As mentioned before, in addition to accepting the collection task, the cold-fixing task center of the sword-holding team also accepted five other tasks, one of which was called “Rooting Mine Guard Mission · Ancient Sword Level”. The mission requires that the cold and the guardian of the Luoting vein be safe for a whole day. As a reward, the cold will receive 5 heroes.

    It’s a fairly simple task, just a day’s stay in the Solomon vein, simple and safe, if the reward of this task is more generous, but unfortunately, the official is not a fool, it is impossible to set such a task too high reward, or those who hold swords to do this task, Do not go to and the yuan 冦 grappling.

    When it was cold to accept the task, just hold the dispensable mentality to take over, he actually does not intend to complete this task, one day, solid cold can earn dozens of hero coins, who will care about the five hero coins, but now, solid cold but must complete this task, Because of the mission’s location lofty veins, is one of the three richest and most abundant deep red veins in the range of the Plum Ridge, and also the name of the Luo Ting camp.

    The Luoting vein is directly controlled by the official Yuzhang, and is not open to the super rich ore veins. At the same time, 5,000 ordinary people mine in the veins. In order to facilitate management, these ordinary people simply live in the veins. So many ordinary people will inevitably become the target of those Lanterns, so a considerable number of sword-bearers are needed to protect the entire vein.

    Although there are quite a few swordsmen under the official name of Yuzhang City, there are more places to use them, so the sword-bearers used to protect them are more sword-bearers recruited through the mission center, such as cold-holding. Another example is this person in front of the cold.

    “Cold-cold classmates, so clever, are you not with your classmates?”Walking between the mine holes in the Luoting vein, Gaochun Linai and Guhan chatted indiscreetly, yes, this person who happened to be the same task as the cold, is the student of the cold, Gao Li Linai.

    “Hey, she has her own business.”It is very simple to answer the cold. As for the sincerity of this answer, I will know the sly face of Gao Li Linai.

    “Cold-cold classmates, may I ask you and your classmates to be…YesTakahari Reina said that it was stuttering here, and suddenly did not know how to continue to ask.

    “Do you want to ask me if you are a boyfriend or a girl?”Waiting for Gao Li Linai to ask, the cold will take the initiative to raise Julina.

    YesYesYes, “I heard that the cold is so cold, Gao Li Linai is somewhat shy and bowed her head, obviously this is the default.

    “Yes, we are indeed a relationship between men and women.”The cold replied very refreshingly. When I heard the answer to the cold, Gao Yan Linai’s face instantly became pale, just like the dead man in the house.

    “Is there any other problem?”Looking at the cold does not look at Gao Yan Linai, the gesture of rejection inside is quite obvious.

    Haven’tNo PaginationWhat can I do with Gao Yan Linai, she can only answer this way, like a bird that has been injured.

    “If that’s the case, then let’s go separately.”The cold fingers pointed at the two forks in front of them. Here, the mines were divided into two. According to the requirements of the mission, the two had to patrol separately, and could not get together to take a road.

    “Yes, I understand.”Gao Yan Linai nodded, then ran wildly toward a mine hole. She shook her head and walked toward another mine. The feelings of the first love were bitter, and some authors were still suffering. Opportunity to experience the taste of first love.


    It is not intentional to hurt this somewhat pure and lovely lucky classmate, but he knows that no one can find himself at any time. He used to be a miracle in Hengshan Sword School. Twenty consecutive outstanding gravel legends cannot be concealed. As long as you have a little inquisition, you can listen to it clearly. Moreover, the cold does not think that the undisciplined will not rely on the power of the head snake.

    Next, the cold may need to face the undisciplined at any time. He does not want to involve Gao Li Linai. The things inside are not a small ancient sword-level swordsman of Gaochun Linai who can participate in it… …But when I think about it, I seem to have forgotten it. I am only a fact of an ancient sword-level sword-bearer.

    “Poverty, do you feel that there are good ore in this mine?”Cold and cold touched the poor head of the baby bag, which is another reason why he and Gao Li Linai are separated. There is Gao Li Linai, and how to fix the cold is how to mine in the east.

    “A hundred pounds of frog meat.”These days the poor eat frog meat has been addicted to eating, land continued to eat the solid cold more than 2 million RMB of the frog meat, if the ordinary bearer of the sword face such a cargo supreme Sword Niang, has been vomiting blood and died, even if the sword holders, 2 million RMB is also a considerable amount of wealth, Less than three days of time are all fed into the poor mouth inside, that is, the current count is the deep pockets of solid cold, or who can bear it.

