Just when Ling Xuan Xianjing felt remorse for this, the other side could not hold back the cold. He did not intend to look at Wang Shujian in the hands of this thunderbolt dragon. Just as the cold is going to hold the sword and will be rescued by Shu Shu, suddenly a sword light flies above the wall and directly hits the dragon claw of the throwing thunderbolt dragon.

    Thunderbolt dragon Kangna was caught off guard, and the dragon claw was hit slightly loose. Wang Shujian immediately took advantage of this opportunity to break free from the dragon claws, and some of the wolverines stood opposite the dragon Kangna of Thunder.

    Who is? Who saved Shu Shu Niangniang? ”Seeing that Shu Shujian was free from the dragon claws, the sword-bearers on the wall first cheered, and then began to speculate which swordsman to shoot.

    However, the sudden Jianguang appeared like a meteor, disappearing like a meteor. After saving Wang Shujian, the sword light directly fell back to the core area, and was caught by a sword-bearer. In the arms.

    “It’s Tiger Sword Spirit!”At this time, everyone knows that the original crisis is to see Shu Jian Niang’s actually Sword Spirit. Some people suddenly remembered that the sword-level swordsman of Tiger Sword Spirit is not a giant sword? The trick of the giant sword is only one word, called “阙”.

    The effect of this trick is almost every sword-soul who knows Jian Niang knows that “阙” is a skill used to burn the sacred stone. It consumes the energy intensity of all the shields and the swordsman. The upper limit of the sage of the ten, causing 500% of the real damage of the energy consumed and the upper limit of the sap.

    The so-called real damage is the damage caused by ignoring the defensive ability. As a dragon, the defensive power of the Thunderbolt Dragon is extremely high, and the damage that ordinary hits can cause on her body may be less than 5%.

    The sniper sword is a real injury that ignores the defense. At the same time, it also condenses the energy intensity of all the body shields of the giant sword, and the upper limit of 10% of the swordsman. The damage of such a blow is undoubtedly huge. Even if it is a flood level Lantern, after being hit by the giant sword, the dragon claw is inevitably injured, and Kangna’s dragon claw is torn out. A huge wound of about ten meters, milky white dragon blood dripping from the wound like a waterfall, and soon formed a small pool on the ground.

    This is about the most serious injury that this dragon has suffered since it appeared in Yuzhang City. Otherwise, it will no longer be able to control the Shushu Niangniang and release her.

    But the price paid by Tiger Sword Spirit is huge. The swordsman he accumulated in his life has permanently lost 1/10 under this attack. It takes at least three years for Tiger Sword Spirit to be able to Give this lost 1/10 back.

    “Tiger Spirit Sword Spirit…YouLing Xu Sword Immortal rushed to the side of Tiger Sword Spirit, as a sword-level sword holder, Ling Sword Immortal actually looked at each other with a shy look, a pair of hate to find a hole into the look, Even talking has become extremely unfavorable.

    The reason for this is not hard to imagine. A few days ago, under the compromise and cooperation of Lingxie Sword Immortal, Shi Jueyuan successfully defeated the position of the director of the Tiger Sword Spirit Yuzhang College. But now Tiger Sword Spirit does not care about the help of the former Sword Immortal will be Shu Shu’s rescue, which makes Ling Xing Sword Immortal’s old face where?

    “Adult, don’t thank me!”At this time, the Tiger Sword Spirit looks extremely ugly. It seems that this shot is a great consumption for the Tiger Sword Spirit itself, except for the permanent loss of 1/10 of the upper limit of the Sword Spirit.

    “Adult, I can do so much. If the adult really wants to thank me, please be sure to guard the last moment of Yuzhang City. It is worthwhile for me to lose this life. ”Tiger Sword Spirit said with sincerity and decisiveness.

    Got itLingxie Sword Immortal nodded solemnly, and he rushed to Sword Spirit’s friendship. He couldn’t give up the Yuzhang City.

    “Wang Shu! Get ready to receive my yin! ”Ling Xu Sword Immortal took a deep breath and said to Wang Shujian, who was suspended in the sky.

    When Wang Shujian heard Ling Xu Sword Immortal, the look in the pupil was dim, and hesitated and asked, “Ling, do we really have to do this?”

    “hmm…Ling Xu Sword Immortal sighed.

    “But don’t you not like this city? Why do you want to do this for the city? ”Wang Shujian asked inexplicably.

    “I didn’t like it before, but I like it a little now!”Ling Xu Sword Immortal smiled. “Because I am sitting in the current position, should I do something I can do for this position?”

    “But this is not something you can do. You know what the consequences of doing it are.”Wang Shujian’s maiden obviously does not want her sword-bearers to release their own yin, and even actively discourage their sword-bearers.

