[PS: This is all eighteen, and it’s really hard to say no, no rewards and subscriptions.]

    The suspension vehicle is still flying fast on the road. At this time, it has been more than half an hour since leaving Yuzhang City, and the actual distance has already left the range of 100 kilometers. At this time, the suspension vehicle has entered the low-density area of ​​the Lantern Festival, which is also known as the relative danger zone.

    According to the demarcation of Yuzhang City, the absolute safety zone is within 30 kilometers of Yuzhang City. In this absolute safety zone, there will be thousands of sword-bearers who will conduct close patrols throughout the period to ensure that they see a Lantern Festival. I can’t live.

    According to the requirements, it is not only a Yuanxiao, but also within 30 kilometers of Yuzhang City. Because there are more than tens of thousands of outsiders living in this absolute security zone, even if they break into a Lantern Festival, it is also a huge casualty.

    However, this is obviously unrealistic, every month has the yuan 冦 into the absolute security zone, the security zone of the city of outsiders to launch attacks, according to statistics, the last ten years every month, the average number of people who died in the city is 568, 10 years down 70,000 of deaths, mortality as high as 15%, This is the result of the recent 10 years of human security intensification in the surrounding cities, which had not fallen below 30% per cent a few decades ago. Therefore, it is really a condition for people outside the city to exchange their lives for survival.

    The range of more than 30 kilometers to 100 kilometers is a relatively safe area. According to the requirements of Yuzhang City, there is no more than one yuan per kilometer. In this area, there are also thousands of sword-bearers patrolling. However, the area is too large. It is impossible for the sword-bearer to completely clear the Lantern Festival in this area. The Lantern Festival, which is 100 kilometers away, has entered the range of 100 kilometers. The killing is endless.

    Therefore, in this area, in principle, no outsiders are allowed to live in this area, but there are still some outsiders who seem to live in a relatively safe area of ​​100 kilometers for the benefit.

    The area of ​​100 kilometers to 300 kilometers is a relatively dangerous area. Yuzhang City will no longer organize the daily patrol of the sword-bearing team, but organize one or two sweeps every month to bring those who threaten hugely. Levels and above are cleared. As for the ghost level, there is not so much time to take care of them.

    As for the three hundred kilometers away, it is a paradise for the Lanterns. In that area, human beings have changed from hunters to prey, from sweepers to sweepers, without the leadership of high-ranking swordsmen. The level of the swordsman is almost the same as looking for death.

    It is just outside the relative safety zone, the 100-kilometer area, about 120 kilometers on the line, here in the security and crisis of the junction line, although the area of the yuan 冦 is not much, but the Plum ridge is a sitting, which means that there are lush forests, a variety of complex terrain, all kinds of provide hidden shelter, It is almost impossible to get rid of the Yuan in the mountains of Mei Ling.

    Originally because of the existence of the Dimension Crystal Mine, Yuzhang City intends to build Meiling Mountain into an absolute safe area, so that outsiders are responsible for the large-scale mining of the Diyuan Crystal Mine, and the sword-bearer is responsible for protection. The idea is very good, but after several years of exploration, it is unrealistic.

    Because even if the original Lantern of Meiling Mountain was cleaned up, Meiling Mountain is located in the area where the cracks are easy to occur, and the small-scale cracks recorded every year are more than one hundred times. In addition to the inexhaustible sub-crystal deposits that have been brought to the Meiling Mountains, these sub-scale cracks have also brought in a large number of Yuanxiao. Every day, new Yuanxiao enters the world through the crack of the dimension.

    In the years marked as an absolute safe area, although more than one hundred sword-bearers were stationed on the Meiling Mountain, there were still hundreds of outsiders who died every day from the Lantern Festival, which suddenly jumped out of the crack of the Dimension. There are 3,000 casualties in the month, more than the death toll in the absolute safe area 30 kilometers away from the city. For a long time, even if the outsiders were killed, the outsiders would not want to go to work on Meiling Mountain. Over time, Yuzhang City completely abandoned the plan of large-scale mining with outsiders, and changed back to the release task. The swordsman carries out a mode of small-scale mining.

    Suspension speed is unable to go up the mountain. After getting off at the safety camp at the foot of the mountain, the cold and others, under the leadership of Luo Fan, officially entered the Meiling Mountains and began the first life in the city.

    There are many sub-mineral veins in Meiling Mountain, which are also very messy. It can be said that the entire mountain may contain scattered sub-element ore veins. Because the secondary mineral deposit is when the crack in the dimension is opened, the sphinoid leaks out from the gap of the dimension, penetrates into the surface, and merges with the common soil rock to produce the vein.

