In the end, I chose to go to the gravel machine of Sword School in Hengshan. The cold does not feel that I can dig out the emperor. At the same time, the cold does not want to look at the things that are handed over to others 30%, so the cold selection of Hengshan Sword School’s crusher, 80RMB once, the cold feel that this is an acceptable price.

    On the way to the station of Sword School in Hengshan, the cold has suddenly received a newsletter.

    “What did you say to Song Hama just now?”Suddenly, I suddenly asked this question inexplicably.

    “What is true?”Walking in front of the cold is deliberately one step behind, and walks side by side with the flow of years. “You mean, about the kind of emperor I mentioned?”

    “Yes, how do you know that the emperor has not appeared for four hundred years?” This kind of thing should not be yours…I don’t mean to insult you, this is not something that the people of the sword can know. ”The sword-holders in the slogan of the dynasty refer to the sword-bearers who have become the sword-bearers from the ordinary human descent. There are no ancestors who have become the records of the sword-bearers. Such sword-bearers have become the sword-holders.

    In the first few hundred years after the great annihilation, the sword-holders were the mainstream. Most of the sword-bearers did not have the blood of the sword-bearers, and there was no such thing as a sword-holder. Until the last few hundred years, most of the new sword-bearers have the blood of the sword-bearers. According to statistics, this ratio is as high as 76%. Therefore, the title of the sword-holders has emerged.

    In general, ancestors have sword-bearer bloodline, promotion of the possibility will be large many, and the ancestors left a lot of resources, thus, the civilian sword-bearer has become the majority of the weak group, although no one dared to say, but the people with swords have a very large derogatory color, if the temper is hot, Hearing this title, we will start a duel directly.

    “In fact, most of the Noble Family swordsmen don’t know. Only the big Noble Family, which has been circulating for hundreds of years like us, knows about the emperor. It knows that it has not appeared for four hundred years, know it. It is a precious object that needs all the protection of the swordsman. How do you know these things? ”It is doubtful that she is full of enthusiasm. The reason why she cares about this problem is that the things that the emperor planted are of great importance and cannot leak a little news. The second is because he just told himself in the mine that he is not a Noble Family child. He just got a set of swordsmanship called the Solitary Nine Sword from the hand of a white-haired grandfather. Sword and one hand Sword Qi.

    In this regard, Liu Nian only believes in half, but the flow of years can be sure that the cold is not the Noble Family children, because the Noble Family children have more or less a unique taste, but there is absolutely no such thing in the cold taste.

    Originally, this year’s conviction was such a conviction. However, when I heard about the emperor’s words about the cold, the flow of years was shaken. She did not believe that this secret thing was something that the people of the sword could know.

    “I have my channel,” he said. “I know a hacker friend. His skills are very high. I said that you understand.”

    “The damn council, tell them early, this information should be set to SSS level!”A little angry on her face, she knows that the SS-level information is not in the eyes of some of the top hackers, and only the SSS-level data directly protected by BAT can make all hackers have nothing to do.

    “Cold-cold, this matter is very important. If you know it, I will not care, but you promised me that the role of the emperor must not be told to anyone, or the future of our humanity will be greatly affected. ”Liu Nian said seriously.

    “You can rest assured that I will understand this when I see the information. Although every emperor was born, it was a bloody rain. However, I sincerely look forward to the day when it was born again. ”When the cold said this, the expression was full of fascination.

    “Me too, if you can come again, the world will be different!”The expression of the old age, the same fascination, as if the birth of the new emperor, the entire human society will be saved.


    “Come on, here is the business location of Hengshan Sword School, the gravel machine is inside.”The soldier led the cold and others to a very grand facade…However, the left half of the gate seems to be newly built, and the right one is out of place.

    “This is the power of Galen, the power of the first-class Yuan Zhen de Masia last year…He didn’t know how to be sent to the camp, and he made a lot of noise. Although he didn’t kill, he still broke the gate of Hengshan Sword School, so the left half was just fixed. ”

    The power of Demasia in the small arms is the Lantern of the League of Legends, the League of Legends. The Lantern of this organization is a bit strange, and later, when they are on the stage.

    Entering this newly-repaired gate, you can see a huge machine with a full height of five 6 layers. It constantly emits a mist of white smoke. It looks like this machine is actually steam. The driving force of the second industrial revolution era was promoted.