    “These things don’t belong to me. Why should I keep it on my body and accompany me to the coffin?”Ling Sword Immortal is caught in a distant memory. “If you can save 40 million people, then I think she will be satisfied with this!”

    “If that’s the case, then come on!”Hope Shu Jian finally no longer discouraged their own sword holders, at the same time Ling virtual Sword Immortal Suddenly in the eyes made a strange posture, his body as if the baby in the mother shrink together, slowly from the ground suspended up, a light blue light a little bit from the Ling virtual sword Immortal body infiltration out, into a small firefly, toward the sky in the hope Shujian Empress Fly, finally infiltrated the Shujian Empress body.

    At the same time, the sword-sellers were surprised to find that the moon in the sky gradually showed its own true body, and there was a strange wave of fluctuations. Then the moonlight within a few hundred kilometers of Yuzhang City disappeared, and the moonlight over Yuzhang City Rich to the extreme.

    After absorbing these light blue fireflies, Wang Shujian’s temperament is one of the most powerful. If the original Wang Shujian is like a gentle fairy, then the Wang Shuyan is turned into a hegemonic mother. Under the blue light, the whole person looks so noble. That kind of ruthlessness.

    When the blue light of Wang Shujian’s maiden is flashing to the extreme, the moonlight in the sky is also full of extremes, turned into a laser, and directly into the body of Wang Shujian.

    “Moonlight is blurred!”Wang Shujian’s bitter brewing time was finally completed. Her body exploded in a flash, and hundreds of light needles flew straight out from the position where Wang Shujian’s maiden exploded. Then these light needles turned to different The direction flies, forming a pale yellow light on the trajectory they fly over.

    These light needles seem to be controlled by a dexterous goddess. In just three or four seconds, the sky is woven into a pale yellow giant light net. This light net is like a moonlight weaving. General…This is clearly a net of moonlight.

    “What is this move? I have never seen such a beautiful move! ”The majority of the sword-bearers have been stunned by this trick. This moonlight net is so beautiful, they never thought that the swordsman’s moves for combat could be glamorous to this extent.

    “It seems to be the advanced skill of Wang Shujian Niangniang: the moonlight is blurred.”Someone immediately used the personal terminal to search for the information of Wang Shujian on the Internet, and finally found the origin of this moonlight network.

    It turned out that this trick is Wang Shujian’s advanced skills, the name is moonlight blurred. According to the difference between the swordsman of the Shu Shujian and the swordsman, it is possible to gather all the moonlights in different ranges into their own bodies, and then use these moonlights to weave into a moonlight net, and then use this moonlight net to bind. enemy.

    The strength of this move is that the hit rate of the Moonlight Net is 100%. Even the flood level Lantern Festival or even the wilderness Lantern Festival will inevitably be controlled by this moonlight net, and it will be controlled by Moonlight. During the time controlled by the net, the controlled opponent will suffer a percentage of damage every second.

    The specific value of the controlled time and percentage damage is determined by the strength gap between the opponents. The greater the strength gap, the longer or shorter the time of control.

    Lingxie Sword Immortal is a sword-level sword-bearer, and the Thunderbolt Dragon is a Hong-level Lantern. The gap here is a different day, so the control time of this moon-colored net is not the majority. Optimistic, at most, it takes only a few seconds to control, causing a little bit of damage to the Thunderbolt Dragon.

    Can such a trick really have an effect on the Thunderbolt Dragon?


    Just when the majority of the sword-bearers would be suspicious, this moonlight net was also opened to the extreme, and the whole big net was swept away with the lightning dragon. Seeing this pale yellow net cover to myself, the dragon of the Thunderbolt felt threatened by herself, and she noticed that there was a kind of power he hated in this big net.

    “It’s gone…Void…Open itKangna is also a Lantern who can cross the void, so in the first time of this big net cover to her, Kangna gave up and continued to use lightning to attack the secondary wall, but the whole dragon fled into the void. In the attempt to avoid this big net attack through the void.

    It stands to reason that this is a very correct decision. The void can indeed avoid more than 99% of attacks. Just like the electric spark that Connor can sneak into the void, this moonlight net can also sneak into the void. .

    As a result, both of them disappeared into the field of vision of the sword-bearer.

    “I don’t know if I can trap this damn Lantern!”

    Help us, please! Be sure to succeed! ”The sword-bearers on the wall enter their own swordsmanship in a frantic way to fill the diminishing wall energy of the diminishing wall. While praying to the sword ancestor, praying that Shu Shu Niangniang must succeed in trapping this Yuanxiao.

    Finally, the sky finally reappeared, and the void was once again forced to open. The damn Thunderbolt of the Thunderbolt was already tightly bound by the moonlight net, and was directly dragged out of the void. Then he slammed on the secondary wall, causing a wave of fluctuations in the secondary wall!

    Ten thousand yearsAll the swordsmen cheered up as if the battle had been won.

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