    In other words, as long as there is a dimension crack in a certain position, then there is bound to be a vein of a sub-crystalline ore in this place. The difference is only the problem of the content of the vein. It is estimated that as a high-incidence area of ​​the secondary crack, there are almost hundreds of thousands of dimensional cracks that broke out here in a thousand years.

    Hundreds of thousands of times of frequency spread evenly on this Meiling Mountain. Almost every inch of land has broken out of the elementary crack. The entire Meiling Mountain contains the veins of the sub-element crystal mine, but most of the scale cracks are too large. The value of the resulting sub-crystalline ore mining is not.

    The mines with proven mining value on the Meiling Mountain are about 700 or so, of which more than 400 are small veins, more than 200 are small and medium-sized veins, more than 20 medium-sized veins, and three large veins.

    The official camp was established on three large veins in the Plum Ridge Mountains, Rofan now lead his students outside the three major veins in the nearest lofty camp forward, according to the Rofan plan, the five-day accommodation point in the Pavilion Camp, after all, they are led by a group of actual combat experience of the rookie egg son, Or do your best to ensure the safety, do not do the wild sleeping in this dangerous thing.

    On the way to the Luoting camp, I turned a mountainside, and a very impactful sight appeared in the eyes of everyone in the 22694 class. On the left side of the road, suddenly there was a tiankeng that was more than 100 meters deep and several square kilometers in size. This crater looks like a box of ice cream on a piece of ice cream that was dug with a spoon. .

    But unlike other naturally formed tiankengs, the soil is not the unique red soil of Jiangxi Province, but a dark black land like the northeast.

    It is reasonable to say that black land contains abundant nutrients and is especially suitable for the growth of vegetation. However, this Tiankeng does not say what trees are, even a small grass can not see, a perfect interpretation of the meaning of the grass is not born.

    “Classmates, do you know how the tiankeng you see now is formed?”Seeing that his students were curious about this tiankeng, Luo Fan took the initiative to ask.

    For the questions raised by Luo Fan, the students shook their heads and said that they did not know what the reason was. Luo Fan will smile, how can these students know the origin of this tiankeng, now it is time for them to force themselves and show their rich knowledge.

    “Sure.Just as Luo Fan was ready to speak as a commentary, a very uninteresting hand stretched out. Luo Fan saw that this little ancestor was a young ancestor. He could only smile bitterly. “Hey, classmate, you see, this tiankeng is How was it formed?”

    “This tiankeng is of course a battle formed by battle. You look at these darkened lands. This is not a natural land. These are caused by the evil magic Mana. Looking at the situation, this crater has been formed for at least 500 years. The color is still so dark. It seems that the source of this evil magic Mana is a very powerful Lantern. ”

    “It turns out that the analysis of the soil is only because of the analysis of the soil. This is because of the crater formed by a battle. I don’t know the true origin of this tiankeng. It seems that I still have a chance to show it…”Luo Fan sighed with relief, and once again prepared to speak, once again was robbed.

    “It’s Medusa, there was a Umeda dude, and there was a battle with the swordsman…”Cold and silently watching some stones under the crater “This is really a fierce battle.”

    Medusa Or the level of Medusa! That is not as powerful as the sword-level swordsman! ”One of the classmates exclaimed.

    “Oh my God, it’s terrible. I heard that the magic that Medusa has can ingest the human soul…Too fearful to do much of anything.When I heard the cold, the students suddenly exclaimed. They couldn’t think of it. There was actually a Medusa fighting here.

    “It’s true that the students of the cold and the classmates are right. There is indeed a world-class Medusa and a warrior with us.”Luo Fan quickly took over the words.

    “Before 561 years ago, there were no three major veins in Meiling Mountain, only when there was a large vein of Huangfeng vein. One day, the sword-bearers at the Huangfeng camp suddenly discovered that the position of Luo Ting, the sky suddenly split a huge gap of several tens of kilometers long. The blood-red light of a strand of blood scatters from the cracks. The sword-bearers of the Huangfeng camp know that danger is coming. It is a hugely estimated dimension crack, and there will be thousands of yuan scorpions pouring from this dimension crack. Out, a terrible offensive against Meiling Mountain. ”

    “The sword-bearers of the Huangfeng camp know that the best way at this time is to escape quickly and flee to Yuzhang City regardless of their escape. However, there are tens of thousands of people outside the city in the Huangfeng Mine Camp who are mining. At that time, the suspension car had not been invented, and humans could only rely on the modified super off-road vehicle. However, the number of off-road vehicles in the Huangfeng camp is not enough. At most, 3,000 people will be evacuated at a time. In a short period of time, it is impossible to evacuate the outsiders in the camp. ”

    “Then, the sword-bearers of the Huangfeng camp decided to let all the children in the camp, the only child, the father, the young force, the women first evacuated, and the human beings over the age of 30 stayed in the camp and used it for themselves. Life delays the time of retreat.”

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