[PS: There is still one chapter left, and then I will return to the poor undocumented author, too embarrassing. 】

    “This is really a fierce battle!”Said here, Luo Fan reveals a trace of sadness and nostalgia. “No one can think of it. The plague of the big crack is not a thousand, not 10,000, but there are 30,000.”

    “There are only a hundred sword-bearers in the entire Wasp camp, and 90% of them are ancestors of ancient swords and sword-level swordsmen. There are only seven sword-level swordsmen and one sword-level swordsman. over there.”

    “In the beginning, the sword-bearers were able to hold the wall of the camp. Later, as the swordsman gradually consumed, the line of defense continued to shrink. Finally, the camp was completely abandoned and forced into the mine. When entering the mine, there were only less than 30 people left in the 100 sword-bearers, and more than 7,000 out-of-town people basically survived because they retired into the mine. ”

    “The next step is the long battle to guard the entrance to the mine. Thirty sword-bearers are divided into three teams, and the Lanterns who attempted to attack from the hole are hard to beat. Gradually, the three teams were combined into two teams, and finally there was only one team with less than ten sword-bearers fighting there. ”

    “When the reinforcements of Yuzhang City arrived, there was only one sword-level sword-bearer and six sword-level sword-bearers in the entire mine. They were still alive, although the casualties were heavy, but our ancestors used up. All of his own blood, all the civilians have been protected, so that these Lanterns can not go deep into the mine.”

    “Students, we must learn the noble character of the sword-bearers’ predecessors, and dedicate their lives and blood to protect the survival of our human race. We have our blood and dye the flag of our sword-bearer! ! ! ”When it comes to this, Luo Fan’s voice has become impassioned, reminding him of a joke before the break: “The red leader on our chest is stained with the blood of the martyrs!”

    “Teacher, Medusa? Why didn’t we hear the story of Medusa? ”A classmate shouted, this Luo Fan talked for a long time, how could not even hear the shadow of Medusa.

    “I will talk about it next time…”Luo Fan glanced at the student with a disappointment, and then said, “When the supporter of the swordsman repelled the Lantern of the Occupation Camp and prepared to help the survivors retreat, the Medusa appeared…”

    “This Medusa is too powerful, she just glared at one eye, can break through more than 10 ancient sword class bearer’s personal Shield defense energy, petrified them into stone; her hair could become a poisonous serpent, the poisonous fangs of which could disregard the personal shields of the sword-bearer, and inject poison directly into the human body. ”

    “The more than 500 sword-bearers from this rescue will all be buried in Medusa’s hands. It is just the expedition of the Meiling Qixiong team. The way, immediately, despite the fatigue and suffering of the expedition, joined. In the battle with Medusa, a fierce battle started.”

    “Meiling seven heroes? A familiar name, I really want to hear it…”A classmate’s brain flashed a glimmer of light.

    “Crap, we have a portrait of Meiling Qixiong on the fairy tale book when we were young. I remember that Meiling Qixiong is the hero of our Yuzhang City. It seems that it is really a fight for Medusa.”Unfortunately, I can’t remember it now. ”Another classmate added.

    “You are right, Meiling Qixiong is indeed the hero of our Yuzhang City. Not only do we have him in the fairy tale of Yuzhang City, but also the newly created elementary school hero textbook three years ago. Qi Xiong’s text, the name is “The Seven Heroes Fight Medusa”, Luo Fan patted the heads of these two students.

    “Meiling Qixiong is seven swordsmen who are brothers, and five of them are sword-level swordsmen. The other two are sword-level swordsmen. Their powerful high-end combat power combined with the remaining three hundred. The sword-bearer is only able to compete with the level of Medusa.”

    “The two sides fought for three hours. From the Hornets camp to the Tiankeng here, Meiling Qixiong suffered heavy injuries, while the remaining three hundred sword-bearers had only less than fifty people left, but at that time Medusa’s hair was also cut off, and her eyes were stabbed one, which was also a serious injury.”

    “Nobody knows how the last big battle was carried out. I only know that when the second rescue force of Yuzhang City arrived, Medusa disappeared, but according to the last investigation of the Swordsman. After the scene, Medusa was dead and was absorbed back by the dimension vortex.”

    “Teacher, what about the seven heroes of Meiling and the remaining swordsmen? How are they? ”Some students raised their hands and asked.

    “Dead, all dead!”The answer is not Luo Fan, but the cold, he stood on the edge of the tiankeng, the big phoenix blew on his clothes, blowing the cold robes like a flag.

    “Do you see the seven statues at the bottom of the tiankeng?”The cold is pointing at the bottom of the tiankeng. Others follow the past. Although they don’t look very real, there are indeed seven statues standing there. They are all in different movements. They are vivid and seem to be in a battle. Among them.

