[PS: Oops, what reason should I use for subscription, and I want to reward?]

    This is the first time that Gu Han and others left Yuzhang City. Although in some people’s imagination, as long as the city gate is out, the outside world is full of corpses, uninhabited, full of ruins, like “Jian Niang OL” The world is the same, but this is not the case.

    In fact, within a fairly large part of the city, it is a very peaceful paradise. The other fields are seamlessly linked together. Looking around, all the sights are green, just like As written in the ancient books, the strange traffic, the dogs and dogs, is completely a paradise.

    Don’t underestimate this field. You must know that about 40% of the food in Yuzhang City depends on the output of these fields. As for the other 60%, it is tasteless and dull synthetic nutrition. Liquid, drink more of that stuff, even the 屎 can not pull out.

    The only thing that hinders harmony is that these fields are too desolate. There are no traces of people in the fields, as if these fields were grown by themselves, not by humans.

    Of course, these fields cannot be grown by themselves, but they are not taken care of by humans. Instead, they are managed by a Taiwanese automated machine. People are collectively staying in collective farms to control these machinery. it is good.

    On this road, that is, on the Great Dao, you can see some of the coming and going suspension vehicles, with a little popularity, and prove that there are human beings outside the city.

    Exercising on this Great Dao for about twenty minutes, suddenly, the suspension speeding an emergency stop, some of the students who were dozing off, were directly invaded by the inertia to the front seat, hitting the head hurts badly.

    “What happened?”Sitting in the back, Luo Fan walked to the driver’s seat three times and talked with the driver. He said to the students, “The students should not panic. Some Lanterns were found in front of them. The nearby patrols are fighting with them. Don’t panic.”

    “Is there someone in front?”Looking at the cold, looking through the front windshield, you can really see the shadow of the sword in front, and then the voices of various shouts and bangs, it seems very intense.

    “If you can get off the bus, just look at it!”Just thinking about it, the old man around him stood up. “Mr. Luo, can we not look at the battles of the seniors in the following car?”

    “This…this…”Will it be too dangerous…”Luo Fan is worried about himself.

    “The teacher who is okay, we are all sword-bearers. Sooner or later, we must face these battles.” Besides, the purpose of our training in this city is not to fight? If there are one or two yuan, I am not afraid of rushing to death, just give us hands to practice, we have more than 30 swordsmen here. ”Flowing years.

    “Yes, it’s my opinion. My classmates are right. The driver opens the door. Let’s go down and see what the real field battle is.”

    The rest of the classmates had been impatient in the car, cheering, just like the tide, they rushed down from the car, only to suggest that they want to get off the bus and stay in the car, and her Together with the cold sitting next to her.

    “God, let’s go.”Liu Nian greeted her swordsman day to ask…It is only after the cold has noticed that the sword-level swordsman of the dying year is actually sitting in the last row far away from the current year, and other such as poverty, casting clouds and irons, and the swordsmen of their own are inseparable. The swordsman is different, and Tian Qiao seems to be interested in keeping a certain distance from the current year. It is said that the ancient sword-level swordsman Yi Xian of the old age does not know how, and the cold can not help but recall the stubborn red figure.


    After getting off the bus, I’m looking at it. It’s really a team of swordsmen who are working with Yuanxiao…Or it is besieging a Yuanxiao.

    This Lantern is a cultivating wild boar. It is as big as a medium-sized bus. The pair of fangs on the mouth is more than one meter long. The sharp cusp seems to be pierced even by the steel plate.

    In the cold, the personal terminal dedicated to the sword-bearer scanned the wild boar and got the basic situation of the Lantern.

    Yuan Zhenming: A robbery wild boar

    Level: Soul level

    The second world of the world: the oriental fairy world

    Blood volume: 3-Star

    Attack: 3-Star

    Agile: 1-Star

    Magic: 1-Star

    Ability: A pair of fangs are very sharp and have a chance to ignore the swordsman’s personal shield and directly cause damage to the swordsman. At the same time, it has a strong impact ability, and the impact is also the secret of its defeat.

    Trick: sharp fangs, giant impact

    Introduction: A cultivating wild boar has not chosen to shape after the first Thunder Tribulation. Instead, it has chosen to strengthen its physical ability, which gives this wild boar a strong physical combat ability and resilience. Armored vehicles like animals are generally powerful and a very tricky opponent.

