Things have progressed very smoothly. In the Imperial Palace of the Emperor Taiji Zhaoling, the second cold sorcerer’s blood was successfully found in the cold, and there is a bright red blood bead next to this drop of blood. Obviously this one Blood beads are the blood of a dead sorcerer. He also became a blood bead after his death. Only he successfully returned to the side of the ancestral blood, and began to absorb the essence of the ancestral blood, ready to be born again.

    Unfortunately, his luck was too bad, and he met the metamorphosis of the cold. Therefore, the blood of this great witch can only be collected together with the ancestral sorcerer’s blood, and lost the chance of another resurrection.

    Then the solid cold and other people scattered in the underground palace to find a new blood array, finally, it was easy to find this blood array in a corner, in the next under the emperor’s Tai Chi humiliation gaze, Noor Nurhachi again began to jump up the secret of shamanism, but this time, the Noor Nurhachi did not succeed, In any case he devil God chaotic dance can not open this blood array.

    “Is it only possible for the owner of this mausoleum to use the mystery to open this blood array?”Liu Nian proposed a very constructive opinion, so under the pressure of the sword in the hands of Bright Jade, Nurhachi had to hand over the shaman secret that he had just performed indiscriminately to Huang Taiji, and Huang Taiji learned in humiliation. After a few times, the Chaotic Dance jumped up.

    But no matter how you look at it, Nurhachi and Huang Taiji are all two different dances. This is not the same shaman secret.

    The magical thing happened. Huang Taiji’s inexplicable dance actually opened the blood array and opened the road to the next mausoleum.

    The other end of the blood array, which is not confined to the cold, is the Qing Xiaoling Mausoleum, which is the underground palace of the son of Emperor Taiji. In the same way, the cold is also found in the underground palace of Xiaoling, the Yuanzheng Ai Xinjue Luo Fulin, who just came to the world, and counted the three of Nurhachi.

    However, Fulin was not as excited as he was when he met his father and grandfather. He only looked at Huang Taiji and Nurhachi, and Fulin’s attitude was more fearful. It is not surprising that Fulin was only six years old when he was enthroned. He did not have much impression on his father Huang Taiji. At that time, there was no such thing as a photo, so Fulin certainly did not recognize his biological father.

    Huang Taiji’s mind is also more complicated. Although he has seen Fulin’s childhood, he is very fond of Fulin. The problem is that Fu Lin is a young man in his forties. He is very different from his childhood. Huang Taiji does not feel any intimacy. What is even more strange is that there is no light on the head of Fulin’s head. If he is not wearing a yellow robes, he really thinks that he is a monk.

    However, this is still the grandson and grandson. After confirming the identity of the other party, they gradually became intimate. Then Huang Taiji and Nurhachi took time to ask what happened when he was the emperor.

    After hearing that Fulin said that he had completely annihilated Nanming and killed all the Ming emperors, and truly unified the entire Central Plains, Huang Taiji and Nurhachi were happy to dance. Soon, Emperor Taiji and Nurhachi began to wonder why Fulin had a head in his head, whether he had alopecia or the like, and Fulin’s can’t say it, but it’s a sigh of the past. Finally, when I became a monk, I didn’t know if I died in the temple.”

    Huang Taiji and Nurhachiqin used their stern eyes to look forward to the blessing. Fulin’s helplessness only said his own scandal. The original Fulin’s death after Dong E’s death was gone, and he went to Wutai Mountain to become a monk, and finally died in Wutai Mountain. On, but the good body was transported back to the Xiaoling buried.

    Huang Taiji and Nurhachichi’s moments slammed on Fu’s ass, and in the mouth, the Aixinjue Luo family came out with such a waste. Actually, it was a waste for a small woman to be a monk. Waste.

    Fulin was not dare to lift it by his father and grandfather, but he could only shiver in the corner.

    On the other side, the three people who have survived the cold have also successfully found the blood of the ancestral witch, the blood beads and the blood array of the next mausoleum. This time, the cold still allowed Nurhachi to try to use the shaman secret technique, and then let the Emperor Taiji perform. As a result, neither of them could open the blood array in Xiaoling.

    Sure enough, in the end, it was necessary to let Fulin come to display the secret technique of Shamanism, but there was a little episode in the middle, that is, Fulin’s unwillingness to display the secret technique of Shamanism and dance of Shamanism.

    Fulin would rather abandon his status as a monk, so Fulin is obviously a very religious monk. As a devout monk, Fulin is certainly not able to dance the dance of Shamanism, which will blame his Buddha.

    Even if Bright Jade put the sword on the neck of Fulin, Fulin would refuse. Bright Jade used Huang Taiji and Nurhachi to threaten Fulin. As a result, this guy actually said that the dust was returned to the earth, and the dead should have died. Living in this world is just a mess of the rules of the world. He is willing to accompany him. The father and the grandfather returned to where they should have stayed.

    This time, even Bright Jade feels a little tricky. Fortunately, at the crucial moment, Dong Ee’s swearing, who is obsessed with Fulin’s burial, said that if Fulin didn’t dance, she would drag Dong’s bones out of the coffin. Then throw it outside to feed the wild dog.

