“White silhouette?”When I heard the sound of panic in the surveillance room from the newsletter, I was keenly aware that this time I might have entered the Lantern Festival. Because at the same time that the cold reception of communications, all ordinary miners began to evacuate the mine, and the journey was very rushed, even the mined ore left in the original place did not bring back, apparently the officially issued the most severe retreat command.

    However, the official did not give instructions to let the swordsman retreat, but ordered the sword-bearers in the mine to search the entire mine to see exactly where the sacred sacred into the mine.

    Chilling is a smart person, and the Lantern Festival, which can make the official so horrified, is not a simple role. Oneself is not the game that already has three swords Niang Sword Class sword holder, can and the underworld level Yuan 冦 positive to the anus strong player; oneself in reality, still just an ancient sword class sword-holder only, perhaps oneself can easily kill off the mouse level and tiger level Yuan 冦, also can the more one or two to deal with Ghost class and soul level of the yuan 冦, but once more than soul level , it is the danger of life to be cold.

    Under the dangerous wall, the so-called gentleman is still handed over to the senior sword-bearers stationed in the veins. It is better to leave this dangerous place first…By the way, I would also like to remind you that the female student of Gao Li Linai, with her shy personality, would not hesitate to execute the officially passed orders.

    “You have some strange smell on your body.”Just when the cold was ready to contact Gao Lilinai to let her retreat, suddenly, a voice blew in the cold ear.

    DANGER! Extremely dangerous! ”In the first time of hearing this sound, the whole person’s hair would be blown up, and the whole body’s blood began to rise up on his head. All the senses were sending a signal called danger to the cold.

    Before this sound, the solid cold did not realize that there is any movement around, this means that the owner of the sound of the spiritual awareness, if she did not actively speak, then she could not find someone came to their side, If the owner of this voice wants to kill himself, only need a gentle sword stabbed into their heart, that solid cold with lofty ideals and revenge of the good youth, it will be completely and the world to say good-bye, this book can also be a big ending.

    “I am not malicious, just thinking about the scenery.”Hear such words, solid cold slightly put down the alert, and then see clearly the person who speaks a body of appearance, a white, slender, appearance is only the general degree of beauty, but has a chill temperament, this is a dangerous woman, fixed cold in the first time issued such judgments; I’ve seen this woman, This is the second time of the determination of cold fixation.

    In fact, when the cold looks at the woman’s appearance, he recognizes the other person’s origins for the first time. Because this woman’s last news broadcast from time to time, it has become a hot spot of concern in the world every few months. It is difficult to think cold and unfamiliar. This woman is not a Lantern, but a sword-naughter, a sword-level swordswoman: Tian Congyun.

    Days Cong Yunjian is no chapter Fong of the Sword Niang, no chapter Fong such people, every action will arouse the great concern of the community, every record will let the news media flocked, even with the sword Niang with no chapter of the exposure degree is also very high, days Cong Yunjian’s high-definition close-up also often boarded various headlines, human beings do not know the sword Niang, That’s very rare.

    However, since the Tian Cong Yun Sword appears here, then it does not mean that there is no chapter, it is also nearby. When I think of it, the coldness is tight, and the things that come here are all coming.

    “Under the cold, meet the grasshoppers.”The cold is a respectful respect for the Tian Congyun sword. The swordsmen may not need such a privilege, but the sword-bearers must maintain considerable respect for the swordsman. This is the rule passed down for more than a thousand years. The swordsman is born and died for the survival of mankind, and human beings must pay due respect to the swordswoman.

    The grasshopper sword is the Tian Congyun sword. Although the official name of the next day is the cloud sword, but not only in a TV show, Tian Congyun sword likes to call her a grasshopper sword. She said that the name of Tian Congyun is too high and is the name that Spiritual God only has. She doesn’t deserve this name, so she prefers to call her a grasshopper.

    Oh, yes, by the way, the pinyin of Caoyun is caoti, not caozhi. This is the comprehension of a guy who has been playing caozhi for a long time but can’t beat the two words.

    “Excuse me, tell the people here, I am coming, let them not panic, work normally!”Tian Congyun’s sword was greeted with a cold, and said faintly.

    “Yes, grasshopper girl!”The cold was immediately notified to the official through the newsletter that the white shadow is not the Yuanxiao, but the fact that the sword-level swordsman is a cloud. The official people have heard this news, and how can Tian Congyun suddenly appear here? This is not scientific! If it is not to recall the video of the place where the cold was located, it is true that the white shadow is really a cloud, and the official people think that the cold is making them happy.

