“The blood of the witches is ready!”The cold has taken out the bloody avenue of Jiufeng’s condensate. “This is the essence of Jiufeng’s whole body. It is suitable for opening the blood array.”

    “hmm… However, there is no blood in the blood, and there is no Sprite’s Secret Technique spell. We still can’t open the blood array! ”Flowing years, some headaches touched his head and said. This problem really hardens people who are present, including the cold. The Witch’s bloodline needs the Witch’s Secret Technique to be able to open, but the Witch’s Secret Technique is naturally only the power of the Witch. Even if the strength of the cold is increased by a thousand times or 10,000 times, it is impossible to open the blood. Array.

    “Cold the cold, I remember I heard a saying, I don’t know if this is true!”After hesitating for a while, Bright Jade said.

    “Whether or not you really want to listen first.”Fix the cold road.

    “Well, I remember that the last guardian of the Taiyin town government was a religious research expert before becoming a sword-bearer. He especially liked to study the Shamanism of the Qing Dynasty. Later, after coming to Shanhaiguan, the expert discovered that the Shamanism of the Qing Dynasty was similar to the witchcraft of the Witch. The curses, spells, and spellcasting process were almost identical. So the Taiyin Guardian told me before leaving that he suspected that Shamanism was actually an extension of the Wus. As a country of the Qing Dynasty, the entire royal family is likely to be the blood of the witches, because only the witches can use the witchcraft of the witches, and only the talents of the Manchu can become the sacrifices of the shamanism, learn the various kinds of shamanism. Secret technique. ”Bright Jade uttered a terrifying secret.

    “Do you mean that the Aixinjue family may be the blood of the Witch?”The light is shining in the cold eyes.

    “Yes, we have a lot of contact with the witches in Shanhaiguan, and we have more or less know the history of some witches. After the ancient witches were smashed by the Xuanyuan Huangdi in the ancient times, they took the initiative to marry us humans and hide the blood of the witches in the blood of Human Race. Thus, it was impossible for Human Race to really kill the witches and give them a witch. The opportunity for the family to re-emerge. ”

    “The great witch in the witches is actually a doctor of the Shang Dynasty. If it is not because of the elimination of the week, Fei Lian will not reveal his own witch.” Later, the Feilian family was divided into the Shaanxi area of ​​Gansu today, and gradually developed into the most powerful country in the Warring States period. Later, the Qin State together, the Qin Shi Huang, who was the blood of the Wu nationality, became the human king. This is the blood of the Human Race and the Wu people. Even the blood of his Wu people is stronger than the Human Race. . ”

    “But it is precisely because of this, so under the encouragement of other Human Race, Qin has died in decades. In order to ensure that the blood of the Qin State is not passed down, other Human Races have killed all the blood of the Qin State, and have fostered the succession of Liu Bang, who has pure blood. However, the blood of the Witch is still lurking in the Human Race, so it is not surprising that the Manchus are the successors of the Witch’s blood. The Witch has never given up the embarrassment of the Emperor. ”At this point, Bright Jade is finally finished.

    “I understand what you mean.”Cold-heartedly nodded, and then turned his eyes to the side of some inexplicable Nurhachi “It seems that I am not killing him is correct, and there are still some unexpected joy!”

    So, under the command of the cold, Nurhachi was unwilling to come to the side of the cold three.

    “I ask you, are you a Jurchen family who is the blood of the Witch?”Asked cold and frowning.

    “What is the blood of the Witch? 朕 Today is the first time I heard the name of the Wu people. Our Jurchen family is a Jurchen family, and it has nothing to do with the inexplicable witch. ”Nurhachi said with a disgusted look, apparently he is very proud of his own nation.

    “It is not surprising that since the Qin Dynasty failed, the Wus knew that they could not fight against the Human Race, so they had to hide their names and hide their identity. In order to prevent their own blood from being discovered, the witches don’t even tell their own descendants about their true blood status. Until all the descendants of the witches think they are truly Human Race, the secret can be completely protected. Come down. ”Speaking of here, Bright Jade paused. “It is not surprising that the Jurchen people don’t know that they are witches. Just let him test it with the secret technique of shamanism and know if he is a witch.”

    After speaking, Bright Jade turned to Nurhachi and asked, “Will you know the secret of Shamanism?”

    “How can you know the kind of ghosts…Those who are sacrifices, the sons of the destiny, will learn these tricks of indecent! ”Nurhachi said coldly.

    “If it doesn’t, kill him!”Bright Jade sighed and said with disappointment.

    “Yes, I thought he could be a little useful. It seems that it is directly killing it!”When the cold did not nod, he took out his own sword and prepared a sword to kill this Nurhachi.

