Seeing that there are constantly readers who say that the book is unfinished in the chapter chat, the pit of the book is not filled.

    The author does not want to say anything about this. As a novel of four million words, the plot of Late-Stage does deviate from the original outline.

    However, the author touched the conscience and said that the main storyline of this book is still Stabilization, and all of them are still within the scope of the outline. As for the things that are not filled, readers please rest assured.

    There are some small pit authors who may forget to fill in, but the whereabouts of Altolia, the true identity of Yi Qing, the life and truth of Black Tortoise and so on. The author of the big pit will be filled in, and the book will never be unruly and eunuch.

    Let’s just say that some comments are overwhelming.

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