    Beside the seven statues, there is still a huge stone monument that looks solemn.

    “These are the sculptures and stone monuments that the posterity built to commemorate the Meiling Qixiong!”After a classmate saw it, he made his own guess.

    “The stone monument is, the statue is not!”The cold is faint.

    “What do you mean?”The classmate touched his head and some did not understand the situation.

    “The stone monument is made by the descendants, but the statue is not. These statues are Meiling Qixiong himself.”When the cold is over, the students who stood on the edge of the tiankeng and looked at the statue collectively took a step back. The eyes were horrified. According to the words of the cold, the seven statues were actually the bodies of the seven men of Meiling. The body after being petrified by Medusa.

    Several students turned their heads and looked at Luo Fan. They hoped to get Luo Fan’s denial. However, Luo Fan just nodded in a bleak look. It proved that the seven statues were indeed the bodies of the seven men of Meiling. In the battle with Medusa, they were blinded by Medusa, and they all became a statue.

    “The commission was supposed to be able to converge on these seven statues, but their families strongly disagree, they say, since their father or mother chose to become a statue of humanity, then let them always stand in their place of battle, watching the human gradually strong, until the yuan 冦 was completely expelled that day, is their burial time. So for more than five hundred years, they have been standing here, and it is strange to say that there are many Yuanxiao who have passed through the tiankeng in the past five hundred years, but there has never been a Lantern who has destroyed these statues, perhaps the Yuanxiaomen. Respect these heroes! ”

    “They are all heroes of our humanity!”The cold and heavy tone said, then the seven stone carvings facing the tiankeng, kneeling down, taking out the stupid poverty from their babies, putting them aside, then smashing the ground and licking three Ringing the head.

    “Yes, they are our heroes!”Song Hama and Liu Nian saw the move of fixing the cold and looked at each other. At the same time, they squatted and bowed to the Meiling Qixiong.

    Seeing the cold-fixing behavior, other students were greatly touched. Many scholars were chilling, and they bowed down to the Meiling Qiongxiong, respectful decapitation, and even Luo Fan was no exception.

    However, the swordsmen of all of their classmates did not have a gimmick, including Casting Iron and Heaven, and they only looked at the seven statues in deepsight. Jian Niang is a human friend and fighting partner, but they are not human beings. They are heroes who will not worship human beings. In the life of the swordsman, in addition to their own swordsmen, they will never bow down to anyone.

……However, it seems that there is no exception. The sorrowful waking up of the poor sees the cold and falls to the ground. If you are stupid, you will follow it. As a result, you will be sneaked out of the cold and put back your own baby. Inside the bag.


    Afterwards, the journey to the Luoting camp was smoother, and there was no situation in which the Lantern Festival blocked the road. It entered the camp very smoothly.

    The lofty camp is the second large vein camp in the Plum Ridge Mountain, the rise of lofty camp is precisely because of that year caused the big dimensional rift of that war, that stretches dozens of kilometers of large dimensional cracks to create a stretch of more than 10 kilometers of large veins lofty Jianjing mine, also let the lofty camp homeopathy rise, has become the relatively largest camp in three large camps.

    Luo Tingying said that it is a camp. In fact, it is similar to a small town. It has various functional buildings such as hotels, restaurants, department stores, etc. If there is not much money on the body, you can also tie tents in the central square of the camp. If you want to live better and live safely, you can go to the hotel in the Luoting camp.

    As a group of 22,694 classes, it is naturally impossible to go to any hotel. Luo Fan found an open space in the central square, let the cold and others take their own yuan tent out of the pocket of the yuan, and tie it on the open space, even if It is to take up this site.

    When the cold arrived at the central square, it was about 11 o’clock in the morning. I glanced at the entire central square and found a lot of tents, one or two hundred, which means that at least one or two hundred swordsmen gathered in the camp. This does not include those swordsmen who choose to live in the hotel.

    Luo Fan announced to all the classmates that after gathering at the campsite in the afternoon, they would not know where to go. At this time, there was still some time from the meal. When the cold was holding the poor, they got into the tent.

    This sub-tent looks a little bit, and ordinary tent no difference, but went in but found inside space than outside looks much bigger, soft Simmons, kitchen, dining table, bathroom, even TV have, is a warm little family, no more than those hotel rooms to how much worse.

    “Poverty, have you brushed your teeth today?”Keeping the cold put the poor on the table and pinched her nose.

    “No.Poverty and pride said, “I have to wake up when I am sleepy, I have no time to brush my teeth…”

    This is a ghost that is so proud…Once again, the cold was lifted to the poor, and the struggling woman was pressed to the side of the pool. She took a toothbrush and squeezed the toothpaste. She began to help the poor brushing teeth, and the toothbrush was inserted inside and out. full……

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