“Where is this?”The young man slowly opened his eyes and found himself in the medical cabin. His memory was constantly in his mind, and he slowly thought of it. “Right, I was captured by the witches. .”

    When I think of it, I can’t help but break my heart. She is a person in the Noble Family who was captured by the witches, and this time she completely lost the face of the Noble Family.

    “But how can I be in the medical cabin? Is it true that the talisman has been activated, not good, does that mean that the entire Shanhaiguan must…”I didn’t dare to think again. I immediately reached out to touch the talisman between my neck, and then I immediately relieved. “Great, the talisman is still there.”

    However, the heart of the rushing man immediately immediately raised doubts. Since the talisman did not provoke, how was he himself sent into the medical compartment? Could it be that he saved me?

    In the heart of the year, I remembered a figure that I missed. In the two months before being captured, I spent several times in contact with the cold and tried to find him to dispel the misunderstanding in the glorious amusement park. However, the cold has not given any echo to the flow of years, which makes the flow of years of sadness and sadness, in many nights can not help but shrink in the bed and secretly shed tears, the flow of years still think that the cold will not forgive in this life. I am.

    However, I don’t know that I have been staying in the game for two months in the cold season. Occasionally, I also dealt with some urgent daily affairs from the game. Then I immediately returned to the game to receive the training of Jianzu. Time to meet with the flow of years?

    In fact, there is no resentment from the beginning to the end of the cold. The mistake is caused by the sword ancestor, and it has something to do with her aging.

    When there was nothing in the middle of the year, the cover of the medical warehouse suddenly opened itself, and then a familiar voice came from the ear. “Mr. Miss, when do you want to sleep?” Time to wake up. ”

    KnownIt’s just that the body is numb…”The fluent red face climbed up from the medical cabin, and I saw that the cold was laughing and laughing at myself. I suddenly let my heart full of humiliation and a moment of sweetness in my heart, and come to him when he was in danger. I will save myself without hesitation, just like in the dream.

    请指定两种不同的语言The flow of years is very whispered to the cold.

    No thanks What relationship do we have, but also need to say thank you? ”The cold patted on the shoulders of the old man, a good brother. Such an attitude makes the flow of years happy and at the same time some depression.

    It’s because the coldness seems to no longer hate what happened at the Guanghui Paradise. The melancholy is because the cold and clear autumn is like a brotherly attitude. At this time, the heart of the rushing heart suddenly bursts out and I don’t want to go back to the cold autumn. When the brothers are impulsive.

    Of course, the flow of years is just like this, and there is no courage to really say it.

    “Where is it here? How does it seem to be inside a grave? ”In order to alleviate my embarrassment, after looking at the surrounding environment, I asked him casually.

    “That’s right, it’s really a grave.”I can’t think of myself in the words of the year, but it’s really a grave.

    “Who is this Lantern?”At the same time, I saw Nurhachi at the same time. I used to see the Lantern Festival and killed it. But I thought that if I was allowed to stand here, it would be the reason why I couldn’t kill him. .

    Nurhachi suddenly did not know that he had escaped, knowing that if you want to start, you can kill him no more slowly than stepping on an ant under one foot.

    “I am a big gold ancestor Nurhachi, you see this little girl…”

    “Don’t ignore him, when he doesn’t exist.”When Nurhachi’s words were not finished, they were directly brought back by the words of the cold. Nurhachi really wanted to take out his knife and split the cold into two.

    I still want to say something more about the cold, but I can hear an electronic sound at this time. It’s only after I found out that there is still a medical cabin here. And the sound of this squeaking sound is the sound of another medical cabin after the work is completed.

    “Bright Jade adults! Are you here too? ”When Bright Jade got up from the medical cabin, he was surprised to say that he didn’t think that another medical cabin contained the right-hand guard, Bright Jade.

    “Miss 凛凛! How are you here? You are not really good at all, I really worry about what you will encounter in the hands of the witches…Forget it, these are no longer important. ”Bright Jade said that she was very happy when she saw her in front of her.

    “Cold, are you here too?” What happened here? Why am I here? Why are you here? ”Bright Jade saw the cold, and suddenly dumped his own doubts.

    So here’s the thing.The cold and concise reminder of Bright Jade and the singer after the arrest of the squad, these two people instantly fell into a huge shock.

    “I didn’t expect that there was so much after my poisoning. I can’t think of the Wuzu actually launching a raid on my Taiyin town government. I don’t even think that Ye Fan is actually a traitor. I really can’t imagine how it would be tough if humans realized it all at this time! ”Bright Jade patted the cold shoulders with great emotion. “Fortunately, I didn’t misread you. You can really save the whole man!”