    As a result, it was just said that Fulin, who had returned to the dust to return to the soil, immediately gave in, and as a result, Emperor Taiji and Nurhachi of the gas came to a father and son to double-play and gave this unfilial grandson a half-death.

    Ai Xinjue Luo Fulin’s filial piety is connected to the nature of Ai Xinjue Luo Xuanzang’s Jingling, and the cold and other people in Jingling also met the new Xinjue Luo Xuanzhen who just came to this world. However, this great-grandson looks much older than his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. The white-flowered hair is accompanied by the beard of flowers and flowers. On the contrary, Xuanzang is more like the ancestors of these three people.

    Hyun Ye know his father, after all, Xuan Ye often sneak to mount Wutai to see his father, so he was a glimpse of Felicity, and then to his father, grandpa, too Grandpa salute, and soon accepted all the facts, and very happy and active to the solid cold to display the secret operation of Shamanism, The whole process had a smile on his face and no unpleasant expression.

    What makes the cold more amazing is that this Xuanzang dance is much higher than the other three people, and he does not need Nurhachi to teach his inexplicable shamanism. Xuan Zang himself is very natural to jump out of the standard. Shaman teaching secrets.

    Later, after inquiry, I learned that Xuanzang had gathered many Taoism, Buddhism, Shamanism, and Lamaism masters to show him the longevity of Dafa before he died. Even Xuanzang himself learned a lot of so-called secret techniques. Naturally, this also includes shamanism. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as an egg. When you die, you still have to die, but the mystery of this body is very authentic, far more than his ancestors.

    “This is a powerful person! Like an emperor! ”Seeing that Xuanzang encountered a situation with a smile, and the body was straight, and the spirit of a king was radiated from the inside out. It can be seen that this Xuan Zang can be the emperor of sixty years. The simple lifespan is long, and there are many other factors in it.

    There is nothing too much to say about the next thing. It is nothing more than repeating the process of seeing his son, seeing his grandfather, seeing his grandfather, and seeing his great-grandfather.

    Of course, there have been some episodes, such as Yongzheng’s bones do not have a head, and the bones of Qianlong is more messy placed in the coffin, all the bones are not connected together, but scattered together, some bones and even sleep as the size of sand particles, Qianlong’s skull is broken into two halves, Most of the jaw bone was smashed.

    So when the Emperor Qianlong saw that his bones had become like this, he suddenly began to burst into tears. Listen to the unease of the Qing dynasty after the death, there is a guy called Sun Dianying to dig all their tombs, and then all the treasures of the tomb to take away, and then all the bones smashed into pieces, the Shiquan old man never thought, his death would be so miserable, even the bones are broken into this pattern.

    However, what Qianlong felt comforted was that the emperors’ bones were not so good after him, which made the Shiquan old man feel a lot more comfortable in his heart, but it was inevitable that he would count on his future generations. Especially when I heard that the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty was forced to abdicate by the ruling minister, it was the beginning of the enthusiasm of the lord.

    However, when Qianlong heard that since the Qing Dynasty, China has never had a dynasty. After the Qing Dynasty was the last dynasty of China, Qianlong began to feel complacent. The last dynasty under the sun, this is also a unique glory of China, and other dynasties can enjoy this glory.

    Anyway, Qianlong’s performance is not disgusting for the three people, but in order to let these emperors open the next blood array for themselves, they can only tolerate these emperors.

    When the cold-cold team arrived in Qing Chongling, the emperors of the Qing Dynasty who had followed them had reached eleven. At this time, an emperor was old and young, and the oldest was about Emperor Qianlong. He lived 89 years old and was the oldest of these emperors. The youngest is the Emperor Tongzhi who died only after he was 19 years old.

    However, when he heard that his descendant died because of Hualiu disease, his ancestors showed sympathetic expressions. It seems that there are some secrets that cannot be said.

    All in all, when the three people of the cold and the cold traveled here, the blood of the twelve ancestors had already fallen into the hands of the cold, and the eleven drops of the ancestral blood had matching blood. Among the twelve great witches, there is the great sorcerer of the Houtu tribe, and the last one is obviously the ancestral blood of the Houtu tribe.

    It is only strange that no matter how unlucky the Emperor Guangxu dances in front of the blood array, there is no reaction anyway, as if the other side of the blood array has been closed.

    Just as everyone was puzzled by this, the Emperor Guangxu suddenly said weakly, “Before you arrived here, there was an ugly woman who talked to me.” But she suddenly told me that something went wrong, she had to close the blood array at the other end. ”

    “The ugly woman must be awkward!”Bright Jade immediately responded. “She must have discovered that other blood arrays have been activated. I know that the ancestral blood has a big problem, so the blood array at the other end is closed, so that the blood array cannot be opened.”

    “You said this stuff is called blood array?”Guangxu hesitated after listening to this name for a while. “When I was detained in the Summer Palace, I often chatted with the shaman’s high priest. He once told me that the shaman’s blood array is the most powerful secret of Shamanism. Ability. However, there is no shaman who has the ability to reactivate the blood array. Only by finding as many ancestral sorcerers as possible can it force the power of the blood array! ”

    “You mean that the power of the ancestors can force the power of the blood array!”Bright Jade was excited when he heard it, “Cold the cold, give me the blood of the ancestors, I want to try to see if I can activate this blood array”

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