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Chu Fengmian’s voice was resounded from the center of this gust of thunder.

At the same time, a powerful and huge force suddenly broke out in the center of this violent wind.

Chu Fengmian’s witch God’s Force running on his body is condensed on the fist wind. In this brief moment, a punch strikes suddenly. This witch God’s Force burst out and destroy everything, Sweeping Across the World.

At the moment of breaking into the wind, the wind was ruthlessly crushed.

This was just a random blow by Chu Fengmian mobilizing God’s Force. He didn’t even use Martial Dao.

The strength of King Feng Hao is not weak compared to Chu Fengmian, who just entered the Divine Palace of Wu. If Chu Fengmian faced this King Feng Hao at that time, it would be difficult to defeat him even with all his strength.

But the current Chu Fengmian’s strength is much stronger than when he first entered Divine Palace in Wugong.

At this time, King Feng Hao was in front of Chu Fengmian, nothing at all.

With a casual punch, he shattered all the power of King Fenghao.

Gale Break!

King Feng Hao’s expression suddenly changed, and he wanted to turn around and escape.

Chu Fengmian’s strength has far exceeded his imagination.

This kind of power is no longer something he can contend!

But King Feng Hao hadn’t had time to escape, and a powerful and huge force was already struck down, and it was firmly shrouded in King Feng Hao’s body.

A bang.

The strength of King Feng Hao was completely suppressed, and he could no longer mobilize a little bit of strength, his knees softened and he fell directly to the ground.

The strong wind dissipated.

The world became calm again.

No one dared to speak, but silently looked at King Feng Hao who was kneeling on the ground, not even daring to breathe a little bit of air.

King Feng Hao, this is a well-known strong man in the inner palace, but now he is actually in the hands of Chu Fengmian. With just one move, he was defeated, and even so badly, it was a direct chance to escape. If they didn’t, they were suppressed by Chu Fengmian.

“King Fenghao, has been suppressed!”

“How is it possible? A move to King Fenghao, which is considered to be the King of Divine Palace 3, which may not be capable of doing it!”

“What is his strength? Is it a witch emperor?”

“It’s not the Emperor Wu, I can’t feel any World Strength on him!”

“Not a witch emperor, how can he have such terrifying power?”

The four witch gods under the command of King Feng Hao were all talking about Chu Fengmian’s strength, and they couldn’t help showing a little bit of fear in their gazes looking towards Chu Fengmian.

At the same time, even Chu Fengmian’s Yan Witch King, Huo Mang King and the others, saw King Feng Hao being suppressed in this way, kneeling on the ground, and felt a little accepting.

They thought that King Feng Hao would lose, but never thought that King Feng Hao would be defeated so badly.

This kind of strength is almost comparable to the Divine Palace 3 king.

No, even King Divine Palace 3 may not be able to defeat King Fenghao with one move.

Now in the hearts of the Yan Witch King and the others, Chu Fengmian has become an invincible existence.

“All Heavens Life and Death Seal!”

After defeating King Feng Hao, Chu Fengmian didn’t sit idle either. With a move of his mind, a black mark condensed and penetrated into King Feng Hao’s body.

King Fenghao struggled hard, but it was meaningless.

King Feng Hao’s strength increased by one point, and Chu Fengmian’s power to suppress King Feng Hao was ten points stronger.

Even if King Feng Hao has Bloodline, the witch god, he can burst out incomparably powerful power in a desperate situation.

But in the face of absolute power, this is nothing at all.

I can only let the seal of All Heavens Life and Death penetrate into the body of King Feng Hao.

Today, the All Heavens Life and Death seal that Chu Fengmian condenses is not only the strength of the four innate Divine Beasts, but also the God’s Force that Chu Fengmian has added to a part of it. In essence, it has become a brand of Divine Palace compared to the Divine Palace. There is a more severe restriction.

As long as they were penetrated into these witch clan god children, they would have no chance of escape.

The witch Divine Palace brand is an unbreakable nightmare for these witch god sons. Even more how Chu Fengmian’s All Heavens Life and Death stamp is stronger than the witch Divine Palace brand.

“You guys, do you choose to acknowledge allegiance or die.”

After surrendering to King Fenghao, Chu Fengmian’s eyes fell on the remaining four witch gods.

He wants to swallow the Divine Palace brand on the Divine Race of the witch race to improve his strength, naturally he will not let any witch race god child go.

Chu Fengmian defeated King Feng Hao all at once. Those witch god sons under King Feng Hao were still a little dazed for a while. Many of them confirmed countless times, and some couldn’t believe their eyes.

But no matter how many times they confirmed, King Feng Hao knelt on the ground.

It was the moment when Chu Fengmian’s voice sounded that they suddenly woke up. Seeing Chu Fengmian’s gaze, their bodies couldn’t help shaking.

“Acknowledge allegiance, we are willing to acknowledge allegiance.”

The 4 witch god sons opened the mouth and said together, without any hesitation.

Even their leader, King Feng Hao, was so easily defeated by Chu Fengmian. They were contending with Chu Fengmian. Isn’t that courting death?

Chu Fengmian didn’t talk nonsense, splitting a part of his power into four All Heavens Life and Death seals, which respectively penetrated into the bodies of these four wizard gods.

I have always felt the All Heavens Life and Death seal, and have completely controlled the four wizard gods, and Chu Fengmian released their suppression.


Chu Fengmian looked towards King Feng Hao said.

King Feng Hao walked over obediently and stood in front of Chu Fengmian.

Now that he has been marked by the All Heavens Life and Death, King Feng Hao has no ability to resist Chu Fengmian, he can only be obedient.

To surrender these witch god sons, what Chu Fengmian fancy now is not their power, but for their witch Divine Palace brand.


Chu Fengmian used an innate Divine Beast power, the black whale, the ancestor Heavenly Dragon, the idol, and the three innate Divine Beast powers, which instantly penetrated into the body of King Feng Hao.

Suddenly in the body of King Fenghao, it collided with the power branded by Divine Palace.

“En? This is? Wu God’s Force, how can this person possess such a powerful God’s Force?”

At the moment when the power of the 3 Great Innate Divine Beast collided with the power of King Feng Hao’s witch Divine Palace brand, suddenly a witch God’s Force erupted from the body of King Feng Hao, and suddenly turned towards the 3 Great Divine Divine. The power of Beast strikes away.

This sudden change made Chu Fengmian a little completely unprepared, hurriedly running the power of the innate Divine Beast Bloodline, resisting the impact of God’s Force this time.

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