    The flow of years is filled with a cheerful look at the cold, “The person you like is the best.” Well, about this feeling.

    “It’s not just that simple.”The cold smiled and took out the test tube containing the blood of the ancestors. “Take Bright Jade, your blessing, and find the place where the witches have hidden the blood of the ancestors for hundreds of years. The ancestors of the tribes are bloody. From now on, this witch has no more than twelve great witches. They want to be a big witch forever! Twelve witchcraft tribes will also be missing forever, and the Xuanming tribe will always be removed from Shanhaiguan. ”

    “This is the ancestral blood of the Xuanming tribe!”Bright Jade and Liu Nian are very excited to see the blood of a sorcerer in the test tube that is fighting the blood of the emperor. Because of this sorcerer’s blood, for hundreds of years, I don’t know how many human heroes died in the hands of the Xuanming tribe, which was born from the blood of the ancestors.

    “Cold the cold and fix the cold…”Bright Jade couldn’t help but sigh “I don’t know how to evaluate your credit, even if you give you 10 million hero coins, you won’t get one-tenth of your credit.” Shanhaiguan’s reward and punishment regulations have never recorded any rewards for completely destroying a witch tribe. It seems that this matter has to be handed over to the SCC committee. ”

    “It is time to let them have a headache. If they can’t give me a satisfactory reward, I will throw it out and feed the dog to see if I can cultivate a Tengu tribe.”The cold is jokingly said, of course, the ancestral blood can not be used to feed the dog, and it is even more impossible to cultivate a Tengu tribe. This is not to find trouble for humans…

    “In this case, we should go back to the cold, or there will be big problems in the town of Taiyin.”Bright Jade sighed, “And I should pass the position of the Taiyin Guardian to you. I really are not qualified to sit in this position.”

    “Don’t worry about going back.”Chilling and shaking his head “now only got a drop of ancestral blood, and there are eleven drops of ancestral blood, which is equivalent to weakening the strength of one-twelfth of the Witch.” Now that all the big witches are dead, they can’t protect the time of the ancestral sorcerer’s blood, and the rest of the ancestral witch’s blood will be taken away, so that Shanhaiguan can completely restore the peace, and we can count as human beings to make a great contribution. ”

    “It makes sense.”Bright Jade nodded. “But do you know where the rest of the ancestral blood is hidden?”

    “This is simple. Since the ancestral blood of the Xuanming tribe is hidden in the underground palace of the Nurhachi of the Qing Dynasty, it can be foreseen that the rest of the ancestral witches must be hidden in the underground palace of the tombs of other emperors of the Qing Dynasty. We only need to find The underground palaces of those mausoleums may be able to find the rest of the ancestral blood.”Chilling and laughing.

    capital idea The rest of the ancestral witch must be hidden there, this is a good opportunity to be missed! ”Bright Jade immediately said with excitement, the side of the flow of years also nodded, but in the corner of the Nurhachi heart is not a taste.

    He actually looked at a group of people to discuss the graves to dig their own children, this feeling is too difficult to describe. Nurhachi wants to stop the cold and other people from doing so excessively. He can recall the picture of the battle between the cold and the Jiufeng. He couldn’t help but tremble under his body and couldn’t say a word.

    “It seems that we still have to leave this underground palace and it is more convenient to look for the rest of the tombs from the outside,” Bright Jade continued.

    “This is not necessary. I just saw that Jiufeng disappeared into this underground palace. After a while, there was a medical warehouse with a shackle. So I suspect that this underground palace must have an entrance to other underground palaces, or it will be transmitted. Array, or something like the door of the void. Everyone looking around in this neighborhood will definitely find the entrance to the next underground palace. ”


    No problem

    Bright Jade and the rogue nodded, and the three began to look for the entrance to the next underground palace. Unfortunately, the cold was almost rummaged through the entire palace but still did not find where the entrance was.

    However, there was a windfall in Bright Jade. When looking for it, Bright Jade accidentally discovered that there was a small wall in the palace that was completely different from the other walls. The other walls are covered with dust, but the wall is clean, as if it is often wiped.

    “There is a taste of the witches qi and blood on the wall!”After all, Bright Jade’s research on the witches is more in-depth. He sniffs on the wall and finds that the wall has the qi and blood of the witches.

    “It must be the blood of the witches, no doubt!”Bright Jade is delighted that “the witches must have painted the blood array on the wall, so Jiufeng will disappear in front of you.” We only need to find a way to activate this blood array and we will be able to go to the next underground palace. ”

    “How can we activate the blood of the witches?”It’s a little bit annoying to say that “the blood of the witches not only needs the qi and blood of the great witch, but also the witchcraft of the witches. We can’t activate this blood array by several humans!”

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