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After sighing, Chu Fengmian cast his gaze on Xuanqi’s head again.

At the same time, Chu Fengmian was also looking at the owner of the stall.

This is a witch clan who is much taller than other witch clan. His body is full of muscles, high and bulging, symbolizing power, and his skin is a golden color.

“This is the Bloodline of the Earth Wizard God?”

Chu Fengmian took a look and recognized the witch race, which was the bloodline of the witch god.

Most of the witch tribes descended from the ten great witch gods inherited various characteristics of the ten great witch gods.

Like Chu Fengmian’s current bronze skin, with flames burning all over his body, he can recognize it at a glance. It is a witch family from the fire witch god.

The witch clan in front of him was similar to the witch stone and the others that Chu Fengmian had seen before, and he recognized it at a glance. This person was a witch clan who inherited Bloodline, the god of earth witches.

At the same time, he also exudes this overwhelming power. This power represents that he is a witch king.

A witch king set up a stall in this black witch city.

This is outside, almost unimaginable.

Even in the Northern Territory, the Immortal Venerable Witch King is extremely mysterious, aloof and remote.

Just like the strongest of Southern Desolate, the King of Southern Desolate, he would never show up on weekdays. He would only show up in person when he encountered a major event.

In weekdays, some news about the Southern Desolate King came from the Southern Witch Tribe, and the Southern Desolate King himself is like that kind of mysterious and unpredictable powerhouse.

But here is the ancient territory, where immortal saints walk everywhere. Although the Witch King Immortal Venerable is not like that, it is quite common.

Looking over, there are now 4 Witch Kings in the Black Witch City who are setting up a stall.

However, the witch king in front of him is the strongest. Although his strength is not as mysterious and unpredictable as the Great Elder witch in the empty witch tower, it is also compared to most witch kings. It’s going to be strong.

No wonder he can hunt down a mystery in the Immortal Venerable Realm world.

The head of Immortal Venerable Realm Jie Xuanqi, placed on the booth like this, not only attracted Chu Fengmian’s attention.

Many witch races who came and went could not help but looked over, and many witch races were very interested in Xuanqi’s head.

Xuanqi is considered to be the most powerful bloodline strength in the wild beast clan. This Xuanqi head contains the blood essence of Xuanqi. If anyone gets it, he will swallow all the power of the blood essence, and it will also have a great effect on his own strength. Big improvement.

However, although there are many people who have watched it, there are very few people who actually ask the price.

The head of an Xianzun Xuanqi, without asking, is absolutely a priceless thing.

For Xiansheng, even if it is to take out all the wealth in his body, it is impossible to buy it.

Chu Fengmian stood here and watched for a long time, and found two witch kings passing by. They went to the booth and asked them, but after talking for a while, they all left in disbelief.

The stall owner stood there quietly.

For the witch tribe, a few days or even a few years is a small time, and most witch tribes are enough to survive tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years.

For the Witch King, their lifespan is even longer.

Therefore, the stalls here often sell things for several years, which is also very common.

“It’s King Wuya, he hunted down an immortal beast again? Is this the head of Xuanqi?”

“Xuanqi, this is an extremely powerful existence among the wild beasts, and was actually hunted by the Witch Cliff King?”

“It is said that a while ago, in the Taiyu, there was a mysterious stranger who made chaos, it would not be this one.”

“It should be, I heard that the Xuanqi in the Taiyu was beheaded. Didn’t expect it was made by the Wuya King.”

“The Bloodline of the Earth Wizard God has long since fallen. Didn’t expect a freak like the Witch Cliff King. If he can really become the witch emperor, perhaps the Bloodline of the Earth Wizard God can flourish again.”

“Difficult, the Bloodline aptitude of Witch Cliff King is only 7th-level emperor blood. It is almost impossible to achieve the Witch Emperor, and it is said that there are some hidden diseases on his body.”

“It’s a pity. If the Bloodline of the Witch Cliff King is on the first level, it is possible that the earth witch god clan will really give birth to a witch emperor.”

Two witches, passing by, talking in a low voice, they seem to know the stall owner.

There are 1000 witches in the Black Witch City, and almost most of them know each other.

Two unfamiliar faces like Chu Fengmian and Kun Peng suddenly appeared in the Black Witch City, which attracted the attention of some people.

However, there are often newcomers joining the ancient territory. Other witch tribes just took a look at Chu Fengmian and Kun Peng, not at all.

“Witch Cliff King.”

Chu Fengmian wrote down the name.

The Witch Cliff King seemed to have no patience like other Witch Clan. Seeing no one came forward to him, he seemed to put away his stall.

At this time, Chu Fengmian suddenly walked in the direction of King Wuya.

To Xuanqi’s head, Chu Fengmian was somewhat interested.

He condensed the seventh heavenly witch’s life, only a small part of the blood essence was missing. Before, in the empty witch tower, he killed three witch kings including the Kongliu King, and obtained a large amount of blood essence at once.

Later, when he was leaving, Chu Fengmian cut off another arm of the Great Elder Wu Gen in the empty witch tower. The blood essence in this arm is no less than the blood essence of the Kong Liu King.

All of the blood essence was swallowed by the seventh embryonic form of Chu Fengmian’s body.

The Seventh Heavenly Witch’s True Fate, in Chu Fengmian’s body, has already begun to condense, and the distance is completely condensed, only one step away.

If he gets this mysterious head, Chu Fengmian is 50% sure that he can directly condense the seventh witch’s life.

This is one of the reasons why Chu Fengmian has been standing here and watching for so long. Originally, Chu Fengmian was still figuring out how to buy this mysterious head.

After all, Chu Fengmian is just a pauper. He has only one witch coin all over his body. As for the other Immortal Pills, etc., they have been exhausted long ago, which can be said to be impoverished.

It was impossible to buy this mysterious head, but Chu Fengmian hurriedly walked over when King Wuya was about to leave.

Treasures such as Xuanqi’s head are not common in the Black Witch City. Among all the stalls in the Black Witch City, there are quite a few stalls selling blood essence, but this is the only one at the level of Immortal Venerable.

For the missed, Chu Fengmian didn’t know how long he would have to wait.

“This mysterious head, what price?”

Chu Fengmian came to the booth and directly asked Wuya King.

“900 witch coins.”

King Wuya glanced at Chu Fengmian, and opened the mouth and said coldly, as if he were a routine.

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