    Wait! WaitNurhachi was anxious when he saw this situation. He quickly said, “While it will not be a mystery, but I have seen the sacrifices of the sacrificial monks, you can do it according to their appearance, maybe you can succeed!”

    “Jokes, just learning how others might be able to display the secret skills of the witches, I think it is killing.”The flow of the years is disdainful. As a descendant of the Noble Family, there are a large number of books stored in the Noble Family. It is a human being who knows the most about all kinds of mysteries. She has never heard of the kind of sorcerer that can be learned by others without his mind, which is really ridiculous.

    “It’s okay, let him test it. If he doesn’t succeed, it’s not too late to kill him!”Gu Han smiled and said to the conviction, but this smile instantly made Nurhachi all over the body. In fact, Nurhachi himself is very clear in his heart. The secret technique of shamanism is not something that can be learned by the gourd painting. In his heart, he can only secretly pray for the spirit of the ancestors to help him and help him through this robbery.

    Ever since, the blood of the phoenix was placed on the wall depicting the blood of the Witch. Our new Kosman priest Nurhachi began to practice the shamanism used in his life for the first time.

    In the memory of Nurhachi, the religious priests of shamanism cast their spells, all are like crazy in front of their own dance, head like a lion head, until the Nurhachi eyes to see the flower, this spell even if finished, but in fact, Nurhachi still nothing to write down.

    However, Nurhachi never imagined that at this moment, he needed to use the shamanism he had never cared about. The only thing Nurhachi could do was to learn the sacrifices, and began to shake his head and dance like a madman.

    “How could this be useful?”The young man shook his head very disdainfully. Her domestic dog dances are better than this Nurhachi. What is the secret technique of shamanism?

    The magical thing happened. Just after the shameless shaking of the head, the array on the wall began to bleed red light. The original thick wall instantly became like a water film, just move forward gently. One step is to reach the world on the other side of the wall.

    “opened! Door Opened The tricks of 朕 have been successful. The original secrets of Shamanism are true, and you can become the high priest of Shamanism! I will be a spell.

!”Seeing this scene, Nurhachi, who has been fearful, began to laugh loudly. The feeling of rebirth after the robbery was really great. The feeling of having a spell is really great!

    “You are advanced!”Bright Jade cautious, although the transmission door has been opened, but Bright Jade still uneasy let Noor Nurhachi advanced to half body, found in half body dew in this time of the Nur Nurhachi no abnormalities, Bright Jade only the second one into the transmission door on the other side, Solid cold and fleeting Lin followed, have entered the portal.

    The other side of the portal is also a palace of the mausoleum, but the decoration of this palace is much more gorgeous than the decoration of the Nurhachi Palace. There are only a variety of sculptures in the Nurhachi Palace. But this mausoleum is filled with all kinds of exquisite carvings, but it is filled with all kinds of rare treasures, and even in some corners there is a bone.

    These bones look like women’s bones, and they don’t have a large bone age. They are at most twenty or thirty years old before death. Wearing some clothes that are not gorgeous can not be shabby. It seems that these poor women are funeral objects used to bury the dead emperor.

    Who is? Who is coming? Hurry up and take it out, stay here and go crazy! ”Suddenly, from the other end of the underground palace came a pleasant voice, and immediately a man wearing a robes and wearing a crown ran out.

    Seeing this person’s appearance is similar to Nurhachi’s four or five points. Obviously this person should be the blood of Nurhachi.

    Agy Are you Aji! ”Seeing this new emperor, Nurhachi screamed in tears and rushed to hold the emperor.

    “Father! How are you going to be here? You are not already…”Aji incredibly licked his own eyes. It is hard to believe that this person holding his own eyes is actually his father.

    So obviously, this Aji is the successor of Nurhachi, the eighth son of Nurhachi, the emperor of Taizong.

    “It’s hard to say a word. In fact, is Aji also resurrected?”Nurhachi cried with his son, and he never thought that he could see his own son after more than 1300 years.

    “Don’t you give birth to your father?”Huang Taiji was not too stupid, and immediately guessed that he and his father were actually born and resurrected.

    “This is fun, my father is filial!”Seeing this scene, the flow of years is ridiculously ridiculous.

    “You little girl, I dare to speak out, I want to introduce you to the noon!”Huang Taiji has not been tempered by the cold, so he still maintains the spirit of the emperor, and he will directly introduce the stagnation to the launch of the noon.

    Fortunately, there is also a Nurhachi who has been coached by the cold. He immediately took the hand of Huang Taiji and covered the mouth of Huang Taiji. He bent like a cold, and then hid with his son. In the far corner, tell him his own experience.

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