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The witch Divine Palace brand on the witch god child, the longer the time in the witch Divine Palace, the stronger the power contained.

Because of this, this is the one thing that makes all the witch god children trapped in the witch Divine Palace extremely desperate. Even if they have worked so hard to cultivate, there will never be a day to escape the witch Divine Palace.

The gods of the witch clan in the inner palace are generally older. They have entered the witch Divine Palace for hundreds of thousands of years.

Chu Fengmian noticed at a glance, the power of the 5 wizard gods in front of them, the power of the witch Divine Palace branding on them, must far surpasses the power contained in the witch Divine Palace branding of those wizards in the outer palace.

This is a good thing for Chu Fengmian.

The greater God’s Force contained in their Divine Palace brand.

Chu Fengmian swallows it, and the more benefits he will get, which can improve his strength.

Chu Fengmian’s current strength has reached an unprecedented level of strength. Even Chu Fengmian himself does not know that he will reach that level with his full force now.

“The Flame Witch King! The Fire Mang King!”

On the other side, the five silhouettes flying out of the palace, almost immediately, their eyes were fixed on Chu Fengmian and the others, and they immediately recognized the identity of the Yan Witch King and the Fire Mang King beside Chu Fengmian. .

The Flame Witch King and the Fire Mang King were all the gods of the Witch Clan who were once famous in the inner palace, but only for various reasons later did they hide in the outer palace.

For the witch god sons of the inner palace, their appearance is no stranger.

“It was so fast, so I came here.”

After seeing King Yan Witch and King Fire Mang, King Feng Hao’s gaze was already on Chu Fengmian. Chu Fengmian’s identity no longer needs to be considered.

King Yan Witch and King Fire Mang were all subdued by a newcomer who had just entered the Divine Palace of Witch. They just understood the news, and Chu Fengmian in front of him should be that newcomer.

What King Fenghao didn’t expect was that he had just received the news that Chu Fengmian was about to enter the inner palace, but now he appeared in front of them.

And the power of Chu Fengmian…

The great array outside this palace, although not a particularly powerful great array, is basically impossible for most of the wizard gods to break without costing some money.

But Chu Fengmian, almost a Prestige of Strike, shattered this Array. This kind of power far exceeded King Feng Hao’s expectations.

Not only King Fenghao, but the four witch god sons behind him looked towards Chu Fengmian as if they were facing an enemy, and they also felt Chu Fengmian’s almost infinite power. Standing in front of Chu Fengmian, they all There is an oppression.

This feeling can only be felt when they face several giants in the inner palace.

“This person is just a newcomer, how can he have such terrifying power?”

The more looked towards Chu Fengmian, the more puzzled and shocked the hearts of these wizard gods.

The witch gods in Divine Palace are almost all geniuses of the witch clan. Only the most dazzling genius among the witch clan can be selected and become the gods of the witch clan.

Among all the witch gods, although there is an aptitude gap, it is not too big. For example, the power of the witch Divine Palace 3 king is extremely powerful, but they have also experienced years of accumulation. They are the oldest witch family in the witch Divine Palace. Son of god.

After hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation, they have the power to dominate.

Ordinary newcomers, in the Divine Palace, may be able to dominate for a while with the complete Strength of Fleshly Body, but they are also impossible to be opponents of those true powerhouses.

But the imposing manner they felt on Chu Fengmian before them even gave them a feeling of facing the Divine Palace 3 king.

A newcomer with a strength comparable to that of the Divine Palace 3 king?

They all couldn’t believe it.

They didn’t know that Chu Fengmian’s strength was not so strong in the first place, but after Chu Fengmian swallowed dozens of Divine Palace marks, his strength had already risen to an extremely terrifying level.

This huge benefit also makes Chu Fengmian even more hopeful to swallow more Divine Palace branding.

“It seems that you have recognized my identity. In that case, I won’t talk nonsense with you, acknowledge allegiance, or die.”

Chu Fengmian didn’t want to control Fenghao Wang and the others, and directly opened the mouth and said.

He also understood that in the face of these witch god children, kindness had no meaning, and only strength could surrender them.

Chu Fengmian is not willing to waste his tongue anymore.

His eyes have been fixed on King Feng Hao.

King Feng Hao is the leader of these witch god children, and only King Feng Hao can make a decision.

“acknowledge allegiance ?”

Hearing Chu Fengmian’s words, King Feng Hao’s eyes revealed a bit of sullen expression.

“The king of Divine Palace 3, I am not qualified to let me acknowledge allegiance, kid, why are you?”

“Why? Just rely on me to be stronger than them.”

When Chu Fengmian heard this, he calmly opened the mouth and said.

“Choose it.”

Chu Fengmian stood there, looking towards King Feng Hao and the others, an invisible pressure enveloped him. As Chu Fengmian surrendered more and more witch gods, he also had a certain power.

“What a big tone, boy, I want to see what you have in the end!”

The face of King Feng Hao changed again and again, finally revealing an angrily roared face.

He Feng Hao Wang, in the inner palace of the Divine Palace, is also a figure, and he is unwilling to acknowledge allegiance under the command of the Divine Palace 3, and stand on his own power. This represents that he still has a heart for hegemony.

Now Chu Fengmian broke his Array first, and now he wants him to acknowledge allegiance. If he endures it, he is not worthy of being the son of the wizard clan.

“Wind Dang 8 Desolate!”

King Feng Hao shouted furiously, he waved his big hand, and suddenly an endless gust of wind condensed from the palm of King Feng Hao’s hand, and this gust of wind appeared, hiding the sky and covering the earth, covering Heaven and Earth.

The violent power contained in the violent wind will tear everything apart and swept in the direction of Chu Fengmian and the others in an instant.

“The power of King Fenghao is stronger!”

When the Flame Witch King saw this gust of wind swept, it was an immediate subconsciously cohesive force that protected himself.

He has also fought against King Feng Hao. At that time, King Feng Hao’s strength was far less powerful than it is now. During this period of time, King Feng Hao didn’t know what opportunity he got, making his strength seem to be more advanced. A step away.

The wind swept through, wherever it passed, barren.

Hong long!

In one breath, Chu Fengmian and the others were caught in the wind. The power of this one after another wind is comparable to the sharpest sword glow, tearing everything apart.

Chu Fengmian, who was in the gusty wind, had a calm expression. At this time, he suddenly made a move, just a punch, and suddenly strikes out.

“Break for me!”

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