[PS: I saw someone in the book review area saying that the swordswoman was in the hands of the former sword-bearer, and there was a problem such as impureness. I didn’t want to answer it because I think the book has been written very clearly. But since everyone asks, then I will give you some more explanation. After every awakening, the body of the sword is born through the new sword-bearing Zifu. It is a completely new body. There is no problem of impureness. It is equivalent to a new soul. The same as the flesh.

    As for the relationship between the soul and the former sword-bearer, there will be a special plot to describe it later. The author guarantees that there will be no plots that everyone does not like to see…At least it won’t happen to the cold.

    In addition, the author believes that if the swordswoman can not leave the previous memory, it is really pitiful. That is purely a weapon rather than a living person. The author does not want this, please be considerate. 】

    “Is this the equivalent of the swordsman content of a marquis-like swordsman? It is so beautiful! ”The soldier looked at the jadeite of the egg-sized Marquis in front of him. Without some dazzling fascination, this purple-red light symbolizes hundreds of thousands of RMB, which is equivalent to his struggle for more than a year in this mine. The full income.

    Compared to the obsession of the soldier, solid cold and so on three people are somewhat insipid, solid cold is the nature of this, not to mention is the Marquis species, even if it is dukes species, the estimated solid cold will not be excited what; the time is because the marquis species see too much, they fleeting noble Family of the Marquis species sub-yuan spar is piled up with several large dimensional bag, Now fleeting time Lin’s sub-yuan bag also put more than 10 marquis species for rainy days;

    As for Song Hama, the reason why he is not excited is rather strange, because he does not like pink, he feels too arrogant.

    “Is this you dug out?”Gu Han smiled and asked Gao Li Linai, about the cold is too handsome, Gao Li Linai is a little shy, just nodded, no longer speak.

    “Is it detected? How much do you know about the sapphire in these crystals? ”The cold and asked, what kind of baron species, the Viscount species, is only roughly drawn out of scope, but also need to be tested by testing equipment to know the content of specific sapogenin in crystal ore.

    “It was tested that the content of this Marquis species is about 68200 quarks.”Takahashi Reina whispered, “The quality of the instruments here is not good. The Marquis can only detect hundreds of digits, and the tens and single digits of the crystals are not detected.”

    “That’s a medium marquis…”The soldier heard this more envious. According to the actual content of the swordsman in the Marquis, the price of the Marquis is also different. The sapogen content is 10,000 and the content is 99,999,999. Marquis, but the price may be the same!

    “Cut, is this envious? Fast, my baby, Rena, will show off your harvest and scare them. ”Helena forced her to hold Gao Li Linai, and then wrapped her around, let her take out the other ore in the pocket of the second dollar, Gao Li Linai but Helena, can only helplessly open their pockets.

    Gao Li Linai first took out five black glass sphere-sized sub-crystal spar from the pocket of the second yuan. After seeing it, the soldier said that it was a diminite spar of the baron. If he was lucky, he could mine once. Pick up five barons;

    Then, Reina pulled out five black-purple diorites of the longan size. This time, the small soldiers began to be unsettled. This is the diorite of the Viscount species. The luck is the best, and the small soldier dug up two hundred. Many pieces of ore have been broken out of 4 counts, which is already the best result of the soldiers.

    Then again, Takahiko Reina pulled out three purple table tennis-sized sub-meteolites, which is naturally the second-order crystal mine of the Earl. When I saw this scene, Xiaobing sat down on the ground, life is Such a desolate, I really want to get drunk.

    “I don’t think you are a mining expert. You have collected thousands of ore at a time, which is really amazing…”Xiaobing said sourly, in his opinion, at least a thousand ore can break out such incredibly high-quality sub-crystalline ore.

    “No…My body is weak…The strength is too small, and more than forty pieces of ore have been dug up and can’t be dug…Then the council took another half, so I only broke more than 20…Am I too useless? ”Gao Li Linai said faintly, it is true that a breath of the wind can’t help but rush.

    “Twenty!”The soldier turned a blind eye and did not pick it up in one breath. He fell to the ground and the Africans married the Europeans.


    Lini’s move of a dozen pieces of valuable diorites has deeply attracted the attention of the idle people around them. They are mostly finished before the gravel, but they are not going to leave, but stay here to see others broken. Stone boring people…There are many such people, and sometimes the fun of watching other people’s gambling is still on their own gambling.

    There are also some professional buyers who are diorites. They stayed near the gravel machine all day. Once someone broke the sub-crystal spar of the Earl species, they swarmed and used all the rhetoric to buy these sub-crystalline spar. in. In the previous gravel, Rena had rejected five or six buyers who attempted to acquire his Marquis and Earl species.

    Most of the Linai in this group have been crushed, only Chen Changshen had no gravel, he went to the gravel machine, pulled out a fist size of ore, put it on the workbench, and then with a personal terminal in the machine’s scanner to touch, and the gravel machine to establish a contractual relationship, each broken stone, The crushed stone machine will deduct the cost of RMB 80 from the personal terminal of Chen Changshen.