    Under the leadership of Xiaobing, the cold-fixed department first went to the counter of the business hall to go through the registration procedures and obtained four consecutive numbers. This is the order of the queues, just like the bank call, using the machine in the order of their own numbers.

    After that, the cold passed through the business hall and officially entered the backyard of the business office. I saw this huge machine like a steel behemoth. Sure enough, the machine is driven by steam. Three work stations, hundreds of steam hammers are constantly going up and down, working hard.

    The luck of fixing the cold is good. There are not many people in front of the three work platforms. It takes about ten minutes to get started.

    “Hey, sour popsicles, look at the four people, are we classmates in class?”Suddenly, Song Hama pointed to four young people standing side by side at the No. 3 workbench. They looked at the cold and then looked at their memories. They affirmed what Song Hama said. “Yes, that is us. In the class.”

    “Then let’s say hello! By the way, look at how their harvest is. ”Song Hama said that he did not wait for the cold to agree, and he went straight to the familiarity and greeted the four classmates. He shook his head with helplessness, and took the squad and the soldier together.

    “Hello, cold-cold classmates, old-fashioned classmates, I can’t think of seeing you here, so nice!”Seeing the cold and the dying, Chen Changshen immediately greeted him with a very enthusiastic attitude.

    In the 22,694 class, the cold and the stagnation are more or less celebrities. Basically, the whole class knows them. One of the stunned Movement Technique has escaped the wicked World of Warcraft and successfully defeated the soul-level evil World of Warcraft; The other is the sword-level swordsman on the day of school, and the third sword of the sword. Such a horrific deed, how can not be eye-catching in the 22694 class.

    However, perhaps because of the eye-catching and dazzling relationship, in the eyes of class 22694, the cold and the dying are not so good, they are not very gregarious. They have never been in a small circle of their own. Other students exchanged. In short, in the eyes of the students, the reputation of the cold and the old age is not very good.

    “Oh, longevity, what are you doing so passionately?” People don’t even know what you call.” A blond girl said yin and yang, looking at her appearance, she is a very rare Western race in Yuzhang City.

    This classmate is estimated to be particularly dissatisfied with the cold and the dying, the two people are so strong, and the shameless group has become a couple file, 1+1=10, the more you look, the more pleasing.

    “Chen Changshen, classmate, hello, I remember that you are the number one in our class. Your self-introduction impressed me.” The cold did not cope with the ridicule of the blonde classmate. He just took Chen Changshen’s hand and took the initiative. Read his name.

    “Hello, my classmate, your student number is number five. I remember that your ideal is to let your family live in the core area, right?”The cold has held a classmate of Gao Mada, and he accurately stated his school number and what he said when he introduced himself.

    “Oh, Hello, Helena, on the 17th, your blonde is still so bright, don’t you know that the huskies that you lost are found?”The blond girl who had just ridiculed her cold, was gripped by her handsome and powerful cold, and excitedly grabbed her mouth.

    “Twenty-four high school Linnai classmates, I don’t know if you and Huang Qianjiuzi classmates are better. I wish you a good reunion!”Finally, a quiet girl with a soft long hair, to hear the name of her is a hibiscus people, after the sinking of the island, many of the surviving hibiscus fled into the inner city of Henan, and the Hibiscus people became the second nation, but even the second nation, still a minority, could not be compared with the number of Han people.

    When I heard the cold and blew out the four students’ names and names, the four people suddenly disappeared a lot. The strong man actually remembered his name and learning. No. It seems that he is also very concerned about himself.

    [PS: Here is a friendly reminder to everyone, the most important thing to do with strangers is to remember the names of others, because the most important thing between people is mutual respect, and remember that the name of the stranger who met for the first time is the most Good respect. 】

    “Okay, don’t let each other go, you have broken the stone for so long, what good things are there? What kind of baron species, the Viscount species are broken out? ”Song Hama can’t wait to ask, he is most concerned about this.

    Chen Changshen Several people looked at each other, and then Gao Li Linai took out a pink diorite from the pocket of the Yuan. The surface of the spar exuded a dazzling light.

    “This is the Marquis!”Seeing this stone, the eyes of Xiaobing almost fell off. This is the kind of Marquis that can sell hundreds of thousands of RMB. I dug up the things that I have never dug in a year. The luck of this group of swordsmen. It’s too good!

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