    Combat Record: It has appeared in the real world and has fought many times. The advantage lies in its strong constitution, strength, and ability to puncture a pair of cavities. The shortcomings are also obvious, the IQ is not high, and the behavior is single and the agility is not enough.

    The result of the battle: In the face of wild boar, the winning percentage is 98%. It is very easy to deal with a Lantern. Even if you can’t beat it, you can’t escape. Their IQ is really not high.

    Combat suggestion: More than three ancient sword-level swordsmen can fight, otherwise they will escape directly.

    There are four people who are besieging the wild boar. Of course, they are not involved in the battle. They are all the swordsmen who surround the wild boar and keep leaving a wound on the wild boar.

    Only one glance at the cold, I recognized the origins of the four swordsmen, and three of them were not mentioned in the ancient sword-level swordsmen. It is worth mentioning that the leader of the sword-level snow moon sword. The reason why this snowy month is worth mentioning is because her skills are very unique, she can create a heavy snow in the local area, and have the ability to change the weather. Besides, there is nothing worth describing.

    The data said that as long as there are more than three ancient sword-level sword-holders can deal with, now has four sword-holders, one of them is sword-class bearer, killing this boar sperm is almost a matter of no suspense, as long as these swords do not and boar sperm head-on collision, but in its side of the constant attack, in its body left a trail of blood , slowly can put the blood of the * * * *, natural can kill it.

    Gradually, this wild boar feels that his strength is getting smaller and smaller, and his gasp is getting thicker and thicker. Although his IQ is not high, he also understands that he may not survive. Since you can’t live, you still have to pull some humans to give yourself a back!

    This wild boar is full of strength, and it is a slap in the face of an ancient sword-level swordsman. This is the sharp fangs skill of wild boar, trying to use his own tooth more than one meter long to stay on the opponent’s body. The next hole.

    This ancient sword-grade sword Niang’s reaction is not slow, on the spot a twist body to avoid the boar’s fangs, however, with the sword Niang to avoid, the original tight encirclement also revealed a flaw, wild boar howling, hind hoof use all the strength of a pedal, a recruit huge impact, like a cannonball from the encirclement of the general rushed out.

    “Bad, he is going to attack the newcomers!”One of the four sword-bearers who commanded their own swordsman suddenly found out that the wild boar had gone to the crowd to watch the cold, and suddenly he was in a hurry. The eggs of these newcomers are the future of mankind, and one of them is a loss-making business.

    The giant impact of wild boar is a powerful displacement class skill. Once used, it can be accelerated until it runs for about a kilometer, or if it hits something.

    Running for one kilometer is no problem, but if it hits the person’s body, then the music is too big. With the impact speed of the wild boar and the sharpness of the fangs, the body of the swordman is hit, and the iron is broken and open. If you are not good, just go bye. If you hit the body of the sword, the damage is also very horrible. If the puncture effect is triggered again, it is not a problem to directly clear the durability of an ancient sword-level swordswoman.

    At this time, the target of this wild boar’s giant collision is the cold-cold people. More than 30 people are standing on the road. This wild boar can only knock down one if it is slightly accurate. String two, a string of three or something, then the fun is big, the first battle to leave Yuzhang City is going to be dead.

    Of course, this possibility is not great, because at this time, at least three people in the crowd can stop this rampant wild boar. A man is naturally cold, and his mysterious nine swords, five sword Qi can send this wild boar to the west, another is fleeting Lin, her day asked sword against this boar is just waving things; the last one is the head teacher Rofan, his fierce Huang Jian spell loss of some shield energy, It is not a problem to block the impact of boar sperm.

    All in all, this wild boar actuarial is not a big problem, and all three people have full confidence in killing the wild boar before it causes death. Therefore, no one intends to take the initiative to meet, just wait for this wild boar to rush to the door, and send it to the road with a sword.

    But it never occurred to me that God would not give these three men a chance to act, saw the sky suddenly a tornado, to the boar essence blew the past, incredibly put this only a full one or two tons of wild boar to roll to the sky more than 10 meters high, and then heavy fell on the ground, was behind the four sword Niang catch up, Full of resentment and shame of the dozens of sword down, this unlucky boar sperm has become a pile of minced meat, was sucked back into the whirlpool.

    When the dimension vortex appeared, the four swordsmen also sent their position of the hilt into the dimension vortex, and absorbed a little bit of sap in the vortex.

    “Everyone is not hurt!!”A black man jumped out of the field and gave a cold look. The good guy was still a super handsome guy.

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