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After all, there are only a few martial artists who can live in Jun-class cabins. On the Chu Fengmian floor, there are a total of ten such monarch-class rooms, but now, including Chu Fengmian himself, only five of them are occupied.

The Jun-class cabin is of great value. Without the strength of the Immortal Saint, it is simply impossible to live.

Of course, there are some exceptions, that is, traveling merchants between Sacred Domain.

Traveling merchants who dare to travel between Sacred Domains all have strong family properties. At least in terms of wealth, many immortals are inferior to them, and they generally hire these guards to go with them.

Chu Fengmian glanced at it casually.

The Array of Spiritual Consciousness arranged in this Jun-class cabin room is good, but it can’t stop Chu Fengmian’s Spiritual Consciousness at all. The people living in the other 4 rooms, depending on their dress, basically go to and from Sacred Domain. Traveling merchants are accompanied by many people.

Chu Fengmian is alone like this, but very few.

Chu Fengmian just glanced at it casually, and didn’t pay attention anymore. He came to this 1000’an with the only purpose of going to 9 Huatian. As for the others, it was meaningless to Chu Fengmian.

On the other hand, some martial artists on the ship were already impatient after they were on the ship. They walked onto the deck and looked at this place from four places, chatters.

It takes at least one month to go to 9 Huatian through Great Dao on the other side, according to the usual journey.

Even if it is a 1000-ampere fleet, this trip will take at least 20 days.

Entering the Great Dao on the other side, you will leave Li Hentian, enter Li Hentian, 9 Huatian, the gap between these two Great Thousand Worlds, there is no Spiritual Qi in it, so martial artist wants Cultivation in it is also impossible.

Chatting with each other is also a good way to pass the time.

Especially many martial artists on this ship have made up their minds. After going to 9 Huatian, they will never go back to Li Hengtian. They settled in Li Hengtian. At this time, you can meet some friends on the ship. , Is also planning for the future.

Not only those martial artists, but even some businessmen, they also planned to do the same. One more friend would mean one more business route.

The 1000 An has not set off yet, and the deck is already very lively.

Of course, this overtime is also classified. For example, the martial artist of the lower class is only allowed to enter the lower edge deck, while the martial artist of the ordinary class can enter the large deck of the middle deck.

As for the uppermost deck, it belongs only to people like Chu Fengmian, who lives in Jun-class cabins.

On the 1000 Ann, the identity of the other party can be seen at a glance. On the bottom deck, they are all lifeless. Many of the martial artists who live in the lower cabins are down-to-earth martial artists.

They went to 9 Huatian, many of which were purely to escape, so there was not much energy. The middle deck was extremely lively, and many people were talking about it with each other.

Before the empty boat started, Chu Fengmian also looked boring, and he also came to the upper deck. This was the first time he took the empty boat in this crossing world, and it felt extremely novel.

“This friend, is it alone?”

While Chu Fengmian was watching casually, from the cabin, a few more silhouettes came out. Among them, standing in the front was a Little Fatty, who looked very young, only less than 20 years old.

Although the age of a martial artist cannot be judged by appearance, Chu Fengmian can also see that this person is less than 100 years old. His realm has already entered the Celestial Realm and is a fairy realm.

Less than 100 years old, fairy realm, even in Three Great Saint Territories, is considered a good aptitude.

Behind this Little Fatty, there are also these 4 guards. These 4 guards, 3 of them are the realm of Immortal Monarch, and which of them is the oldest is an immortal saint.

They stand behind this Little Fatty, like the guards of this Little Fatty.

A fairy sage, 3 Immortal Monarch, as the Little Brat guard of a fairy realm, obviously this Little Brat, some origin.

Of course, for Chu Fengmian, this identity is not worthy of his attention. Even the family behind this Little Fatty is not worth mentioning in Chu Fengmian’s eyes.


Chu Fengmian said casually.

This way is boring, and chatting with people can also kill the time.

“I’m used to it all by myself, I’m alone wherever I go.”

“That friend’s strength must be good, I can’t. Every time I leave, the family will send a lot of people to follow.”

Little Fatty opened the mouth and said.

“My name is Lei Wei, and I am a traveling businessman.”

“Chu Fengmian, is also a traveling businessman.”

Chu Fengmian opened the mouth and said.

“Brother Chu is older, so I call it that.”

After hearing what Chu Fengmian said, Lei Wei looked at Chu Fengmian again, opening the mouth and said.

“It seems that Brother Chu, he should rarely go to Great Dao on the other side.”

“Oh? How did you know?”

Chu Fengmian said in surprise.

“I used to travel to and from Smaller Thousand Worlds. This is my first time to 9 Huatian.”

“It seems that Brother Chu still knows little about Great Dao on the other side. Although Great Dao on the other side is extremely important to choose an empty ship, there is no guarantee that in a good empty ship, there is nothing to enter. Danger.”

“In the Great Dao on the other side, live this Void Beast. They are in the Great Dao on the other side, and they hunt down empty boats. Although Void Beasts like generally speaking, as long as they are not in large groups, they will not cause too much trouble. , Inevitably, there are some Void Beasts that can enter the empty ship. At that time, traveling merchants like us still needed some expert protection.”

Lei Wei kindly reminded.

“So Brother Chu, you see, it’s like some wealthy traveling merchants, who don’t bring a few guards on board, after all, when Void Beast arrives, we can’t do it personally.”

“As Brother Chu, you can afford to live in this 1000-an Jun-class cabin. Obviously, you are not without wealth, but you have not prepared in advance, so most of them are newcomers.”

“It’s because I didn’t think about it.”

Chu Fengmian heard this, nodded, he did not think of it before.

After all, ordinary traveling merchants, who don’t bring a few guards, such as Chu Fengmian alone, are actually a different kind.

But this problem is nothing.

With the strength of Chu Fengmian, this Immortal Monarch, the guardian of the Immortal Saint, has no meaning, even more how it is more convenient for him to act alone.

“Brother Chu, if you don’t mind, you can come to my room in a dangerous area, and the guards under my command can protect you.”

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