In a sunny and sunny morning, as the general manager of Yuzhang Sword School in Meilingshan, Wang Yao’s little days are still very good. As an ordinary person who is not a sword-bearer, Wang wants to be able to mix in this position. It is a great fortune. Fortunately, my sister was beautiful and married to the top of Sword School in Yuzhang. Otherwise, where is the position to get myself.

    In fact, all the major Sword Schools are the same, not only the sword-bearers, but also the ordinary people. After all, the number of sword-bearers is limited. Their main task is to clean the Lantern Festival outside the city, instead of wasting the scramble for Sword. School’s interests above

    Really take care of Yuzhang Sword School in the Meiling Mountains business, are ordinary people like Wang Yao, a small number of swordsmen are all arranged to maintain the safety of the veins. Of course, even the lowest level of the swordsman, the salary from the Sword School in Yuzhang is far higher than the Wang who manages the entire Meiling Mountains.

    On this day, Wang Yao, who was so busy, was watching Fusang’s educational film, which was excavated from the remains of the remains, without some blood.

    “The ancients will really play, and our modern people can’t even compare one of the ancients’ hairs. How do they think of these games?”Looking at the taste of this quite heavy action education film, Wang to Itch in the heart, he quietly walked to the door, open the door, look around no one, put his office door to heavy shut, and then quickly locked, and then take out a roll of toilet paper from the cupboard, sit to the position, hand just untie their trousers belt, ready to push down.

    The loud noise of “哐”, Wang’s door to the office was forcibly opened.

    “Who”Wang wants to scare his pants and fall down. He panicked and looked up. He thought that it was the Lantern who rushed into the office building.

    As a result, Wang had to look at it and found that the man was wearing a Fusang warrior suit with four long swords on his back and an empty scabbard hanging around his waist.

    “My mother” can see the appearance of the coming person. Wang wants to squat in the seat. How does this look exactly like the horrible ten-party Sword Immortal? He won’t really be Sword Immortal…I am free to take a tube and not let Sword Immortal come to clean me up.

    Without a chapter ten-way, he walked into Wang’s office and looked at the office. Then he saw the Fusang educational film on the table that Wang was going to put on the table. His face was warm. “You like to watch these big hibiscus. The action education film left by the empire?”

    “Like, it’s like it!”The king wants the eyeball to turn, and the flattering is not to send the money immediately. “You don’t know the grown-up. The villain grew up watching the action educational films handed down from the Fusang Empire. All the techniques are learned from these educational films. of.”

    “Every piece of Fuso action education film that has been handed down is a true classic and is the most precious treasure of mankind. They are the unity of rich artistic aesthetics and rich spiritual connotations. They are the mics of human self-will, the navigation lights that are always bright in life. The so-called big voyages rely on the helmsman, the long life depends on Fuso; the classic literature of the Great Fusang Empire The work is such a classic that guides our path. ”

    “In these works, there are mourning for the vast hibiscus era, the face of love, the ideal yearning, the desire of the flesh, the pursuit of the spirit, the flow of poetry, the rush of the soul, and so on. In order to educate us, one teacher endured all kinds of bad environments, ugly male characters, long-term interactions, various props that afflicted the body…These sufferings have been sublimated by the diligent teachers into a yearning for life, and they are seamlessly combined. This is a height that has never been reached in human thought and in art. ”

    Nice! good ! Greatly good! ”When the tenth party heard the words of Wang Yao, he was very moved and nodded. “If you rush to your words, it means that you are a person with morality, quality and education. I am optimistic about you.”

    “Thank you adults! Thank you adults! The villain just said his own words, this is the words of the lungs! ”Wang wants to actually move a few tears.

    “Well, I ask you, are you king?”

    “Yes, the little man wants…Wang wants to be a villain…”Wang wants to mention his pants and hurriedly tied his belt. “Dare to ask this adult, but the Sword Immortal adults?”

    Nothing in the tenth nod, the expression changed from the encouragement to the indifference. “You are the head of Sword School in Meilin, are you?”

    “Right right, I am the person in charge of Sword School here. I don’t know if the ten people are here. What needs to be done by the villain.” As long as the adults say a word, the villain immediately launches the ordinary people of the entire Sword School, and works for the ten adults. ”Wang wants to say that all ordinary people and sword-bearers, but in case any sword-bearer is disobedient, it is irritating to the ten-party Sword Immortal, is it unlucky? For some arrogant sword-bearers, even Sword Immortal-level swordsmen can’t order them.

