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Standing in front of the Vulcan Forest, Chu Fengmian felt extremely comfortable.

Chu Fengmian originally inherited the Bloodline of the Fire Sorcerer God, and has an incomparably close feeling to the power of the Fire Sorcerer God.

The huge forest of Vulcan in front of Chu Fengmian was actually formed by the power of the Witch of Fire. Chu Fengmian just got close, and he felt extremely comfortable.

Every giant tree in this Vulcan forest contains the fire of the incomparable witch god.

“Among the giant trees condensed by the fire of the witch god, many have the witch god Martial Dao left behind by some powerful witch clan, and even the witch god Martial Dao left by the fire witch god himself, which can be comprehend.”

The Yan Witch King standing behind Chu Fengmian opened the mouth and said.

He has also entered the Vulcan Forest and has gained a lot of benefits from it. He also knows about the Vulcan Forest.


Hearing the words of the Yan Witch King, Chu Fengmian body moved and stepped out one step to enter the Vulcan Forest.

The fire of the Witch God burning in the Vulcan Forest may have an impact on other Witch God children, but Chu Fengmian himself is the Bloodline who owns the Witch God of Fire, plus he is almost in the power of Witch King Peak.

The Sorcerer’s fire at the edge of the Vulcan Forest had little effect on Chu Fengmian. He stepped into it without being affected, and walked directly to a giant tree.

Take a closer look, this giant tree is almost a blazing fire of the wizard god.

Chu Fengmian’s eyes flickered, and his big hand grabbed, suddenly a ray of flame on this giant tree flew out and fell into the palm of Chu Fengmian’s hand, gradually condense an ancient rune.

This is Martial Dao, the wizard god who stays in it.

The Vulcan Forest was originally the witch god of fire, where he taught the discipline and preached to solve puzzles.

Later, many powerful witches under the command of the fire witch god, and even some geniuses of the witch people, all entered the closed-door cultivation in the fire god forest, from which the witch god Martial Dao was comprehend.

They kept the witch god Martial Dao, acting as the witch god fire, and turned it into this one after another heavenly tree.

In the end, more and more giant trees were transformed by the witch god’s fire, which turned into the ultimate fire god forest.

Every giant tree in the Vulcan Forest is essentially transformed by the witch god Martial Dao.

As long as it is to dissolve the outer flame, it can comprehend the essence of it.

In an instant, the witch god Martial Dao recorded in this group of witch god fire was easily discovered by Chu Fengmian, but this was only the witch god fire left by a fairy sage.

The understanding of this witch god Martial Dao is much weaker than Chu Fengmian’s own. For Chu Fengmian, it is meaningless.

The fire of the Witch God is left in the Vulcan Forest, not only the Witch God of Fire, but there are many Witch Clan closed-door cultivation in it, but they are marginal. In fact, the Witch Clan that has left the Witch God’s Fire is more powerful. weak.

Like the one that Chu Fengmian just got, the one who left him is just a witch clan of the immortal saint realm.

The sorcerer Martial Dao he comprehend, for Chu Fengmian, naturally has no meaning.

“You have to go deeper to gain something.”

Chu Fengmian’s mind moved, and after a closer inspection, he walked towards the depths of the Vulcan Forest.

Chu Fengmian inspected it and found that the Vulcan Forest is not too dangerous. The reason why it can be called a dangerous place is the fire of the wizard god left in it.

Many of these witch gods’ fires contained these powerful forces, and if they approached rashly, they might be directly bombarded and burned into slag.

However, this is not too dangerous for the witch god child with Bloodline, the witch god of fire. The witch god child with Bloodline, the witch god of fire, has a resistance to the fire of the witch god.

So like the Flame Witch King and the Fire Mang King, they have actually entered the Vulcan Forest, and they have benefited a lot.

It’s just that the closer to the depths of the Vulcan Forest.

The power of the surrounding wizard god’s fire will become more and more terrifying.

It’s even inaccessible.

Even Bloodline with Fire Witch God, Flame Witch King, Fire Mang King, gradually couldn’t support it, and could only stop.

The fire of the Witch God here was actually left by the strong among the Witch Kings, and the heat wave that radiated made the Flame Witch King and the Firemang King a little unbearable, and they did not dare to go deeper.

Going deeper is dangerous to their lives.

Chu Fengmian realized this and he let King Yan Witch and King Huo Mang leave.

Although Martial Dao, the witch god here, was left by many powerful witch kings, for Chu Fengmian, it had no meaning.

The witch god Martial Dao useful to him is at least the witch god Martial Dao comprehensed by the witch emperor comprehend, or even the witch god Martial Dao left behind by the fire witch god himself.

He must go deeper into the Vulcan Forest, into the core of the legendary Vulcan Forest.

After letting King Yan Witch and King Huo Mang leave, Chu Fengmian was alone and walked towards the depths of the Vulcan Forest.

The depths of the Vulcan Forest.

One after another, the giant tree condense by the fire of the witch gods is also taller, and even many of them have ten thousand zhang, hundreds of thousands zhang high, which shining away from the sky, Chu Fengmian walks in it, and feels his depth And jungle.

At the same time, the scorching fire waves emanating from these giant trees also made Chu Fengmian feel a kind of danger.

This kind of fire wave can even erode the body of the witch god and damage the body of the witch god. Therefore, Chu Fengmian also urged the witch God’s Force and guarded his body so that Chu Fengmian could continue to move forward. .

“I don’t know what is in the depths of the Vulcan Forest.”

Chu Fengmian went all the way, and he couldn’t help but feel a little curious.

The deepest part of the Vulcan Forest has never been reached, and there has never been a witch god child who can lift the mysterious veil of the Vulcan Forest and enter the most central place.

Among the witch Divine Palace, the witch god child with such strength is the only witch Divine Palace 3 king.

But although Divine Palace 3 kings are strong enough, they are not the sons of the Witch clan of Bloodline, the god of fire. They are slightly less resistant to the fire waves in the Vulcan forest. In fact, the Vulcan Forest is only for the god of fire Bloodline. The witch god child has a chance.

The witch god children can only cultivation the witch god Martial Dao of their own Bloodline, and other bloodline witch god children cannot cultivation the witch god Martial Dao of the fire witch god.

For King Divine Palace 3, the Vulcan Forest is a meaningless place.

It is extremely dangerous, but there is no chance.

Even if you step into it, you won’t get any benefits, but it may be dangerous. Therefore, King Divine Palace 3 is naturally unwilling to go.

Except for King Divine Palace 3, the other god sons of the wizard clan, even if they want to enter the deepest part of the Vulcan Forest, do not have such strength.

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