[PS: This chapter is grateful to the lord for taking the name. Even if you want Xu Tianyuan to deliver. Continue to seek rewards, seek subscriptions]

    “Everyone is the same, are you not hurt? Tianyuan, I am coming a step late, hehe, hey! ”When the handsome guy in black came up, he gave a fist to the cold and other people to greet him. He also said that it was very late, and it was as if everyone in the 22694 class knew him.

    It’s him?I saw the flow of people coming and snorted, then turned my back and didn’t seem to want the other party to see myself.

    “You know him?”The cold was aware of the anomalous behavior of the passing of the year, and asked casually.

    “Know, from childhood to big guys, how could you not know him?”When Liu Nian said that from childhood to big, the tone did not see the excitement of his childhood. This is not normal. I saw that I suddenly met my childhood sweethearts thousands of kilometers away from Yanjing City. What do you think is also a thing worth celebrating? According to the normal plot, shouldn’t you be excited to embrace together?

    The appearance of some inexplicable lingering childhood, after greetings a few eagerly greeted classmates, turned around and saw a familiar back, and then rushed up in an instant.

    “Hey sister, why are you here!”Finished, although the debauchery was deliberately hiding, but was recognized by the eye-catching childhood, then rushed up the surprise, hugged the flow of years…Wrong, it’s going to see the ceremony. It’s a standard meeting and ritual to the slut, and the slogan is like a singer. “My sister, Tianyuan’s brother is polite.”

    Interesting…Ha haThe old year, the skin, the smile, the smile, the face, “Xu Tianyuan, we really have a fate, I have come to Yuzhang City to get used to the day, I can’t think of seeing you here.”

    “You are wrong, my sister, not the fate let us meet, but Tianyuan I learned that my sister suddenly came to Yuzhang City, so begged his father, let Tianyuan also come to Yuzhang City to meet you.”Xu Tianyuan explained in a serious way that this makes it difficult for the onlookers to feel cold. Do you directly admit that this is the fate of the fate? Why do you still want to point out that you are specifically looking for it? Isn’t it that you find yourself uncomfortable?

    “Oh, Xu Tianyuan, you really have the heart… I am thankful for you.” Liu Nian shook his head. After all, he was playing with himself from childhood to big childhood. Since he was looking for it, he could only accept his life.

    “No thanks, this is what Tianyuan should do.”Well, this is the saying, a thick red scarf.

    “Hey sister, are these brothers and sisters your friends?” Why don’t you introduce me? ”Xu Tianyuan pointed to the cold and Song Hama who had been watching the show all the time.

    The flow of the year is a turn of the eye, the beautiful channel: “That line, first introduce you to the cold, his name is Xu Tianyuan, my childhood, wearing a pair of pants grown up. However, in the last one or two years, I was a big brother. I used him as a brother. He wanted to go to me. It was not enough for me to escape to Yuzhang City. I also chased it up like a worm. ”

    “And then introduce to Xu Tianyuan, this guy who looks a little more handsome than you, is my future man, the sword is cold, is a very perfect man, and saved my life…Unfortunately, he did not look at me, I am trying to pursue him and turn him into my own. As for the people around him, Song Hama, it’s a cold-blooded childhood, but people don’t like you, they have such awkward thoughts about their own childhood…”

    The cold-cold was shocked by the speech of the old year, and it was the characters who were so powerful that they could shake the old ones of the two sides when they first introduced each other…Still the same; the embarrassing old end, the coldness suddenly felt that the entire set of people who had been dying seemed to have collapsed.

    However, if you think about it carefully, this introduction to the New Year is not completely unreasonable and logical, or full of conspiracy. This stream of years actually directly buckled the hat of the enemy to the head of the cold, what does this mean? This means that Xu Tianyuan, who is admiring the love of the passing of the year, will buckle all the angry flames to the head of the cold, and then wholeheartedly plan how to kill the competitors who have chilled the cold, and they will no longer be in trouble. Oh, she has been freed from a series of troubles…Aren’t they all played in the TV series? It’s a fucking thing to hand over this friend.

    After listening to the explanation of Liu Nianyuan, Xu Tianyuan’s face was red, and then he wanted to say something about the cold, but at this time, Luo Fan suddenly looked up and grasped Xu Tianyuan’s hand.

    “This brother, thank you very much, if you didn’t want it, I will be in my class…”Then Luo Fan and Xu Tianyuan said a lot of words. The four swordsmen who had been besieging the wild boars also came over and apologized to Luo Fan. They thanked Xu Tianyuan and waited for Xu Tianyuan to handle these people with courtesy and cold. It has long since disappeared into the side of Xu Tianyuan and ran back to the suspension.


