“It’s gone…You bully Connor! ”Connor fanned her wings “You are all bad guys…It’s gone…hungry……Hurry up and open the eggshell…hungry……Very hungry! ”Kang Na issued a burst of hungry dragon roaring, and urged humans to open the secondary wall and let them go in to eat.

    “Yuan Lan is really awful!” Actually, I want to use such naive tricks to deceive us, and we must not be deceived by her…Although she looks quite cute! ”Whether it is the Wang Shujian in the air or the sword-bearer on the wall, Kangna is so mad by such naive deception. Is this insulting our human IQ?

    “Yes, maybe this Lantern is really hungry and wants to come in and eat, but her food is our own human!” Everyone works together and must swear to protect the secondary wall, and we must not let our secondary wall be destroyed by her! ”There was a loud shout in the sword-bearers, and they were irritated by Connor’s childish tricks. It was like a wolf telling a little white rabbit: “The little rabbit is licking, the door is open, I want to come in. ,I am your mother!”

    However, the cold standing on the wall has a completely different idea. This dragon of lightning was sealed by Liu Yunyue’s ancestors for hundreds of years. The degree of hunger is self-evident. I want to go to Yuzhang City to find it. Food may also be her true words.

    Moreover, it is certain that the dragon of the thunder and lightning does not like the food of human beings. Otherwise, Li Xiangtian, who has eaten half of it, will not spit it out, and will not let himself and the merchants who are close at hand. There is a feeling of faintness in the cold heart. Perhaps this thunder and lightning dragon does not really want to destroy Yuzhang City. What she said is actually the truth.

    However, the situation at this time is not allowed to make such a guess at all, but Wang Shujian in the sky does not believe in the childish lies of the dragon of the thunder, and the yellow moonlight is re-enclosed in the blade. Then use a “moonlight 朦胧” to teach this damn Lantern.

    So botheringSo botheringKangna saw the yellow moonlight on Shujian’s blade and remembered the feeling of being banned. It suddenly became violent, and a dozen or so glare of lightning immediately smashed toward the head of Wang Shujian, preparing to directly kill this annoying. The swordswoman.

    “Worm the worms, do you dare to compete with the moon?”Wang Shujian snorted, and the door of the void opened with a sigh of relief. The blind eye of Wang Shushu entered the void, and the dozens of ray of lightning were naturally left in the air, except for a good-looking spark. Did not stay.

    “Oh ?” Nothing! ”Seeing that Wang Shujian suddenly disappeared into the void, Connor was again “out of the way” and came out, and immediately her snowy wings began to ignite a spiral of electric sparks that continually jumped.

    It’s right here.Wang Shujian, who was hiding in the void, confirmed the position of the head of the dragon of the Thunderbolt, and was preparing to kill it directly from the void. From the wound that had just stabbed Connor, he stabbed a sword and came to the wound. Sprinkle salt.

    It is expected that Shu Jian has not yet had time to jump out of the void, and feels a fierce paralysis, the body can no longer control, directly fell out of the void, was directly caught in the hands of a white dragon claw.

    What happened? Why can’t my body move? ”Wang Shujian in the void does not know what happened just now, but the cold on the wall can clearly see the whole process. I can’t think of this thunder and lightning dragon actually have the ability to attack the void. Just now the arc-shaped electric spark on her wings secretly broke the void and passed through the void to attack Wang Shujian in the void.

    The whole attention of Wang Shujian was concentrated on Connor’s head. He did not think that Connor’s electric spark could attack himself through the void, and this electric spark also had a powerful paralysis effect. Therefore, Wang Shujian was paralyzed by Connor’s electric power in the first time, and then Connor broke the void around Shu Shu and let Wang Shujian fall out of the void, firmly grasping himself. In the hands.

    Damn it…Wang Shujian cursed and snorted. After three or four seconds, her body recovered from paralysis. I am preparing to grab the dragon claws of my body and come up with a “moonlight 朦胧”, and then use the force of the moonlight to break free from the dragon claws of the Thunderbolt Dragon.

    Wang Shujian Although is a powerful sword Niang, but her opponent is more than the Chinese Paladin Sword Niang also strong a level of flood class Yuan Kou, hope Shujian attack speed far less than Connor discharge speed, so, when looking Shujian empress just lift their hands look Shujian time, is also a severe paralysis effect of electric spark in the Shujian, let poor hope Shujian once again into the paralysis of the state.

    So, next, Shu Shujian fell into a very tragic situation. Whenever the paralysis effect ends, Wang Shujian is ready to break away from the dragon claws. The next paralytic effect will come as soon as possible.

    Such a cycle, Wang Shujian continued to enter the paralyzed state for a full dozen dozen rounds. So in the end, Wang Shujian’s entire swordsman was a little numb, and even if her paralysis was over, she was too lazy to struggle.

