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The All Heavens Life and Death seal penetrated into this person’s body. The witch god child named King Gold Jade, who could no longer struggle, finally kneeled respectfully in front of Chu Fengmian.

“My lord, King Gold Jade is a god son of the witch clan that the King of Jin Jue highly valued. You have subdued him now, I’m afraid that the King of Jin Jue will not let it go.”

Seeing that Chu Fengmian directly surrendered King Gold Jade, a witch god child standing next to Chu Fengmian was also shocked and couldn’t help but opened the mouth and said.

This witch god son, named Yan Witch King, is the strongest among the witch god sons that Chu Fengmian subdued.

His strength is almost comparable to that of the many witch gods in the inner palace, but later because of a conflict between him and the king of business land, one of the witch Divine Palace 3 kings, he could only hide in the outer palace. Come in.

When Chu Fengmian recruited the Flame Witch King, the Flame Witch King was very acquainted and proactively chose to acknowledge allegiance to Chu Fengmian, so Chu Fengmian didn’t have trouble for him.

The Yan Witch King is so acquainted, and coupled with his strength, Chu Fengmian asked him to manage the witch gods who were subdued by Chu Fengmian. Now he is the left and right hands of Chu Fengmian.

After seeing that Chu Fengmian subjugated King Gold Jade, King Yan Witch was all owned.

Among the Divine Palace, the power is tangled and complicated, but the largest three power is the strength of the King Divine Palace 3. The King Gold Jade belongs to the King of Jin Jue, and it is also the King of Jin Jue. A witch goddess whom he valued.

Chu Fengmian has now subdued King Gold Jade, almost hitting the King of Jin Jue in the face, and King of Jin Jue will never give up.

The prestige of the king of Divine Palace 3 of the Witch was established in the fights. No one of the kings of the Witch Divine Palace 3 is easy to provoke. The King of the Flame Witch is because of conflicts with the kings of the land. , Was directly expelled from the inner palace.

“It’s okay, the king of Jinjue dared to come, and I gave him the same way.”

Chu Fengmian opened the mouth and said disapprovingly when he heard the words of Yan Witch King.

He has now subdued most of the wizard gods in the outer palace.

Many of the other witch god children also learned the news and went into hiding early.

It is not an easy task to find the hidden witch gods in Divine Palace, Chu Fengmian already has plans to enter the inner palace.

In this way, Chu Fengmian must be in conflict with the Divine Palace 3 king.

Most of the witch gods in the inner palace belonged to the witch Divine Palace 3 king.

In addition, the news that Chu Fengmian is so aggressively soliciting the subjugation of the witch god child, I am afraid that it has long been passed to the inner palace. Chu Fengmian is not going to provoke the witch Divine Palace 3 king, and the witch Divine Palace 3 king will not let it go. Chu Fengmian’s.

Divine Palace 3 The authority of the kings in the Divine Palace of Witches cannot be provoked. They will never sit back and ignore the rise of Chu Fengmian.

In this way, even if the Gold Jade King is subdued now, it does not matter.

Anyway, Chu Fengmian and Divine Palace 3 will have a battle sooner or later.

Chu Fengmian’s plan is to subdue all the gods of the witch Divine Palace, the 3 king of witch Divine Palace, and it is also within Chu Fengmian’s goal.

While talking, Chu Fengmian also directly dissolved and swallowed the Divine Palace imprint on King Gold Jade that had just been surrendered, and God’s Force poured into Chu Fengmian’s body.

As Chu Fengmian surrendered more and more witch gods, the engulfed witch Divine Palace became more and more branded, and Chu Fengmian became stronger.

The 129,600 immortal crystals in Chu Fengmian’s body are like a Great Appetite King, which cannot be filled up anyway. The continuously swallowed God’s Force is constantly swallowed and turned into Chu Fengmian’s power.

Now Chu Fengmian’s strength, compared with before, is already impossible to mention on equal terms, the king of Divine Palace 3.

When Chu Fengmian first entered the Divine Palace of the Witch, he was very afraid of the Divine Palace 3 King, but now, Chu Fengmian is sure, even if the King of Divine Palace 3 arrives, he is not afraid at all. .

“I haven’t touched the red moon, and I haven’t heard about Konglin, Jin Fanjing, and the Black Cinder King. I don’t know where they are hiding.”

Chu Fengmian couldn’t help but think of it.

He almost turned the outer palace of Divine Palace upside down, but still there was no news of the red moon and the others.

Chu Fengmian agreed to Wu Lin Pavilion to protect Hongyue’s life, and he did not want to miss the appointment.

At the same time, the strength of Konglin, Jin Fanjing, and Black Ember King, although in the eyes of Chu Fengmian today, is nothing.

But behind their three people, there are all standing witch emperors, Chu Fengmian can not fear them, but impossible completely ignores the witch emperors behind them, these witch emperors must have left them some trump cards.

Before completely killing their three people, Chu Fengmian did not dare to be completely relieved.

“If it’s not in the outer palace, it’s probably in the inner palace.”

Chu Fengmian’s mind moved.

The outer palace of the Divine Palace is actually the edge of the Divine Palace, and the inner palace is the real core place.

“Go, let’s go to the inner palace.”

Chu Fengmian thought for a while, and directly opened the mouth and said, heading towards the inner palace.

Chu Fengmian did not take away all the witch gods he had subdued, only a few strong men, such as the Yan Witch King, a total of 5 silhouettes, grandiose headed towards the inner palace of the witch Divine Palace.

At the same time, in the inner palace of Divine Palace.

The tall palaces form the inner palace of the Divine Palace. Every palace here is where the disciplines of the top ten wizard gods once lived. Many of these palaces contain the power of the ten wizard gods.

For the comprehend witch god’s way, it has great advantages.

The powerful witch gods in Divine Palace, except for those who were forced out of the inner palace like the Yan witch king, are all cultivation in the inner palace of the witch Divine Palace.

The inner palace of the Divine Palace is also closer to the core of the Divine Palace. It also has great benefits for the Comprehend Law.

Among the countless palaces, in the tallest palace, a tall silhouette sits on the throne, seeming to be closing his eyes.

Unlike most of the flesh and blood on other witch god children, this person’s flesh and blood is intact, and a golden light radiates from his body, reflecting his body.

Under the throne, there are many witch god sons standing, they looked towards the existence on the tall throne, and their eyes are extremely respectful.

This being sitting on the highest throne is the King of Jinjue.

One of the 3 kings of Wu Divine Palace, it is located at the apex of countless Wu Clan gods.

He sat there with supreme majesty in every move.

The witch god child standing below him, even afraid to breathe loudly, kept his head down.

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