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“What happened recently? I want to wake me up. There are still more than ten years before the devouring catastrophe.”

King Jin Jue sitting on the throne slowly opened his eyes.

Most of the witch gods in the Divine Palace are in cultivation.

Generally, only when the devouring calamity occurs once in 100 years will they wake up to prepare to resist the devouring calamity.

This time, the King of Jinjue was awakened by others.

When he spoke, his tone was full of anger.

This makes the witch gods below all trembled involuntarily.

They also know the temper of the King of Jinjue, if it really provokes the King of Jinjue, they will be taught a lesson at light, and they will be directly deprived of their flesh and blood.

In Divine Palace, if there is no flesh and blood, once it encounters the devouring calamity once in 100 years, it will only fall.

No one wants to fall like this in vain, the god son of the witch clan in the witch Divine Palace.

The witch god child below, glanced at each other, and one of the witch god child came out cautiously opened the mouth and said.

“Lord Wang of Jin Juezhi, it is said that something happened in the outer palace. There is a witch god son who suddenly recruited a lot of witch god sons. I don’t know what he wants to do.”

“We can’t judge for a while, we can only wake up adults.”

“Outer Palace? You need to wake me up for this little thing?”

King of Jinjue is frowned.

The outer palace, in his opinion, is that kind of remote place, only those weak and weak wizard gods will hide in the outer palace.

He never paid attention to the outer palace.

Now it’s just because of the little things in the outer palace, do you want to wake him?

The King of Jin Jue just wanted to get angry, but the witch god child below opened the mouth and said first.

“The adults should be angry. Although this is a trivial matter in the outer palace, it has something to do with the adults. The gold Jade king of the former master of acknowledge allegiance was in the outer palace and was subdued by this person.”

“En? King Gold Jade? That’s the Little Brat who came in 100,000 years ago? This person’s innate talent is not bad, but he has been subdued now?”

Upon hearing this, King of Jin Jue’s eyes suddenly revealed a bit of ice-cold saying.

“What’s the matter, say, who is it, who dares to provoke the majesty of the King of Jinjue?”

“It is said that it is a newcomer named Chu Fengmian.”

The witch god child hurriedly replied.

“Chu Fengmian? Newcomer?”

King Jin Jue’s eyes flickered, his eyes suddenly looked towards a witch god son standing aside, coldly said.

“Jin Fanjing, do you know this person?”

The witch god son who stood by was Jin Fanjing.

After he came to the Divine Palace in Wu, he directly devoted himself to the king of Jinjue.

They both belonged to the Bloodline of the Golden Wizard God, and the King of Jin Jue treated him well, so he could stand as a newcomer in the inner palace of the Divine Palace.

Now hearing King Jin Jue’s question, Jin Fanjing stepped out and said respectfully.

“Reporting back to your lord, I know this person, this person is the person whom the Black Witch Emperor fancy this time.”

“This person’s strength is extremely weird. It is the Bloodline of the Fire Sorcerer God, but he still knows a sword technique. I have played against him before, and I didn’t take advantage of the deterioration of the people.”

“The candidate whom the Dark Witch Emperor fancy?”

King Jin Jue’s eyes flickered when he heard this.

Black Witch Emperor.

The youngest witch emperor of the witch clan.

In almost 10000 years, he went from being a nobody to becoming a witch emperor.

Such innate talent is extremely rare in the history of the Witch.

The King of Jin Jue also heard of the existence of the Black Witch Emperor from Jin Fanjing’s mouth this time.

Although for the King of Jin Jue, the Black Witch Emperor is just a junior.

But he didn’t dare to despise it, the Black Witch Emperor, but a real Witch Emperor.

His strength is just very close to the wizard emperor, and he has not really reached the category of the wizard emperor.

And just because his strength is extremely close to the witch emperor, so he understands how terrifying existence is such a young witch emperor.

As for Chu Fengmian himself, he didn’t care much.

A newcomer, even if he has some strength, he did not take it seriously.

It’s different from those wizards who have lost their fleshy body and can’t perform 50% of their strength.

King of Jin Jue’s fleshy body is still perfect. His strength can be fully displayed without fear of anyone at all.

“Since he is a person whom the Black Witch Emperor values, he should still have some abilities. I want to meet this person to see what his origins are, and dare to subdue me!”

There was a bit of coldness in the eyes of King Jin Jue.

The other Divine Race witches lowered their heads even more when they saw the eyes of the King of Jinjue.

They knew that this was a manifestation of the anger of King Jinjue.

The majesty of the King of Jin Jue cannot be provoked. Now that Chu Fengmian dares to subdue King Gold Jade, he is completely provoking the majesty of the King of Jin Jue.

The coldness in his eyes represents the killing intent of the King of Jinjue.

“My lord, I am willing to go to the outer palace, capture the kid, and bring him over.”

Another witch god child next to him walked out and looked towards the King of Jin Jue opened the mouth and said.

Since these witch god sons of King Jin Jue had already taken refuge in King Jin Jue, they naturally wanted King Jin Jue to do more in order to get the favor of King Jin Jue.

In the Witch Divine Palace, as long as the Witch God sons who are covered by the Witch Divine Palace 3 kings, they are always going smoothly and no one dares to provoke them.

Moreover, the power of the witch Divine Palace 3 king has also reached the level that it can vaguely counter the witch Divine Palace devouring the catastrophe once in 100 years.

Many of the witch god sons are willing to follow the witch Divine Palace 3 king. One reason is to use the power of the witch Divine Palace 3 king to resist the devouring catastrophe.

For the witch gods in the Divine Palace, the devouring calamity once every 100 years is their greatest threat.

The witch god son who has devoted himself to following the witch Divine Palace 3 king has a great opportunity to use the power of the witch Divine Palace 3 king to resist the devouring catastrophe.

This is also one of the reasons why each and everyone who is extremely proud of the wizard gods, all take the initiative to join the Divine Palace 3 king.

Even the King of Jin Jue, who is the King of Divine Palace 3, his power is limited.

Whoever the King of Jin Jue is willing to help resist the devouring calamity must rely on their performance.

Now is the best opportunity for performance.

The other gods of the Witch Clan originally wanted to speak, but now that they were taken a step ahead, they could only secretly hate themselves for a step slower.

In the final analysis, it was also because of Chu Fengmian, a newcomer.

For them, they haven’t paid attention to a newcomer who has just entered Divine Palace.

This is the best time to win the favor of the King of Jinjue, but it was preempted.

“Oh? It’s not necessary. Since I’m awake, I’ll go and see for myself. I want to see how courageous people are to move me.”

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