    “I want you to eat 100 pounds of frog meat tonight, and then buy a hundred pounds to get you back to the frog meat that you can eat at home, okay?”Cold and loving, said that in the face of such a well-intentioned master, there is nothing to say about poverty. Immediately, the head was found out of the nursery bag, and then the eyes were like a radar, and the surrounding mines were scanned.

    “There is a good look there…There is a better look here…This piece of ore is ugly…It’s still ugly. ”Comments on the poor all the way in the past, the good-looking mouth of the poor is the Marquis species, the more you see the Duke species, even if yesterday, the cold will also sweep these Marquis, the Duke. But today is not the same, today’s cold is not intended to start with these grades of spar. The officially controlled veins are no more than the veins controlled by Yujie Sword School. The official rules are stricter than that of Yujie Sword School. The sword-bearers can only patrol the mines, but cannot touch any piece of sub-crystalline ore to prevent the sword-bearers. Stealing the ore in the mine.

    Each location of the mine hole is equipped with video surveillance equipment, solid cold may conceal one or two times, but a number of times, very easy way to foot, causing concern that is not good, so the cold can only pick more valuable and precious sub-yuan ore, such as now, the poor secretly told a very good look at the cold of the sub-yuan ore, A solid cold judgment is likely to be the Dukes ore, at this time, the ore is placed in the solid cold side of a miner’s ore basket, which is a piece of ore has been mined.


    In the monitoring room of the vein management center, a staff member responsible for observation and monitoring suddenly discovered that a miner was scratching his feet while mining. The whole person fell backwards and slammed into his own mine, a mine ore. Four scattered places.

    The miner hurriedly began picking up the ore on the ground. At this time, a huge back of the head blocked the surveillance, but soon, the entire back of the head left the surveillance. The staff began to adjust the perspective of the monitor and found that a sword-bearer passed by here, kindly helping the unfortunate miner to pick up all the ore on the ground and throw it back into the mine.

    “Hey, this sword-bearer is a good person who is helpful.”The staff member is an ordinary person. On weekdays, I used to be a sword-bearer to bully ordinary people. Occasionally I saw a helpful sword-bearer helping ordinary people. I really praised it and completely forgot to contact the sword-bearer. This rule of ore

    Slightly small gauge of solid cold easy to get the target into their own hands, he was just sneaking around with a sword Qi to cut off the miners at the foot of a stone, the next as seen in monitoring, solid cold with the back of the head to block the chance of monitoring, directly to the piece of good looking ore to the income of their own dimensional pocket.

    However, I don’t know what it’s like to fix it. In fact, he doesn’t have to do so much to cover up so much. Because at this time, the monitoring center has become a mess. No one cares about whether or not to steal an ore. .

    Just when the staff member lamented that the cold was a good sword-bearer, he suddenly noticed that the white shadow of another monitor’s picture flashed past. What is going on, is it your own eyes?

    The responsible staff immediately called out the surveillance video, and then slowed down the video ten times. Sure enough, there was a white flash. The staff members are in a state of sorrow. Is it that Yuan Zhen has come in.

    He immediately slowed down the video twenty times and wanted to see what the white shadow was, but the horrible thing happened, even if it slowed down twenty times, but the white shadow was already flashing. The speed does not seem to slow down much.

    The frightened staff slowed down a hundred times…Five hundred times…a thousand times…Ten thousand times…100,000 times…One million times…Until the limit of 5 million times the video equipment can be slowed down, the white sound in the video is still flashing, and she can’t see her shape and appearance.

    The worker began to feel a choking fear, but the reason for his fear is not because the white figure moves too fast, but the speed of the white figure has not changed, whether it is normal speed play or slow down 5 million times times, the white figure is always with the same speed and time from the screen flashed over ……This can’t be explained clearly by physical explanation, but one thing is certain, the vein is invaded, and the intruder is very likely to be a very powerful Lantern.

    The staff left the news to the leader. After watching the video, the leader made a decision on the spot and connected all the swordsmen patrolling the veins.

    “Please note that everyone who holds the sword, it is suspected that there is a very fast white human element into the vein, please take the sword to search the mine immediately, and immediately report it after finding the clue…Report it immediately. ”

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