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Mountain River King, Tong Spirit King, Jinling King, and 3 Witch God sons. Now in front of Chu Fengmian, they didn’t even have the power to fight back. They were completely defeated and suppressed.

Seeing the three people of Shanhe Wang, they knelt in front of Chu Fengmian in a blink of an eye.

Even the Kongzhen King who had seen Chu Fengmian’s power before, Li Saint King and the others couldn’t help showing a bit of horror.

They had seen the power of Chu Fengmian before, but didn’t expect that power is still just the tip of the iceberg of Chu Fengmian’s strength.

Especially in the view of Li Saint King, even if Chu Fengmian can defeat the three Shanhe Kings, it should take some means.

But didn’t expect that Chu Fengmian destroyed the Three Mountain River Kings with just a single sword. After experiencing tens of thousands of years’ great array of extinction, the entire nest was destroyed by Chu Fengmian.

This level of strength is no different from that of the Divine Palace 3 king.

Even now Chu Fengmian, powerful Saint King and the others, is a deep and unmeasurable feeling.

“Following such an invincible powerhouse does not seem to be a bad thing.”

This thought suddenly appeared in the hearts of Saint King and the others.

They can see that Chu Fengmian is not very old, even among the Wu people, he is an extremely young figure, but now he has such strength, it is a certainty that Chu Fengmian will achieve Imperial Capital in the future.

These witch god sons, although they are all geniuses in the witch clan, they know themselves that they cannot reach the level of the witch god in the legend.

It is not easy to even step into the witch emperor.

Even if they leave Divine Palace, they still have to join a force.

But now that Chu Fengmian has shown such terrifying strength, it makes them feel that following Chu Fengmian may be a good choice.

“Hmph, your lord has given you the opportunity, but you don’t know how to cherish it. It’s not fast to acknowledge allegiance, is it want to die?”

King Kongzhen, who was the first to take refuge in Chu Fengmian, immediately shouted at the three kings of Shanhe.

After seeing Chu Fengmian’s strength, he is already the most loyal to Chu Fengmian. Without Chu Fengmian speaking, he directly took the lead.

“Acknowledge allegiance, we are willing to acknowledge allegiance.”

The three Kings of Mountains and Rivers showed a bit of hesitation on their faces, but the moment they saw Chu Fengmian’s sword in his hands, they had all acknowledged allegiance.

There is no one who wants to die in the witch god child in the witch Divine Palace.

Otherwise, they won’t be struggling hard in the Divine Palace of the Witch, without getting rid of it.


Chu Fengmian nodded, with a move of the palm of his hand, a black Spiritual Force condensed in the air, turned into the All Heavens Life and Death seal, divided into three parts, and suddenly hit the three people of Shanhe King.

The King of Mountain River knew that this was to control their restriction, but they had no power to fight back. They could only obediently let Chu Fengmian obediently print All Heavens Life and Death into their bodies.

After doing all this, Chu Fengmian let go of the King of Mountains and Rivers and the others, and at the same time called them over, and began to devour the Divine Palace brand on them.

A few minutes.

The witch Divine Palace brand on the Three Kings of Mountain River was completely swallowed by Chu Fengmian. The continuously witch God’s Force flooded into Chu Fengmian’s body, adding some strength to Chu Fengmian.

“Very well, my strength has gone further, and this is far from reaching the limit. I can swallow more Divine Palace branding to improve my strength!”

Chu Fengmian’s mind moved and said to himself.

This time, dissolve the Divine Palace brand of the witch on Shanhe King 3.

It only consumes about 4% of Chu Fengmian’s 20 innate Divine Beast Bloodline.

As Chu Fengmian swallowed the witch Divine Palace, more and more marks.

His understanding of the brand of the witch Divine Palace is getting deeper and deeper, and the energy consumed is less and less when the swallow is resolved.

20% Bloodline Strength, it does not take long to recover naturally, and Chu Fengmian does not need to rest.

“Go, go to the next place.”

Chu Fengmian opened the mouth and said to everyone.

King Leiqi quickly walked out, took Chu Fengmian, and went to the next gathering place of the witch gods.

Three full days.

Chu Fengmian is constantly subduing the witch gods and devouring the witch Divine Palace brand on them.

There are already more than 30 of Chu Fengmian’s subdued witch gods.

Most of these 30 people are the kind of unruly people. After knowing that Chu Fengmian has the method to dissolve the stigma of the Divine Palace, they directly wanted to grab them.

But without exception, they were all easily defeated by Chu Fengmian, were directly stamped by the middle and lower All Heavens Life and Death, and became Chu Fengmian’s servants.

Only some witch gods, who are more acquainted, took the initiative to sign an early contract with Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian didn’t have trouble for them either, they were all signed conditions, just like King Kongzhen’s conditions, as long as they served Chu Fengmian for 1000 years.

As the engulfed witch Divine Palace became more and more branded, Chu Fengmian’s strength increased faster and faster.

Even Chu Fengmian feels that his current strength is already 40-50% higher than when he first entered the Divine Palace.

I didn’t expect, I just entered the Divine Palace of Wu, although I haven’t got the inheritance of the Wu God, but the strength has been advanced by leaps and bounds, this time I entered the Divine Palace of Wu, it is the right time.

Chu Fengmian’s heart moved, feeling the strength of his body, and his heart was extremely happy.

The most dangerous witch Divine Palace brand among the witch Divine Palace is now no longer a threat to Chu Fengmian.

Instead, it became Chu Fengmian’s power and was used by Chu Fengmian.

Now Chu Fengmian has made a lot of money even if he did not get the inheritance of the wizard god, but Chu Fengmian has no plans to give up the inheritance of the wizard god.

After he entered the Divine Palace in Wu, that kind of weird attraction had a deeper and deeper influence on Chu Fengmian.

He knows that this kind of attraction means that once Chu Fengmian can obtain the inheritance of the shaman god, the benefits to Chu Fengmian’s strength will be limitless.

He is now surrendering a large number of witch gods and devouring the witch Divine Palace brand to improve his strength, and he is also planning to finally compete for the witch god inheritance.

“I, I am the King of Jinjue, dare you to do something to me, the King of Jinjue will not let you go!”

Another witch god son, after being defeated by Chu Fengmian, opened the mouth and said unwillingly.

“The King of Jinjue?”

Chu Fengmian knows that the King of Jin Jue is one of the 3 kings of the Divine Palace and the overlord of the entire Divine Palace.

Among the Divine Palace, the strongest among all the witch gods.

The witch god child in front of him is the king of Jin Jue, but Chu Fengmian doesn’t care at all. What he wants is the witch Divine Palace brand. No one can stop him. He waved his hand, All Heavens Life and The Death seal was condensed out and directly penetrated into this person’s body.

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