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“These Immortal Pills are for you.”

Chu Fengmian moved his palm, and several jade bottles appeared in his palm and flew directly into the hands of King Ghost.

If it weren’t for Ghost Axe King’s reminder, Chu Fengmian would have never thought of Divine Prediction Tianjun. Before adding information about Ling Xiao, Immortal Pill is nothing.

Chu Fengmian has always distinguished rewards and punishments.

Leave Immortal Pill.

Chu Fengmian left the medicine shop and wandered in this city.

Divine Prediction Mountain, where Divine Prediction Tianjun is located, is not in Li Hentian, but in 9 Huatian, one of the other Three Great Saint Territories.

Although the Three Great Saint Territories are collectively called together in name, they are actually 3 independent Great Thousand Worlds, but they are relatively closely related to each other, and the distance is not too far, so they are collectively called Three Great Saint Territories.

But every Great Thousand Worlds has a boundary membrane, which is the barrier that World Strength turns into in order to protect its own world.

If Chu Fengmian wants to leave Lihentian and go to 9 Huatian, he must pass through this membrane. With Chu Fengmian’s strength, it is not difficult to force through the membrane, but once he does that, Chu Fengmian must display it. Do your best.

At that time, the powerhouses of 9 Huatian will find that there is an Immortal Emperor. After entering the 9 Huatian, Chu Fengmian will inevitably be detected by the Immortal Emperor of 9 Huatian.

At that time, it was in trouble.

After all, Chu Fengmian’s identity, but the Peerless Sword of the Witch Clan, a Witch Clan Witch Emperor, went to 9 Huatian, and those Immortal Emperors in the 9 Huatian were impossible.

So for Chu Fengmian, the best way is to sneak in and enter 9 Huatian without attracting the attention of Emperor 9 Hua Celestial Immortal.

This method is not without it.

The martial artist who can forcibly break through the world membrane is limited after all. Only some of the powerhouses of Xianzun Peak have this ability.

So in fact, this is a path that most martial artists have nowhere to go.

The exchanges between the Three Great Saint Territories are naturally impossible and only the strong ones above the Immortal Zun Peak.

So in addition to forcing the breakthrough boundary membrane, there are two other methods. You can also go from Lihentian to 2 Huatian.

The first is through Transmission Array.

In Lihentian, among many Great Sects, there is a Transmission Array that can span 2 Great Thousand Worlds. For example, there is one in Qingfeng Sect.

The discipline of Qingfeng Sect, you only need to pass this Transmission Array to go directly to 9 Huatian.

This method is the easiest.

But for Chu Fengmian, it is an impossible solution.

Not to mention such a Transmission Array, it is only available in a few huge monster sects in Lihengtian.

And like the Transmission Array in Qingfeng sect, only the Qingfeng sect discipline and the disciplines of several sects that have good relations with Qingfeng sect can be used.

People who are “unidentified” like Chu Fengmian are basically impossible to use.

So this is the simplest method, but it is of no use to Chu Fengmian.

Of course not all martial artists have something to do with Overlord Influence like Qingfeng Zong, so there is also a second way, which is to pass the path left by some invincible powerhouses in Ancient Era and go to 2. Huatian.

Ancient Era and Martial Dao are far more prosperous than it is now, and at the same time, the relationship between the Three Great Saint Territories in that era is much closer than it is now.

Many sections of Ancient Era, even across the Three Great Saint Territories, have a foundation in the Three Great Saint Territories, so the number of martial artists who visit the Three Great Saint Territories every day is much larger than it is now.

Therefore, in Ancient Era, there are also several powerful people who have worked together to forge several roads from 9 Huatian to Lihengtian. They are called Great Dao, the so-called Great Dao, which is actually more like a space channel. .

Just by the joint casting of several Immortal Emperors, the Great Dao on the other side is extremely huge. Through the Great Dao on the other side, you can travel from Li Hentian to 9 Huatian.

Although the time consumption of passing the Great Dao on the other side is slower than passing the Transmission Array directly.

However, the consumption of Transmission Array is not something that ordinary martial artists can afford. Therefore, there are countless people who pass Great Dao on the other side every day, which is also a prosperous business route.

Only with the Great Battle of Ancient Era, the forces of the Three Great Saint Territories broke out fierce battles. Because of this battle, the power of Ancient Era fell countless, and several huge sects across Three Great Saint Territories were also destroyed. Dismembered.

The Great Dao on the other side was also mostly destroyed in that battle.

There has never been a sect. I want to repair this Great Dao on the other side, and this Great Dao on the other side has been surviving. It was repaired by some small forces, and it still remains.

But now the Great Dao on the other side is completely different from the Great Dao on the other side of Ancient Era. It is full of dangers, and even many places are already broken. It takes at least a month to pass through.

But the remaining Great Dao on the other side is still the most martial artist of the Three Great Saint Territories, and the only way to get to other Sacred Domains.

There are still some caravans in Lihengtian now, passing between other Sacred Domains and conducting trade through the Great Dao on the other side.

Chu Fengmian is now going to 9 Huatian, the easiest way is to pass this Great Dao.

This is also the final plan that Chu Fengmian considered for a while.

“The fleets going to the Great Dao on the other side are all assembled in the city on the other side.”

Going to 9 Huatian via Great Dao on the other side, it’s not a secret in Li Hentian. Chu Fengmian quickly obtained complete information from King Ghost and Axe, and then he body moved and headed directly to the other side city.

Beyond City.

Among Ancient Era, this other shore city was still one of the largest ancient cities in Li Hentian at that time.

The prosperous transaction at that time made the prosperous city of Bi’an even surpass the city controlled by the Great Sect at that time.

But with the decline of Great Dao on the other side.

The other side city also lost its prosperity.

When Chu Fengmian came to Bi An City, he was already a little unbelievable. This was the once rumored prosperous Bi An City.

If it weren’t for the towering ancient city wall of the other side city, it would be hard to think that this is the most prosperous number one city of Ancient Era.

Today’s Bi’an City can only be regarded as a small city at best, and the number of martial artists in it is only 1000000 million, and it is not as prosperous.

Now I pass the Great Dao on the other side once, but we have to risk great danger, so unlike Ancient Era, there are not many martial artists who dare to travel to and from the Great Dao on the other side and go to other Sacred Domains to trade. Great Dao on the other side, went to other Sacred Domains, not for trade, but for escape.

An empty ship is floating in the air, some martial artists are unloading from above.

More, it was a martial artist in shabby clothes, jumping from above.

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