grinding…

    Huge pain made the poor struggle on the ground, her cute little head began to hammer hard on the hard ground, and a red mud mark on her forehead; her palms forcedly dig a hole in the land, ignoring it. His little hand was bloody; her crocodile clothes were ruined by the ground, and a piece of white cotton leaked out of the hole in the clothes, and the ground was all white, as if it was a pound. Heavy snow.

    All in all, the current poverty is like Sun Wukong, who has been tortured by Tang. The severe pain has made her lose her reason. She can only torture her body, abuse her body, and use the pain of the body to fight against the sword. Pain above the mark.

    Undoubtedly, such poverty is in the midst of hellish pain, and this pain has surpassed the limits of her little flesh. Gradually, the movements and magnitude of the struggle for poverty began to shrink. It is not because the pain from the sword scar has been alleviated, but the poor have no strength to abuse themselves. She could only lie on the ground with powerlessness, the tenderness of the tender meat, the horrible, weak shackles, and the painful suffering.

    When the last blank place in the sword mark in the cold and purple house was divided into green, the poverty was finally completely quiet, her muscles were no longer distorted, her legs were not twitching, and the eyes were no longer rolled. The mouth is closed, and it looks like it has returned to normal.

    However, Gao Li Linai could not feel a trace of vitality from this seemingly normal poverty.This once-popular, tormented snack food has become a doll at this moment, as if it has lost its soul, it will only maintain a fixed smile in the little girl’s arms.

    “finished?”Gao Li Linai can feel the indigo in the cold and purple house has stopped, and sent a signal to her…This is the signal that the 斩青丝 is about to leave the cold and purple house. After completing the damage to the sword mark, the 斩青丝 will automatically leave the purple house of the sword-bearer. Gaochun Linai must bring back the used 斩青丝, otherwise the Noble Family behind her will really lose. Big.

    Indigo can be said to be one-off, or it can be said to be one-off.

    It is said to be a one-time use, because after the ruthenium has been used again, it can no longer be used for a minimum of one hundred years. It is said that it is not a one-time use, because after a hundred years, if you use the prince to charge the 斩青丝, then the 斩青丝 can be used again.

    Therefore, Gao Lilinai must bring this 斩青丝 to the Noble Family. If the 斩青丝 is lost, Gaochun Linai will bear the consequences that she can’t bear.


    In the purple house of the cold, the greenish blue silk that could not be greened turned into a color close to white, which shows that her green color was painted on the cold-proof sword mark.

    At this time, the 斩青丝 seemed to be exhausted. She slowly went to the outside of the purple house, just like a leisurely tuna. After swimming for a while, the 斩青丝 suddenly stopped. .

    This little sword dagger with Spiritual Nature is dull and facing the green sword of the poor, and the squid is not understood. The sword mark has not melted yet. After it has finished painting all, it should begin to melt. That’s right! Do you still have the place to fill the color?

    Indigo has been hesitating for a while. Suddenly, among the green sword marks, two silvery glittering chains spurt out, and with the speed of lightning, they will bind the indigo that stopped in place. Then broke into the sword mark.


    “This is not good!”Gao Yan Linai’s face was stiff, and she suddenly couldn’t feel the squid in the cold body.

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