    “Then, I, I ask you, what is the abnormal situation in the Meiling Mountains recently?”Without a sneak peek, he said the purpose of his trip. After he arrived at the Meiling Mountains, he went straight to the Sword School, the largest land in the Meiling Mountains. Every move of the Meiling Mountains is beyond the eyes of these local snakes.

    “abnormal situation?”The king began to think with his head down, every day, although there are all kinds of reports sent to him in the Plum ridge, but when the king to seriously read these reports, he is a cursory look at the sword School occupies the vein of the briefing and the Gravel machine income report, Or the loss report caused by the 冦 attack …In fact, he does not care, but those reports are the same as in the past, and there is nothing special about it.

    Although Wang really didn’t know anything unusual, he dared to answer this question to the undisciplined party. Obviously, the undisciplined ten party is coming to the anomaly, if he does not serve him well…Even if the 10th Sword Immortal adults let him go, the Sword School will also cure him for a crime of malfeasance.

    “Ten party adults, please wait a moment, the villain needs to confirm some things.” Wang wants to bow to the undecided ten-party nod, and then dialed his communication. This man is not very fond of him, because his information is well-informed, he is nosy, asks questions and asks questions, his mouth is still very big, he drinks a little wine, and he can say anything if he should not say it. I don’t know where he knew the king wants his sister, and then promoted the nepotism of his king. The king of the gas had already been planned. In a few days, he was transferred back to Yuzhang City to sweep the toilet.

    Wang wants to communicate with the big mouth for a long time in the newsletter, and then closes the communication. He reports to the undisciplined ten parties that “there are no other abnormalities. It is just two days ago that something interesting happened.”

    “Two days ago! Interesting things! ”The eyes of the undisciplined ten party lit up. He received the order of Emperor Qian Tianjian in the early morning of the morning. Then the anomaly must have happened before that. The time two days ago was just right.

    “Yes, I heard two days ago in Hengshan sword School’s gravel field, many people saw with their own eyes, a gang of sword-holders broke out several Marquis species, more than 10 count species, hundreds of the Viscount species and the Baron species, so many rare stone, have caught the plum Ridge 10 days rare spar production, especially the Marquis species, One months will not be so much. ”The king wants to quickly tell the news that he has inquired about it.

    “Specific!”No chapter ten is keenly aware that this may be related to his own goals.

“…………Adults, not villains, are not heart-warming. It is because it happened at the site of Sword School in Hengshan. The intelligence of our Sword School is inevitable. You see if I lead to Sword School in Hengshan…”

    “No, I go by myself.”When the ten-party voice disappeared, it disappeared into the office, and then the king wanted the whole person to collapse, and fell to the chair.

    “Scared me…Scared me……The sword-level sword-bearer is too horrible. This killing of the gods is even more fearful. I feel that he will slap me at any time. It is too horrible…Fortunately, he was taken away, otherwise my life would be scared. ”The king said to pat his own heart and liver, but soon he was somewhat proud.

    “Hey, the jerk of Hengshan Sword School, it’s your turn, so scary, don’t give you a taste, how can you afford the pants that my king wants to take off.”Wang Yaoyin laughed a few times, and his face quickly became dignified again. “No, I have to report to it as soon as possible. The characters like Zhang Shifang suddenly appear in the Meiling Mountains, and there must be something big happening here…Damn, even my local snake does not know what happened, how does he know without a chapter? ”


    An hour later, the undisciplined ten party came out of the office building of Hengshan Sword School. Like Wang, the head of Hengshan Sword School immediately began to squat without any control. After learning the requirements of the undisciplined ten parties, immediately mobilized the real-time video of the gravel two days ago, and the complete broadcast was read to the undisciplined ten parties.

    Ever since, the whole process of fixing the cold and the graves of several of his classmates has been read by the undisciplined ten parties.

    At the beginning, it was the gravel of the four-member group of Gaochun Linai. When she saw that there were so many Earl and Marquis species in the same time, the undisciplined ten-party had adjusted her suspicion level to the highest.

    Then the solid cold four people began to gravel, when the solid cold continuous 200 pieces of empty ore, no chapter Fong almost because of boredom and leave, but when he saw the final solid cold stunning more than 20 yuan Spar, the same was scared a big jump, no chapter Fong experience, nor have seen such a lucky scene.

    “It seems that the emergence of the prince species has a great relationship with these two people!”Two people in the mouth of the ten chapters are naturally Gao Li Linai and Gu Han.

    “Where is this boy now? Immediately find him for me. ”

    After listening to the order of the ten-party, Hengshan Sword School immediately mobilized all of its own monitoring, and found the location of the cold very smoothly.

    “Ten party, he is here.”

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