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The strength of these martial artists have nothing common with each other, the only thing in common is embarrassment.

Even many martial artists have injuries, and some people can’t even straighten up.

But when they jumped off the boat, there was a bit of joy in their eyes, and then many people left the city on the other side without knowing where they were going.

Most of these martial artists are not people from Lihengtian. They were born in other Sacred Domains, but for various reasons, they left their hometowns and finally came to Lihengtian.

Most of them were in the Sacred Domain where they were born. They committed all kinds of crimes and provokes people who shouldn’t be offended. In order to avoid the enemy’s pursuit, they ran out of wealth and bought a ticket to Great Dao on the other side. Among other Sacred Domains.

As long as it escapes to another Sacred Domain, it is completely safe.

So even if their clothes are now rotten, but the moment they jump off the boat, their eyes are full of joy, and when they arrive at Li Hentian, it is a new beginning.

The reason for these martial artists to escape, have nothing common with each other, but the ultimate goal is to escape from the Sacred Domain where they came from and come to a completely unfamiliar place.

There are even more martial artists of this kind of escape than merchants who trade with Three Great Saint Territories.

They are the real business of these fleets.

Of course, these fleets are going well and some trade will be carried out.

On the other side of Great Dao, you can choose to go to 9 Huatian, or Jingmotian. These are 2 completely different routes.

The route of the Great Dao on the other side, only the captain of the fleet knows that a safe route can effectively ensure the safety of this trip, so the older the captain, the more the old fleet is sought after.

Because an old captain can prove the safety of the fleet, because once you encounter the sophisticated fleet in the Great Dao on the other side, the only result is that everyone on the ship died on the other side of the Great Dao. Among.

The danger in the Great Dao on the other side, if an immortal venerable intrudes rashly, may fall into the second.

Chu Fengmian doesn’t know the route in Great Dao on the other side, so for Chu Fengmian, it is more suitable for him to find a suitable fleet.

Chu Fengmian just learned about it casually, and he found the oldest fleet in the city on the other side.

1000 security number.

The name of this fleet is due to the fact that this empty ship has not encountered a worldly sophistication for 1000 consecutive years.

Even if it was a serious one, he still insisted on reaching the other side, so he was named 1000 An.

The price for this fleet is the highest among all fleets, but it is still the most popular. Countless martial artists are crowded, buying tickets and preparing to board the ship.

Two middle-aged men are standing in the sky above 2 An, and everything below the supervisor, once someone wants to fish in troubled water and sneak into the empty ship, they will directly shoot and kill each other.

These two middle-aged men are the two escorts requested by the 2-an, responsible for maintaining order on the ship and escorting the 1000-an to 2 Huatian to deal with possible dangers.

The Great Dao on the other side is actually more like a space ruin, in which there are countless dangers hidden, and even many creatures live in it. Even if there is no real danger, but small troubles. Continuously.

Therefore, it is also necessary to ask some strong escorts.

These two middle-aged man are the realm of the immortal saint. They are placed in some Small Sects in Li Hengtian. They are already some Elders. They can be invited to escort the 2-sec. and they can also prove the 1000-sec. Financial resources.

Taking a trip to the Great Dao on the other side is a dangerous thing, so there is not enough financial resources, impossible to invite the powerful person to come to the immortal to die.

This empty ship is not big, but it is 1000 meters long, several hundred meters wide, and can accommodate 10000 martial artists, all of which is easy.

Chu Fengmian also lined up with the crowd, and soon arrived at him.

“In the lower class, there are 100 King Grade Celestial Stones. Better still need to add money.”

A martial artist looked towards Chu Fengmian opened the mouth and said.

100 King Grade Celestial Stones.

This is a figure that the general fairy king has to accumulate for a long time before it can be obtained. The martial artist under the fairy king is almost ruined to make these 100 King Grade fairy stones.

Therefore, it is rumored that some martial artists bankrupted their family for the sake of the ticket. It is not a fake. At least a fairy who wants to take out these 100 King Grade fairy stones does need to bankrupt his family.

Moreover, this is only the inferior warehouse of the lowest. The so-called inferior warehouse is a group of people crowded in a cabin, and within a month, they can only move around in a small area. There is no private space. Will be suffocated alive.

But if you want to get on the 1000-square-foot ship, this is the lowest price. In order to escape from the sky, many martial artists would rather endure this torture.

Of course, for Chu Fengmian, the fairy stone is just a number, and he doesn’t need to be tortured.

When he moved his palm, a ball of fairy stones flew out and handed it to the martial artist in front of him.

“I want the best.”

“Holy Immortal Stone!”

The martial artist cried out in surprise, and then hurriedly took the fairy stone that Chu Fengmian had handed over, took out a jade talisman, and handed it to Chu Fengmian.

“Your Excellency, please come in.”

Chu Fengmian took jade talisman and stepped into it. On top of this jade talisman, there is a “jun” character.

This is the best ticket for the 1000 An.

As soon as Chu Fengmian stepped onto the ship, a martial artist on the 1000 An hurriedly received the Chu Fengmian, so that Chu Fengmian walked to the highest floor of the 1000 An and came to his room.

Compared to the cabin below, where several 100 people are crowded together, this one by Chu Fengmian is different as heaven and earth from them. The floor of this cabin is all carved with a spirit jade, which can have spiritual Qi gatherings. effect.

At the same time, on this spirit jade, this stable prohibition can be engraved.

When the 1000 An was driving in the Great Dao on the other side, even if it was shaken, it would not affect the people in the cabin.

Fruits have already been placed on the table in the cabin. These fruits are also very valuable. For some martial artists under the Celestial Realm, they are all called Immortal Medicine, but here, they are just ordinary fruit.

Such dignity is also everywhere.

After all, riding on the 1000 Ann, passing the Great Dao on the other side, not only the martial artists who are inevitable, but also some merchants who travel between the Sacred Domains, these merchants naturally cannot be crowded in the crowded cabin below.

This level is suitable for them.

And in Three Great Saint Territories, there are also some lonely strong people. They want to go to other Sacred Domains and they also need to take this kind of airship, but relatively speaking, not every trip can meet such people.

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