    However, Connor seems to have found great fun. While launching the Thunder to destroy the core area of ​​the wall, while repeatedly repeating paralysis and looking at Shu Jian. Wang Shujian is the best toy of Connor, and once the child finds a toy that can satisfy her own fun, she can spend a full year of fun.

    Of course, the time of year may be a bit exaggerated, but one afternoon is enough.

    See their city’s guardian, the only one of the Chinese sword Niang 32 under the evil of the dragon to control in the hands, but also have been so insane to play, the vast majority of the city of the sword-holders of the pride of the people suffered severe damage, Many people are anxious to order their sword Niang rushed up will look Shujian Empress to save.

    However, I thought that my own swordswoman might not be able to support even a small thunder of this flood-level Yuan Zhen. I immediately slammed the mind that ordered her own swordsman to rush, and did not see those swords. Didn’t the swordsman go to the rescue? That is his own little ancient sword level, what is the sword-level sword-bearer still rushing to the front?

    So at this moment, what are the sword-level swordsmen or their sword-bearers doing?

    In short, they are in a meeting.

    Of course, they are not meeting to discuss whether they should go to save Shu Jian Niang. They don’t have the courage to say that they don’t want to save Shu Jian Niang. These sword-level swordsmen have a meeting to discuss how to save the hope. Shu Jian Niangniang.

    This is a meeting that is very difficult to discuss the results, especially when most of the sword-level swordsmen have their own self-confidence in the heart of the meeting, this meeting is even less likely to get a consensus answer.

    These sword-level sword-bearers are not fools. They clearly know what it means to save the sword-level swordsman from the hands of the dragon-level Yuan Zhen.

    Even if you can finally save the Shu Shujian Niangniang, then the last sword-level swordsmen will surely suffer huge damage, and some of them may be broken.

    As a result, the suggestions put forward by each sword-level sword-bearer are almost all suggestions that are beneficial to them and not beneficial to others. Such suggestions are naturally not supported by others, so this meeting is in an endless stream. in.

    However, what is surprising is that as the sword-holder of Wang Shujian, Ling Sword Immortal has been free from the meeting, just looking at these meaningless discussions with a desperate look very hot. s meeting.

    Suddenly he regretted it and regretted that he should not be in the same place as Shi Jueyuan. Otherwise, what he saw at the moment is not the present scene.

    This is the bane of Shi Juyuan’s legacy. To know that when Liu Lei was in power, the strength of Yuzhang City was not strong enough, but there was no shortage of bloody swordsmen. Even in the face of a mortal situation, there will be a large number of sword-bearers standing up and fighting with Yuan Zhen, using their own lives to test their beliefs throughout their lives.

    However, when Shi Juyuan mastered the overall situation of Yuzhang City, the entire Yuzhang City changed. Because Shi Jueyuan can’t control Yuzhang City with his own strength like Liu Lei, then he can only use power.

    The core secret of Shi Juyuan’s power is the meeting. Through the meeting, the time for making decisions is lengthened, and the meeting is used to combat the patience of those who are reckless and those who do not. At the same time, by constantly wooing the majority of people to fight against a small group of people, and finally control the meeting in their own hands, and then control the entire Yuzhang City.

    It can be said that there is nothing wrong with Shi Juyuan’s powers. In peacetime, this is also the only way to compete for power. But after the great destruction, mankind has never had a peaceful era, and every moment is in the midst of war. Any delay in the decision may lead to the failure of the war. By observing the history of wars of mankind for thousands of years, it will be found that under the same level of science and technology, a country controlled by a dictator can always smother the so-called peaceful and democratic countries with a parliamentary system.

    It’s like the little beard Nazi king slammed the whole of Europe. If it weren’t for the last rice country and the British and the red Soviet Union was also taken over by three powerful dictators, otherwise the final fate of the Second World War is still unknown. It.

    As a result, Shi Juyuan succeeded in controlling the power of Yuzhang City through endless meetings. Most of the sword-level sword-bearers in Yuzhang City were also corrupted by Shi Juyuan, who had become accustomed to the political struggle in the past three years. Victory, the flame that was originally in the heart of the battle was exhausted.

    Some of them have not fought in the city for three years, and there has not been any growth in the swordsmanship. They are all immersed in endless meetings and struggles.

    This is the worst consequence that Shi Juyuan has brought to Yuzhang City. At this time, Shi Juyuan has already died in the hands of the cold, but the legacy of his legacy has not disappeared, but it is still plaguing the city.

    The original Ling Xu Sword Immortal just took over the chairman of the City Sword Committee, once also wanted to change this situation, but was Shi the meeting tactics to kill the spirit of the end, finally Shi generous out of the hand of the olive branch, show willing and ling virtual sword Immortal Share a little power, Ling Xu Sword Immortal also unconsciously and Shi.

    Now, the consequences of this confusing situation have emerged, and Ling Sword Immortal has to face the consequences of no one willing to take his own Wang Shujian.

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