    The crushing machine of Hengshan Sword School is the most traditional steam crusher. It has hundreds of hammers made of dimensional alloys with different sizes of sub-fine spar powders of more than 80%. head.

    Its working principle is roughly the same. First, use a hammer with a hammer face and an ore cross-section to smash with a suitable force to make a crack in the outer structure of the ore, and then use dozens of small hammers. In all parts of the ore, beat with high frequency and high frequency. In just a few seconds, the outer structure of the ore will be completely broken like an egg shell, revealing the precious spar in it…The premise is that there is really a sub-crystal spar.

    After Chen Changshen’s first elemental spar, after such a knock, the stones on the surface turned into powder, until the whole ore did not see a little other color at the end. This ore is an empty mine.

    Chen Changshen shook his head, not too annoyed. It is good to have a piece of ore in the 20 ore. This is no big deal.

    But then, Chen Changshen is not quite calm. He has broken more than 50 ore pieces in succession, but all of them are empty. This is a world of fourteen pieces of high-quality Linai. do not.

    Until the 60th, Chen Changshen opened a baron, but this seems to be the limit of Chen Changshen. When the first one or twenty, the last ore was broken, Chen Changshen could only accept it. The fact that I am harvesting today is only a baron species in the district…This piece of baron flies to the sky is the purchase price of 1000RMB, but Chen Changshen spends tens of thousands of light and stone fees, and it is a loss to his home.

    “Haha, captain, I don’t think you are more unlucky than me, hahaha!”Seeing Chen Changshen’s results, Helena couldn’t help but laugh. The luck of her last three was her worst. One hundred or so pieces of ore were only two males. She thought that she was on the ground, and thought that the captain Chen Changshen was even worse than her, which made Helena whole people excited.

    “Helena, don’t laugh at the captain, captain, you can quickly check the content of the swordsman of this baron.” Gao Lilina held down Helena’s chattering mouth, and then softly comforted Shen Changshen.

    Ah, a goodChen Changshen was very touched. He looked at Gao Yanlinai deeply, and his eyes showed a special taste. Generally speaking, it was the man’s possessive desire for women.

    Kaoasaki is a pair of bright big eyes, a smooth black hair of the beautiful girl, her body reveals the unique supple girl, gentle, bird temperament, whether it is like appearance or temperament, all the cold side of the unease to the next, solid cold around the woman and sword Niang inside, About that is only the king and the sky can be in the appearance of better than Kaoasaki, unfortunately, the king and the days are the game of the sword Niang, temporarily not likely to appear in reality.

    The detector for detecting the specific content of the sapogenin in the crystal ore is on the other side of the workbench. The detector is not charged. Chen Changshen throws the ore into the circle and finds that the sapogenin content is as high as 98 points. . The upper limit of the male barn is 99 quark sap, and Chen Changshen’s piece is actually 98 quark. The distance from the upper limit is only a little. This ore that is extremely close to the upper limit is not only useful but also has collectible value. Some collectors will have relative The high price to buy such a crystal mine for collection, this result slightly makes Chen Changshen a lot better.

    “Cold-cold classmates, it’s your turn.”Chen Changshen left the workbench and handed over the right to use the cold. All four of them had finished the gravel.

    “Hurry up, hurry up, hold up the cold classmates, and classmates, see how your luck is!”The Helena came to madly drag the hand of the cold, to pull him to the workbench and let him be the first gravel. If the luck of the cold is not as good as her, then Helena will ridicule the cold. Something.

    However, it is obvious that the cold is not intended to be the first person, but to push the small soldier out. “Small soldier, you should first come to the gravel to see it!”

    “Ahhhh……Xiaobing and so on, just let the cold guys come first…”If the soldier is timid and shrinking, he will not dare to crush the stone in front of the cold and others. The ordinary person can never grab the front of the sword-bearer. This is common sense.

    “I let you go, don’t quit, as long as you come first, you have the cost of this gravel, I pack it.”The cold and forcibly pushed the soldier to the front of the workbench. When the soldier heard the cost of the gravel, he immediately refused. At the same time, Xiaobing’s heart was very touched. He was a thoughtful person. He understood that the reason why the cold was first let him come is to find a reason to pay for the gravel. The cold man is really a good person. Yeah!

    The soldier’s backpack was filled with 32 carefully selected, possibly hidden ore of the meta Spar, sure enough, when the soldier’s first stone gravel finished, a black crystal mine appeared on the workbench, flashing a slight light, dropped into the detector scan, the blade content is 42 quarks, can sell to hundreds of dollars!

    “Today’s luck is good, the first one is excellent.”The soldier excitedly said, but even more excited in the back, 32 stones one by one broken open, incredibly six stones are outstanding, there are two of them are viscount species, as if the treasure will be the treasures of the six Yuan spar hid in their arms, these meta spar can be sold tens of thousands of dollars, the distance to save their father and brother and a step closer.

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