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This attraction has been guiding Chu Fengmian to let Chu Fengmian enter the temple.

If this is the inheritance of the wizard god.

Once Chu Fengmian entered the temple, he and that powerhouse would eventually meet.

“By the way, besides the fruit you got from the vine, did you get anything else?”

Chu Fengmian was also very curious about what King Feng Hao said, the fruit formed on the vine.

To know that the pure witch God’s Force on King Fenghao’s body can be said to be larger and purer than the witch God’s Force contained in the brand of a witch Divine Palace.

And all this was just because King Feng Hao got a fruit from the vine.

“No, except that one fruit, I didn’t get anything else.”

The answer of King Feng Hao made Chu Fengmian a little disappointed, but the next sentence of King Feng Hao made Chu Fengmian’s eyes sparkle with joy.

“But I not at all swallowed that fruit completely, and left part of it.”

“Hurry up.”

Chu Fengmian urged.


I saw the flesh of a dragon eye size slowly flying out from the palm of King Fenghao’s hand. This should be a small part of a fruit.

This is the fruit that King Feng Hao got from the temple.

Because of the pure witch God’s Force contained therein, it was also named witch divine fruit by the king of Fenghao.

This witch divine fruit, although it has brought great benefits to King Fenghao.

However, King Feng Hao also kept an eye on it, and he also had some doubts about what this witch divine fruit was, so he also left part of this witch divine fruit for research.

“Good pure witch God’s Force.”

When Chu Fengmian looked at the divine fruit that King Feng Hao took out, he immediately felt an incomparably essence of God’s Force.

In this witch divine fruit, what is contained in the body of King Fenghao is the pure witch God’s Force.

This witch God’s Force cannot tell which witch god it belongs to, but it is indeed a pure witch God’s Force.

“A witch divine fruit actually contains such a pure witch God’s Force. This is just a part of it. It is no less than 20-30% of the witch God’s Force on a witch divine child. Look at it this way, if one is complete The witch divine fruit, the witch God’s Force contained in it, and even the witch God’s Force equivalent to a witch god’s son?”

The more Chu Fengmian felt the God’s Force in it, the more surprised he was.

Just such a witch divine fruit is equivalent to the witch God’s Force contained in a witch god child.

And this divine fruit is only one that grew on the vines in the temple as King Feng Hao said.

“It’s a pity, it’s only a part of the divine fruit. If it is a complete divine fruit, I can figure it out and see what the origin of this divine fruit is.”

The essence of God’s Force contained in the witch divine fruit must have a great origin, but the witch divine fruit left by the king of Fenghao now has only a part of it, a broken structure.

Even for Chu Fengmian, it is difficult to judge for a while now, the origin of this divine fruit, and why the divine fruit contains such a huge God’s Force.

“My lord wants a complete divine fruit?”

Upon hearing Chu Fengmian’s self-talk, Feng Hao Wang opened the mouth and said.

“I know that one person also has a divine fruit in his hand.”


Chu Fengmian asked.

“The King of Commercial Land.”

Fenghao Wang replied.

“I was not the only one who entered the temple, and a witch god son, Quan Saint King, also entered the temple, and he also got a witch divine fruit from it.”

“Later Quan Saint King took refuge in the King of Commercial Land. The divine fruit belonging to him should have also fallen into the hands of King of Commercial Land.”

“That witch divine fruit, isn’t it being devoured by the king of business and refining?”

Chu Fengmian wondered.

Witch divine fruit contains such a pure Witch God’s Force. For the Witch god son, it is a godsend.

Even if it is the king of business and land, if he gets the divine fruit, he should eat it directly.

“No, as the king of business land, he is impossible to devour divine fruit of the witch, the king of business land is one of the witch Divine Palace 3 kings, his strength is in the witch Divine Palace, he is invincible, he is impossible to venture there Devour the divine fruit.”

King Fenghao heard Chu Fengmian’s words and replied.

“Moreover, the king of commercial land has always wanted to enter the temple, but he is not willing to take risks. This witch divine fruit is very closely related to the temple, and the king of commercial land is even more impossible to devour the witch divine fruit.”

After listening to the words of King Fenghao, Chu Fengmian nodded.

He is right.

King Fenghao gets the divine fruit, he will not hesitate to take risks and swallow it directly.

But the king of business is different.

The king of Shangtu is one of the three kings of Divine Palace 3, transcendent position, can be called the overlord of Divine Palace, his position is unshakable.

Even if the witch divine fruit contains pure witch God’s Force, but the witch divine fruit is of unknown origin. The king of business and land is impossible to take risks for such a little bit of witch God’s Force.

Chu Fengmian really wanted to find a complete divine fruit. Feng Hao now pointed out a way for Chu Fengmian.

It’s just the king of business and land, it’s not easy to deal with.

One of the kings of Divine Palace 3, the strength is deep and unmeasurable.

It is not easy to get that witch divine fruit from the hands of the king of business.

“Forget it, let’s go to Vulcan Forest.”

In a short time, Chu Fengmian was also impossible to get the second divine fruit, which also made Chu Fengmian put his mind down temporarily.

The temple, Chu Fengmian has no plans to enter yet.

The divine fruit in the hands of the King of Commercial Land will not disappear in a short time, and Chu Fengmian does not need to worry.

He came this time, but he came for the Vulcan Forest.

Surrendering to King Fenghao and the others is actually only one thing that Chu Fengmian did along the way.

I didn’t expect that Chu Fengmian actually got some news about the temple from King Feng Hao, which was a surprise.

Now that he has reached the edge of the Vulcan Forest, Chu Fengmian has no reason not to enter.

“The Flame Witch King, the Fire Mang King, follow me and enter the Vulcan Forest.”

Chu Fengmian opened the mouth and said.


The Yan Witch King and the Fire Mang King standing behind Chu Fengmian agreed in unison.

3 silhouette, disappeared in the palace all at once.

In front of a boundless sea of ​​fire.

3 silhouette, emerges.

This sea of ​​fire in front of Chu Fengmian is the Vulcan Forest.

It is a forest because many of the flames in this sea of ​​fire have condensed into a giant tree in the sky, which looks like a forest.

“What a pure witch god fire!”

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