After the soldier, Song Hama, who could not wait, grabbed the front of the workbench. He looked at other people’s gravel. At this time, he also wanted to see what good things he could break out.

    Song Hama is still very much looking forward to this gravel. He deliberately picked one of the largest sub-crystals from his pocket to carry out his first gravel. When he dug in the mine, Song Hama But it’s been a good time.

    This bite crystal mine is as big as a tub, and Song Hama has abandoned the power of the ox and the tiger to move the ore to the workbench. In general, the size of the secondary crystal ore is almost as large as a basketball, and the size of the tub in Song Hama is a rare stone of super standard.

    Seeing that Song Hama had brought out such a large piece of ore, the surrounding crowds gathered around and looked fresh.

    “Wow, I haven’t seen such a big stone in a week. I don’t know if I can be outstanding.”Onlookers onlookers said that excellence is the color that appears to be different from the stone itself after the gravel. In other words, it means the meaning of the spar.

    “Excellent should be no problem, I have seen three or four such large chunks of the ore, all outstanding, but also the basic is more than the sub-yuan spar Oh” Onlookers B Interface Road, then, onlookers C and added a “Yes, such a large chunk of the ore will be excellent, gee, this little guy’s luck is really good, is the new bearer of the sword?” How have you not seen such a group before? ”

    “It should be a new student. I just met Luo Fan’s stinking face. He said that he brought another class student. This guy is always the same as the class teacher. The first task is to bring it to us. For several years, there is no change at all. ”Onlooker A replied.

    “Hey, this sword-bearer is an adult. If you have opened a spar above the Viscount, please be sure to sell it to our trading company!”It seems to be a business person who specializes in buying spar.

    “Don’t be arrogant, we have the highest bid!”Another business person started to grab business.

    “Nonsense, it’s our highest price!”

    “Don’t make a noise. If you are a sword-bearer, don’t break the stone. I will buy your ore directly at the price of a Viscount.”

    “Hey, brother, don’t bring this game, there is no such rule!”Well, this group of business people almost hit the big ore of Song Hama.

    The onlookers’ words are like the chicken blood of Song Hama. The whole face is red, as if the excellence is already a nail, it cannot be changed. Song Hama is still very embarrassed and smashed the arm of the cold, “sour popsicles, you can never compare with me than luck!”

    But fate opened a big joke to Song Hama. After the big ore was put into the gravel machine for seven or eight seconds, after the high frequency of beating the ore for tens of thousands of times, the Song Hama carefully selected the ore. It is actually an empty ore, and there is no diorite in it. This is very embarrassing.

    “What, this big piece actually has nothing, suffocating,” said the company that wants to buy, disdainfully said

    “Yeah, yes, it’s too bad for us to have a good brother.” Going back tonight, I have to wash my eyes, don’t let the suffocating run into my eyes. ”The Magic Meng company, which had just been beaten up with the other side, was at the same time as the brothers. As for what said to buy the ore directly, I closed my mouth, so it was dangerous, but fortunately I did not buy it.

    The world was so cold, Song Hama looked up, or the tears in his eyes stayed, and then he took a piece of ore and threw it on the workbench.

    As if to appease the failure of Song Hama’s head, Song Hama’s second stone decisively opened a baron species, and then a dozen or so empty ore, the result is ugly in Song Hama’s face. When the towel was used, God sent a small gift to Song Hama and opened a piece of the prince to plant it.

    For the next more than 10 minutes, Songhama the more than 100 pieces of ore he dug up, incredibly only seven pieces of ore outstanding, a total of five baron species, two viscount species, that is, more than the soldier a baron species, but others only opened 32 stones, you Songhama but opened more than 100 stones, This gap is directly widening to three times times.

    Thinking of this, Songhama’s face pulled old, he dug his own dimensional pockets, found that there is only a piece of ore, and the size is very small, one hand can hold, than the egg is only a circle, is almost Songhama all the smallest of the ore, so will fall in the most inside of the yuan pocket.

    “With such a small stone, there is a baron at the top.”Song Hama does not have any expectations for this ore. However, when he placed the stone on the workbench, the dozens of hammers of the crusher were only hammered on the surface of the ore for less than a hundred, even 0.3 seconds, the crusher automatically Stop working and the hammerhead was taken back.

    “what’s the situation? Is there a problem with the crusher? ”Song Hama felt strange, and suddenly, a breeze blew, blowing the thin 1 Layer of dust on the stone, and a purple-red light came out of the dust, dazzling.