    After more than 10 minutes of delay due to a sudden change, class 22694 suspension speed, and finally again to their own destination, but the car as has quietly changed, originally and fixed cold sitting together at this time of the face helpless sitting in the cold behind the position, Instead, Songhama sits by the side of a solid cold.

    When I was on the train, I still wanted to drive Song Hama to the back row. As a result, I was stunned and gave up.For the big lady of the Noble Family, this is really shameful.

    Liu Nian knows that the act of simmering the pot has angered the cold. She is wondering how to ease the atmosphere and find that her communication has been connected. The contact person is actually sitting in front of herself. Keep the cold.

    “Don’t talk, use the mind mode to communicate with me.” When I started the communication, I heard the cold and said to myself. The communication of the personal terminal has two modes: a language mode and a mind mode. The language mode is the same as a regular phone, communicating in language. The idea mode is not to speak, directly convey your meaning with the idea.

    Good.A stream of ideas and a past pass.

    “Is Xu Tianyuan a person of Hongru Noble Family?”Asked about the cold and the door.

    “Correct.”How did you know that he is a Hongru Noble Family person, I have not told you! ”The stunned stunned, this cold, how to know everything, even Xu Tianyuan this debut does not have the origin of a thousand words of the guy, they directly guessed out.

    “Do you still need to guess? Who can live with you, Miss Daqing, who is also a descendant of the Noble Family? Plus he is surnamed Xu, Hongru Noble Family has a good relationship with you to wear a pair of pants, which is hard to guess. ”The cold does not sell off, and directly shakes out his own guessing process.

    Like the Noble Family, the Hongru World is one of the top Nobel families of humanity. Noble Family is the Noble Family of the first echelon in the Noble Family of Swordsman. It has a history of more than 900 years. Their ancestors, Hongru Sword Emperor, Xu Hongru, are the four swordsmen of humanity. They have been taught by the sword ancestor calendar and have a very respectful respect for the Noble Family. Even after Xu Hongru became the swordsman, there was no change. .

    As a result, the relationship between Noble Family and Noble Family is very good. The friendship between the two Noble Family has continued from 900 years ago to today, and there has been no severance and combing in the middle. ”

    “Oh, since you have guessed it, I don’t say anything. You suddenly contact me, but I still use the mind model. What is in your heart?”The year of the frowning frowns, this cold and strong talent, the head is clever, is a huge potential character, otherwise it will not hold the idea of ​​first accepting him as a family and becoming the four kings of his own.

    But constantly getting along and found that this cold is too smart, smart to a terrible degree. Seems to be able to guess all my thoughts and actions…Even the origins of friends can be guessed. It’s too uncomfortable to get along with such a man. I don’t know what it’s like, what I want to do, and I’m totally in a passive state. It’s really unpleasant. It is.

    “I want to tell you a deal.”The cold has silently passed a mindful past.

    “What transaction?”The flow of the year immediately feedback back.

    “Do you not like Xu Tianyuan? Didn’t you just throw your boyfriend’s pot to me? ”The cold has settled. “I can take the initiative to bring this pot back.”

    “Back pot?”The year of the year is shaking and stirring. “Do you mean that you are playing my boyfriend?”

    YesCold and refreshing admits, “My request is very simple. There is a guy named Qinglian Sword Immortal. I hope that you can help me find out his information for me.”

    “Qinglian Sword Immortal? Is the sword-level sword holder? It seems that there is no such person in the sword-level sword holder! ”As the shackles of the Noble Family, I also remembered the information of almost all the sword-level sword-bearers. She couldn’t remember the character Sword Immortal for a while.

    “I don’t know if he is a sword-bearer. He is also a Lantern, so I want you to help me find out his information. Noble Family has a database next to the council, isn’t it? ”

    After I finished this sentence, I was silent for a while and did not respond to the cold.

    “If you don’t want me to carry this pot, then…”

    need need You have set this pot back. I was just a little excited. I can’t think of the story in this romance novel and the opportunity to happen to my own body…Next, according to the routine, should we do the fake play, love each other, and finally become a boyfriend and a girl? ”

    “No, impossible”

    “Why not?”

    “The beginning of the routine is wrong. The correct routine should be that you take the initiative to ask me to play your boyfriend…Instead of taking the initiative to ask you, the beginning is not right, and the stories behind will naturally not follow the routine. ”

“…………I don’t think you have any research on romance novels.”

“…………The harem novel is also the routine.”

“…………Then recommend a harem novel to see 呗”

    “Jian Niang” and “Secondary Empire” are pretty good, you can look at it”

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