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While Chu Fengmian was still thinking, the Yan Witch King opened the mouth and said again.

“No, in addition to the Divine Palace 3 king of the witch, there are also some powerful people in the witch Divine Palace. Although their strength is inferior to the king of the witch Divine Palace 3, they also have the ambition to compete for resources. The son of God, named Fenghao King, was unwilling to subordinate to the Divine Palace 3 king of the witch, and established a power to contend with the king of the witch Divine Palace 3.”

“King Fenghao, once wooed me, but I didn’t want to acknowledge allegiance to his subordinates, so I didn’t agree to him. If adults want to do it, they can start with these strong ones first.”

“There are not many witch gods under their command, and they are also not as strong as the witch Divine Palace 3 king.”

“This is a good choice.”

After hearing the words of King Yan Witch, Chu Fengmian nodded.

As soon as he entered the inner palace, he acted on the witch Divine Palace 3 King, which was indeed too aggressive.

This Feng Hao King, relatively weaker, is exactly Chu Fengmian’s goal.

“My lord, the palace where King Fenghao lives is near the Vulcan Forest.”

Upon seeing this, King Yan Witch hurriedly opened the mouth and said.

“Very well, King Yan Witch, if I get benefits in the Vulcan Forest, I won’t be without you.”

Chu Fengmian looked towards the Yan Witch King with satisfaction. Among the gods of the Witch Clan he surrendered, the Flame Witch King was the most obedient and hardworking.

For such subordinates, Chu Fengmian will not be stingy.

“many thanks adults.”

The Yan Witch King said gratefully, taking Chu Fengmian and flying towards the Vulcan Forest.

Vulcan Forest.

It’s just a boundless forest, one after another giant tree in the sky, full of 100 ten thousand zhang high, soaring into the sky, it is red, and when you look at it, it looks like a sea of ​​fire.

Looking carefully, the giant trees in the Vulcan Forest are all condensed by burning flames. The entire Vulcan Forest is essentially a sea of ​​fire, but under the envelope of a force, it turned into such a forest. appearance.

Next to the Vulcan Forest, there is a huge palace. This is the discipline once under the command of the Fire Witch God, and the place where it lived is now occupied by another group of Witch God children.

“In the Outer Palace, a kid suddenly appeared, who unexpectedly unified the Outer Palace and subdued dozens of Witch Gods?”

In this palace, several witch gods sat on the ground, one of them, holding a jade talisman in his hand, saw the news in jade talisman, his face also showed a somewhat surprised expression.

“It seems to be somewhat capable.”

“Oh? What can you do? The trash in the outer palace is a group of losers. Even the inner palace dare not step into it. If we go to a few people, we can surrender them all. This little thing, unexpectedly It has spread so widely, it seems that Divine Palace has indeed not had a major event for a long time.”

The witch god child next to him is to disdain as beneath contempt.

For many witch god sons of the inner palace, the witch god sons of the Divine Palace outer palace are a group of losers. Many of them couldn’t survive in the inner palace before they ran to escape in the outer palace. .

A group of losers are naturally not cared by them.

“I can’t say that. Although most of the outer palace is a group of waste, there are still some strong ones. One of the wizard gods I once wooed, the Flame Witch King, seemed to be subdued by this person.”

This witch god child opened the mouth and said.

“The Flame Witch King, he is self-reliant. I have wooed him before, but he refused. This person’s strength is not weak. Didn’t expect him to hide in the outer palace. It was actually the Little Brat named Chu Fengmian. Surrendered.”

“It is said that Little Brat is going to come to the inner palace. It seems that he has a lot of plot.”

“Hmph, if Little Brat dares to come to the inner palace, I will go and teach him a lesson.”

But the other witch god children still didn’t care.


At this time of discussion.

Suddenly a rumbling sound resounded from outside the palace.

The entire palace shook suddenly, The earth shook and the mountain quivered.

“what happened?”

“Array? The Array arranged outside the palace was broken?”

“Who, who dares to provoke us?”


The witch god son in the palace, each and everyone was so angry that they flew out of the palace suddenly.

And outside the palace.

The Yanwu King, the Firemang King and the others all looked at Chu Fengmian with weird faces.

King Yan Witch had just brought Chu Fengmian over and planned to go in and call King Feng Hao out, but Chu Fengmian said he wanted to say hello.

This way of greeting is indeed a bit special.

Chu Fengmian shot the great array outside the palace directly.

“Let’s come and provoke.”

The Flame Witch King and the others couldn’t help but think of it.

When he was in the Outer Palace, Chu Fengmian could be regarded as a courteous first and then a soldier.

However, after coming to the inner palace, Chu Fengmian learned his lesson.

Most of the gods of the Witch clan are unruly and rebellious. Instead of wasting their tongues, it is better to do it directly and defeat them, which can also save a lot of time.

So this time, Chu Fengmian didn’t even have the idea of ​​negotiating with them, so he started directly.

Looking at the great array of broken palaces, King Yan Witch and King Fire Mang were shocked.

The great array outside the palace, the power that radiates, for them, they dare not touch easily. If they want to break the formation, they will at least be injured.

But now just under Chu Fengmian’s hand, the Array was completely broken.

“My lord’s strength is stronger than before!”

The Firemang King, the Flame Witch King and the others all glanced at each other and couldn’t help but think.

Chu Fengmian’s strength is increasing almost every moment. He has swallowed dozens of witch Divine Palace and is branded. Among them, the witch God’s Force has been swallowed by Chu Fengmian, but many witch God’s Force have not yet Is completely refining.

On the way, Chu Fengmian was not idle. He was always refining the wizard God’s Force in this body. When he came near the Vulcan Forest, the wizard God’s Force on Chu Fengmian’s body had also been completely refining. His Strength, but also has a certain improvement.


Chu Fengmian’s gaze, looking towards the direction of the palace, saw a total of 5 silhouettes. From them, they all flew out, all of them are the gods of the witch clan. Each of them contains extremely huge power. At the same time, the flesh and blood on their bodies, It was also much more complete than the witch god child in the outer palace.

Among the two weakest, the strength is also slightly weaker than that of the Yan Witch King. As for the strongest, this person’s strength is far better than the Yan Witch King. It can be regarded as when Chu Fengmian had just entered the Divine Palace of the Witch. In comparison, they are almost the same.

“The witch god child in the inner palace is indeed much stronger than in the outer palace, and it is also older.”

At the same time, Chu Fengmian also noticed that the power contained in the Divine Palace brand on these witch god sons is much stronger than the witch Divine Palace brand on the witch god sons in the outer palace.

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