    “My goodness, this is the Marquis!”Everyone who saw this scene was shocked, and his eyes were not wrong. This newcomer actually opened a Marquis.

    Interesting…Ha haSong Hama smirked, then left the Marquis on the workbench and grabbed it. He threw it into the detector and checked it. He found that he was still a high-ranking Marquis with 78,200 quarks of swordsman, and suddenly he was on the ore. I kissed him and the lime on the diorite didn’t mind.

    “Wow! Song Hama, congratulations! Good luck! ”Chen Changshen ran up and hammered Song Hama, and the rest of the classmates went up to congratulate.

    “This adult, your Marquis kind of sale does not sell it, consider that we send a company, we send the company to be fair, virginity, no owe!”

    “Adult, don’t listen to him, we are sent to us to make a bitter pain, sell it to us, we don’t grow a leek!”The salesmen who had just sneered at Song Hama immediately sneaked into the side of Song Hama and waved their personal terminal, saying that they could save the Marquis at any time.

    Everyone else has an action, or congratulate Song Hama, or buy his Marquis, but the cold is standing there.

    “What’s wrong, what about your good friend? He opened a Marquis species? ”The rogue smashed into the shoulder of the cold, and asked a question without bad intentions. In this regard, the cold and shook his head. “I don’t need these passengers between me and me.”

    “Hey…”I don’t know what to say, she shouted “Let’s make it, let me have trouble” and walked through the crowd surrounded by Song Hama and went to the side of the workbench. Song Hama had finished the gravel, and then the round Got to her.


    “Hey, sour popsicles, your luck seems to be very bad. It’s all eighty, not even good!”It’s hard to get rid of the mortal salesman’s Song Hama’s wandering back to the cold. At this time, more than 80 ore pieces have been broken, and nothing is gained.

    “It doesn’t matter, she doesn’t lack this stuff anyway…”The cold smashed the shoulders, and the young lady of the family, how can I care about this spar? But in fact, at this time, the flow of years has reached the edge of the explosion, and she is staring at a fast ore that is currently being crushed by stone, panting like a cow, looking through the red light, if it can, maybe it’s already This machine was cut into scrap iron.

    After a few seconds, the hammer was taken back, and there was still a pile of powder on the workbench. There was nothing in the ore.

    “TMMD, you have listened to this broken machine, and I won’t be good next time. I will buy you back and dismantle it when the scrap is sold!”The passage of the anger and anger was such a passage, and the surrounding crowd suddenly burst into laughter.

    “This lady, you can, I support you to buy this bird machine back.”

    “Yeah, yes, I have tolerated this broken machine for a long time. From the time I met it to the present, he has not given me a Marquis to plant it. I also want to tear it down now.”

“……”Onlookers’ active and enthusiastic speeches, although they tried to persuade the fans to buy this machine, in fact, they all used the words of the year as a fart to listen, joking, bought this crusher, even if it was used For a hundred years of second-hand goods, it is impossible to sell this stone crusher without a 78 million RMB…Moreover, the people of Hengshan Sword School are not necessarily willing to sell, and transport such a cumbersome machine from Yuzhang City to Meiling Mountain. The transportation cost of this is more than one hundred million.

    They will never know that the sword-bearers who are being ridiculed in front of their eyes will actually be the big lady of the Noble Family. If she is willing, ten stone crushers, it is just a matter of words.

    “Oh, great!”The crowds suddenly found out that the next piece of ore was in a crazy hammering, and gradually revealed a different color. The spar that stayed inside was all revealed, and the Nima good guy was actually a Marquis.

“……Does my eyes go into the sand? I am not wrong, right? It is actually a Marquis species. ”

    “Wow, this is the third Marquis that has appeared today. Is it a lucky day today?”

    “I rely on this machine to be awkward. When he slams him, he will be out of the Marquis. I decided, before I next gravel, I had to smash this broken machine. ”

    “Big brother, this is metaphysics, I can’t believe it, I can’t believe it!”

    The magical scene of the scene made a large circle of sword-bearers in front of the workbench in the cold. At the same time, a news of “three Marquis species in the workbench within an hour” was also in the vicinity of the camp. Spreading among them, when the last stone was broken, the surrounding area was surrounded by at least 100 people.

    At this time, there is only one person who has no gravel. Everyone is looking forward to the cold with these newcomers. Can you create a miracle again like his classmates?

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