    “What to do now?”This is a problem that hangs over the top of the official high-level. According to the rules, even if she is a sword-level swordswoman, it is not allowed to suddenly enter the official vein of Yuzhang. This is equivalent to a US Emperor. The plane hovered over the sky in London. Although the two sides are so-called hardcore allies, this is also a major violation of international law.

    The most normal way of handling is that Yuzhang officially took Tian Congyun out of the mine hole and then offered a solemn protest to Yanjing City. However, this kind of treatment is based on the case that there is a sword emperor in Yuzhang City.

    But everyone knows that Tian Cong Yun Sword is a sword-free mother with no chapters, and the undisciplined ten-party is the Azure Dragon General of the Emperor Sui Tianjian. Behind the Tian Congyun Sword is a sword emperor standing. At this time, Yuzhang City only had two sword-level sword-bearers, and did not offend the qualifications of the swordsman. If the force of the Tian Congyun sword was forcibly evicted, the sword emperor would be angered, and it would be worth the loss.

    The high-level officials can only show their troops and immediately report to the Yuzhang City Sports Committee and ask for solutions. While waiting for the reply from the Yuzhang City Swords Committee, they got an emergency contact from the Sword School in Yuzhang. The person in charge of the Meiling Sword School reported that the sword-level swordsman had just left. He is here at the time of the trip to Hengshan Sword School.

    When the high-level people heard the news, they even more sure of the identity of Tian Congyun, but they were even more afraid to act rashly. The undisciplined ten parties suddenly appeared in the Meiling Mountains, and there was a big thing to happen.

    Soon, the order of the Jianzhang City’s Jiandang Committee was passed over. The order was very simple, and only two words were “just”.

    Then the question is coming. In the end, how do they deal with Tian Congyun Sword, or how do you play with the sky? The top executives of the Luoting vein decisively chose the second option.

    “What happened in the end, even people who are in the city of Yanjing know nothing about it, and they are ignorant of these local snakes.”The top officials did not rush out the same questions as Wang.


    Among the mines, the Tian Congyun seems to be very casual in the mine, and the cold is closely behind the sky, keeping a certain distance.

    “What are you doing with me?”After being locked up for a few minutes, Tian Congyuntian stopped his footsteps and twisted his body and stared at the cold. “Human, what are you trying?”

    “Grass Goddess, you misunderstood, I dare to have any attempt, just volunteering, I want to help the girl to find something.”The cold was scared by Tian Congyun and stepped back. He explained it hurriedly.

    “you are lying……”The sky is cloudless and expressionless. “The pupils you just had are all concentrated on me. You are clearly trying to make me.”

    ThisThe cold smile smiled. “The original grasshoppers knew it, and the little man did not hide it.” Since childhood, the villain has admired the heroic deeds of the undisciplined adults. The undisciplined adults are the idols of the villains from small to large. For the grasshoppers, the villain is more than a yearning. I can’t think of seeing the grasshoppers today, so I can’t help myself. If the grasshoppers don’t like them, the villain will leave. ”

    “You are still lying…”Tian Congyun looked up and down again and again. “I said before, there are some interesting things on your body. It seems that you are more interesting now. ”

    …heh嘿嘿)What can be said about the cold that has been pierced twice, only a smirk. However, when the cold smiles, the Tian Congyun in the cold eyes suddenly breaks, just like the feeling of one frame less. That is the time of this frame, the cold feels that his chest is empty, and the poor is caught in the hands of the sky.

    “The grasshopper girl is leaving, so let’s go, please let go of the villain’s swordsman!”Seeing that poverty has disappeared, the cold has completely panic, and immediately begged Tian Congyun to return to poverty.

    At the same time, the poor people who had been sleeping in the cold-cold nursery bag also found that they were suddenly caught. The two small hands and the little feet were like the pandas that had been caught by the nurses. They began to struggle with their limbs. .

    “Who are you, why don’t I know you?”Tian Congyun sword lifted the poor face to face in front of him, and asked very seriously, “I know thousands of swordsmen, why I have never seen who you are.”

“……Let me go, you white hair girl, you let go of poverty. ”Poverty ignores the question of the sky, and still struggles to leave. “Cold the cold, hurry to save me…Give me this white-haired girl to drive away, stinky and cold. ”

    “Grass Goddess, please return the poor to the villain immediately, or the villain will not fight for life, but also take back the poor.”When I heard the helplessness of the poor, my heart was broken. It seemed that I had forgotten the power gap between myself and Tian Congyun, and the righteous words demanded.

    “Was I? Are you afraid of death? ”Tian Congyun slowly put down the poor, sharp eyes, staring straight at the cold, instantly, murderous.

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