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Therefore, the depths of the Vulcan Forest has always been an extremely mysterious place, and Chu Fengmian also wants to explore what is in it.

As we walked more and more into the depths of the Vulcan Forest, the surrounding one after another giant tree transformed by the Sorcerer’s fire became more and more lifelike, and it looked like one after another the real giant tree. Any difference.

Only when approaching, the scorching fire waves can let people know that this one after another giant tree in the sky is all condense by the fire of the wizard god.

Chu Fengmian approached one of the big trees in the sky and waved his big hand. From the fire of the witch god, a handful of them was suddenly caught and fell into the palm of Chu Fengmian’s hand, condensed into an inscription.

This is Martial Dao, the witch god of fire, destroying the world.

This move Chu Fengmian used to be comprehend.

However, Martial Dao, the witch god who was passed down from generation to generation, has experienced many modifications by the strong, resulting in a far cry from the real witch god Martial Dao.

Only Martial Dao, the witch god left by the top ten witch gods, is the real witch god Martial Dao.

These witch gods Martial Dao in later generations no longer have the power of the real witch god Martial Dao. Whether it is mysterious or in power, they are far inferior to the oldest witch god Martial Dao.

However, it is also Martial Dao, the witch god who has been passed down to later generations. The more powerful the witch god Martial Dao left behind, the stronger the power and the more mysterious the moves it contains.

The same witch god Martial Dao, if left by the witch emperor comprehend, and the witch king comprehend, it is also as different as heaven and earth.

Chu Fengmian’s current witch god Martial Dao, part of which is the witch god Martial Dao collected by Chu Fengmian everywhere, but these witch god Martial Dao are all passed down in later generations, and there is still a certain distance from the purest witch god Martial Dao.

The other part is the witch god Martial Dao that Chu Fengmian comprehend from the witch coin. This part of the witch god Martial Dao is actually made by Chu Fengmian himself comprehend.

Even if Chu Fengmian’s perception is high, his strength is only the realm of the Witch King.

Chu Fengmian’s own comprehend of Martial Dao, the witch god, actually has the power of the real witch god Martial Dao 20%, 30%, and there is still a lot of room for improvement.

This time Chu Fengmian came to the Vulcan Forest to find Martial Dao, the witch god left by some powerful witch emperors.

The strong witch emperor, as the Immortal Emperor, their understanding of the law and power far exceeds that of Chu Fengmian. The witch god Martial Dao they comprehend will also be closer to the witch god Martial Dao left by the top ten witch gods.

You can get some Martial Dao left behind by the witch emperor, and integrate it into Chu Fengmian’s Sword Dao ancient book, which is enough for Chu Fengmian to improve the comprehend of the witch god Martial Dao.

“This is the comprehend of a powerhouse of the Witch King Peak. It seems that this person has already started to follow the way of the Witch Emperor, but I don’t know if he succeeded.”

Chu Fengmian comprehend the inscription in the palm of his hand, this is Martial Dao, a witch god left by a strong witch king Peak.

The powerhouse of the Witch King Peak did not leave his name, but only left part of his power into the Witch God Fire, and inherited his comprehend Witch God Martial Dao in this Vulcan Forest.

Although this witch king Peak powerhouse did not truly become the witch emperor, his understanding of the witch god Martial Dao was even better than Chu Fengmian.

So I’m afraid that the witch king Peak powerhouse is definitely on the way of the witch emperor.

Only among the powerful Witch Kings, there are very few who can truly become the Witch Emperor.

Even those powerful witch kings who have been purely perfected, started the comprehend rule, and embarked on the way of the witch emperor, are less than one in ten who can truly achieve the witch emperor.

The Wu Clan is already one of the most powerful races in the world.

However, the number of witch emperors within the witch clan is also one of the few. The realm of the witch emperor, Immortal Emperor, represents a Peak, and not everyone is qualified to step on this Peak.

But even though it was not Martial Dao, the witch god left behind by the real witch emperor, the comprehend left by the witch king Peak powerhouse surpassed Chu Fengmian’s own comprehend. He quickly integrated his understanding, Full Mastery, into In the Sword Dao ancient book.

Suddenly, in the Sword Dao ancient book, that page condensed the page of the witch god Martial Dao’s destruction of the world, and it flashed continuously, and the breath of power on it was growing.

The strength of Chu Fengmian’s body has also inadvertently increased a little.

Although it was only a slight increase in strength, the integration of Martial Dao, the witch god, was indeed helpful to Chu Fengmian’s strength.

This is only when Chu Fengmian has integrated into a witch god Martial Dao, so that Chu Fengmian’s strength has not increased significantly.

But once it is integrated into ten Dao, or even 100 Dao, 1000 Dao Martial Dao, Chu Fengmian’s strength, will be advanced by leaps and bounds.

But now, in this fire god forest, the most indispensable is Martial Dao, the wizard god.

The witch god Martial Dao is just a means of attack for other witch gods, so even if there are a large number of witch god Martial Dao in the Vulcan forest, most of the witch gods who enter the Vulcan forest, but Not going to comprehend too right.

Bite off more than one can chew.

For those witch gods, it is enough to comprehend 4 or 5 witch gods Martial Dao and comprehend these witch gods Martial Dao to perfect level.

But Chu Fengmian is different.

He comprehend Martial Dao, the sorcerer god, not only to fight, but also to comprehend the Martial Dao mysterious, which was integrated into the Sword Dao ancient book.

The Sword Dao ancient book is closely related to the strength of Chu Fengmian. The more Martial Dao incorporates the sword technique in the Sword Dao ancient book.

Chu Fengmian’s strength will also grow.

So this Vulcan Forest, for Chu Fengmian, is like a huge treasure, with Martial Dao, the wizard god everywhere.

After arriving in the depths of the Vulcan Forest.

Now Chu Fengmian’s witch god’s fire, one of them at random, was left behind by the powerful witch king Peak.

Their many insights about the wizard god Martial Dao and Chu Fengmian comprehend the wizard god Martial Dao are of great help.

ten, twenty, 30.

Chu Fengmian In this Vulcan forest, there is almost an endless witch god Martial Dao.

One after another Martial Dao’s comprehension was integrated into the heart by Chu Fengmian and incorporated into the Sword Dao ancient book.

Even in this Vulcan forest, Chu Fengmian discovered many Martial Dao that he hadn’t seen before. These brand-new Martial Dao were of greater help to Chu Fengmian’s strength improvement.

As the Martial Dao of Chu Fengmian comprehend became more and more, his power was also rising.

Chu Fengmian is endlessly collecting the fire of the witch gods around him, comprehend Martial Dao, the witch god among them, he has the body of the witch god, eternal Divine Body, and unlimited energy. Comprehend doesn’t need any rest at all.

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